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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions


Interesting, 2003+?
J-20 equipped with WS-15?!?
Found the following vid on utube.

WS-15发动机重大突破 歼-20将量产成军? 20131020
Major breakthrough in WS-15 engine - J-20 will be in mass production soon? 20131020

Another link to the above vid:
俄媒称歼-20突破最大试验障碍 将量产成军-20131020长江新闻号-凤凰视频-最具媒体品质的综合视频门户-凤凰网


视频: 外媒称中国已组装4架歼20 配国产发动机
Foreign media said China has assembled four F-20s with domestic engine

外媒称中国已组装4架歼20 配国产发动机—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看

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