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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Im not sure what innovation is being claimed with regards to the sentence above?

first, the How does a platform that moves the missle outside the bay then closes the doors take less time than a trapeze that brings it out? Unless they are using faster motors.. it's a moot point.

Second, the RCS of the Missile also exists.. hence whether the bay is closed or not there will still be a spike from the RCS of the PL-10. if that is less than that of the missle outside the bay then it's an academic thing. But considering that you are talking about a WVR missle it means you have already closed into range that will allow the enemy to either see you or otherwise.
It would make sense if the launch system allowed for a more rapid firing of the missile that might allow for close in silent attacks using a LOAL(Lock-on After launch) mode but the reporting here claims something entirely pointless.

The only actual innovation I see in this is the simplicity movement in terms of the missile rail as compared to the multiple joints that go into the F-22's design. There is no other actual "innovation" to the design when it comes to RCS or firing mechanism.
There are no 'innovations' here. These news sources only repeat what official Chinese media issued to them. Not likely any of them will do their own analysis or even consult with someone in the relevant field before printing a report.

First it was about an opened weapons bay, then after I pointed out that a missile can be just as bad as an opened weapons bay, the goal posts were moved to aerodynamics, as if once a weapons bay opened, the F-22 will just lose a couple hundreds kts airspeed. Then when that could not be credibly argued, the goal posts were moved again to where flames from the missile will destroy 'stealth' coating.

Come on...
Once the missile is out of the weapons bay the irregular shape will reflect radar emissions anyway...door open or not.
First it was about an opened weapons bay, then after I pointed out that a missile can be just as bad as an opened weapons bay, the goal posts were moved to aerodynamics, as if once a weapons bay opened, the F-22 will just lose a couple hundreds kts airspeed.



it can have some manuveurabilty advanatges for J20
but not stealth advantage , becoz an open weapon bay can increase some drag so it is just a media & alarmist people's hype i think.

The door of the bay then closed, leaving the missile outside, but still attached to the airframe.

This arrangement is said to allow the missile to be fired in the shortest time possible. In the F-22 design, the door of its side internal weapons bay has to remain open for the launch of a missile, thus possibly compromising its stealth capability. By contrast, the J-20 could stay stealthy throughout the missile-launch process by keeping the bay door closed.

@sancho @Safriz @ANTIBODY > kindly take a look at the GIF
Kindly take a look at one basic principle of radar detection...


The structure call the 'corner reflector', especially the 90 deg type, is a 'stealth killer', opened weapons bay or not.

If an IR missile is NOT lock-on-after-launch (LOAL), the pilot must expose the missile until the missile signals the pilot that it has achieved IR source lock. That time is indeterminate, meaning if the target is maneuvering, there is no telling how long it will take the missile to focus on an IR source long enough to achieve lock. That mean those fins that create the dreaded 'corner reflector' will be exposed for any seeking radar.

So there is no credible argument to say that the J-20 will remain 'stealthy' throughout the exposure of the missile as the pilot try to outmaneuver his target.

And if the J-20's supporters insist on dismissing the exposed missile as a threat to the J-20's RCS, then they must do the same for the F-22's opened weapons bay and dismiss it from the F-22's RCS.

But I do not expect the J-20's supporters to be that intellectually honest...
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April 14th and 15th, J-20 continues it's flight tests with new pilot...

Henri K.
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Are there any rumors,about upgrades it may embody? --whats happening with 2001?

Some off multiple defense sites and forums.

Currently the third prototype (2003?) is thought to have been built and is preparing for its maiden flight. There were rumors that the 03 prototype will feature certain "major improvements" and is no longer considered as a "technology demonstrator".
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