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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

From what I read on this forum, I think we can conclude that all of you don't know what you're talking about.

There has been no detailed leaked about the J-20, systems, radar, avionics, nada.

There has been scant details about the F35 and F22, info like range and detailed radar characteristics are CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

Is it fun for you guys to debate about stuff you have NO IDEA about? Much less who would win in your imaginary mental contests?

To the Russian guys too about the Pakfa There's no need to take part in the denigration of Chinese aircraft industry whilst defending the PAKFA. Ultimately Russia today and China are allies. China owes its aircraft development to much of Russian industry. We admire Russian industry.

What I see in this thread is childish namecalling based not on facts, but imaginary factoids dreamed out thin air.

As a Chinese, I'll also say that I am actually flattered to be discussed so vigorously and for Chinese aircraft to be so viciously attacked by so many people from so many nations without knowing anything about the J-20 other than its shape. It's more revealing because these verbal attacks betray a sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

Like it or not, The J-20 has revealed that China has made rapid progress in stealth fighters. The torrent of criticism with no information has also revealed that other nations are nervous about China's progress. The J-20 clearly pushes a lot of buttons.

To me, the ludicrous criticism that we're receiving on the J-20 means we're definitely on the right path for China's Defense. So please carry on sh*t-talking the J-20, folks. Show us just how afraid you are to be passed by China technologically.
From what I read on this forum, I think we can conclude that all of you don't know what you're talking about.

There has been no detailed leaked about the J-20, systems, radar, avionics, nada.

There has been scant details about the F35 and F22, info like range and detailed radar characteristics are CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

Is it fun for you guys to debate about stuff you have NO IDEA about? Much less who would win in your imaginary mental contests?

To the Russian guys too about the Pakfa There's no need to take part in the denigration of Chinese aircraft industry whilst defending the PAKFA. Ultimately Russia today and China are allies. China owes its aircraft development to much of Russian industry. We admire Russian industry.

What I see in this thread is childish namecalling based not on facts, but imaginary factoids dreamed out thin air.

As a Chinese, I'll also say that I am actually flattered to be discussed so vigorously and for Chinese aircraft to be so viciously attacked by so many people from so many nations without knowing anything about the J-20 other than its shape. It's more revealing because these verbal attacks betray a sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

Like it or not, The J-20 has revealed that China has made rapid progress in stealth fighters. The torrent of criticism with no information has also revealed that other nations are nervous about China's progress. The J-20 clearly pushes a lot of buttons.

To me, the ludicrous criticism that we're receiving on the J-20 means we're definitely on the right path for China's Defense. So please carry on sh*t-talking the J-20, folks. Show us just how afraid you are to be passed by China technologically.

if this is all you understood then you clearly didn't read everything!!
So please carry on sh*t-talking the J-20, folks.
:lol: The only people who have been talking sh1t about the J-20 have been the Chinese boys and one Indonesian teenager, not us who have relevant experience. All we have been doing is trying to tone down the sh1t.
From what I read on this forum, I think we can conclude that all of you don't know what you're talking about.

There has been no detailed leaked about the J-20, systems, radar, avionics, nada.

There has been scant details about the F35 and F22, info like range and detailed radar characteristics are CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

Is it fun for you guys to debate about stuff you have NO IDEA about? Much less who would win in your imaginary mental contests?

To the Russian guys too about the Pakfa There's no need to take part in the denigration of Chinese aircraft industry whilst defending the PAKFA. Ultimately Russia today and China are allies. China owes its aircraft development to much of Russian industry. We admire Russian industry.

What I see in this thread is childish namecalling based not on facts, but imaginary factoids dreamed out thin air.

As a Chinese, I'll also say that I am actually flattered to be discussed so vigorously and for Chinese aircraft to be so viciously attacked by so many people from so many nations without knowing anything about the J-20 other than its shape. It's more revealing because these verbal attacks betray a sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

Like it or not, The J-20 has revealed that China has made rapid progress in stealth fighters. The torrent of criticism with no information has also revealed that other nations are nervous about China's progress. The J-20 clearly pushes a lot of buttons.

To me, the ludicrous criticism that we're receiving on the J-20 means we're definitely on the right path for China's Defense. So please carry on sh*t-talking the J-20, folks. Show us just how afraid you are to be passed by China technologically.
We can say the same thing about the f-35.
1. The F-35 uses cheaper composite materials for stealth and avoids the expensive F-22 multi-layers of stealth paint applications.

Lockheed-Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter; Assessing the Joint Strike Fighter

"The stealth capability in the JSF is designed for low cost and maintainability, rather than best possible stealth performance. Stealth is achieved by a combination of shaping, detail design and absorbent/lossy materials, with shaping being the most dominant feature by some degree. While detail design and materials can evolve over the life of a design, and be upgraded incrementally to match an evolving threat, airframe shaping is fixed and whatever limits it imposes are unchangable."

So where does it say anything about quality of materials? You are implying that the F-35 is inferior because of the types of “cheap” material it uses, but since when did cheap materials imply low quality? You are either new to LEAN manufacturing or have never heard the term. In lean manufacturing, manpower and unnecessary waste/ is reduced. Products and material is purchased in such as manner as to eliminate over stocking and wasting material, quicker and more efficient methods of manufacturing is used.

Lets bust your claim:

Lockheed Martin reveals F-35 to feature nanocomposite structures

Lockheed Martin has revealed the F-35 Lightning II will be the first mass-produced aircraft to integrate structural nanocomposites in non-load bearing airframe components.

A thermoset epoxy reinforced by carbon nanotubes will replace carbon fibre as the material used to produce F-35 wingtip fairings beginning with low rate initial production.

The shift to CNRP as an airframe material has been anticipated ever since carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1991. It is widely considered one of the strongest materials ever invented - several times stronger than carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP), yet lighter by about 25-30%.

The high cost and complexity of producing the structures means they have so far had limited applications in aerospace programmes.

Lockheed, however, has invented a process that dramatically reduces the cost to build carbon nanotube composites for aircraft structures, Earles said. The new wingtip fairing is being made for one-tenth of the cost of the equivalent CFRP component, he said.

So basically you are a liar, the F-35 uses some of the most adanced materials know, and the materials are very expensive. However, Lockheed's manufacturing process is able to produce the material at a very cheap price.

2. After two years in this thread, I can only conclude you are brain dead. You're seriously telling me you don't understand why the lack of internal side weapon bays make the F-35 inferior to the J-20? It is obvious.

Let's say both the F-35 and J-20 carry MRAAM in their main underside weapon bay. Since only the J-20 has side internal weapon bays, which carry SRAAM, the F-35 is at a disadvantage in a dogfight. WVR combat is likely to occur because the AESA radar won't pick up the other fighter until close range.

Lets not say, the F-35 can carry both short and long range AAM’s. That is the end of the story but if you want to get more in depth all good air forces usually fly in groups or formations , or they can quickly scramble fighters if needed. The reason for this is because they want to outnumber the enemy, a plus to this is if the formation is flying close enough and the range is far enough enemy aircraft struggle achieve lock because the enemy radar essentially sees one large blob but can not identify individual aircraft.

The types of weapons also plays a role, we don’t know how good Chinese systems are. What will be the hit rate? We don’t know how resistant if at all Chinese AAM’s are to counter measures. We don’t know how maneuverable the F-35 is despite all the internet claims. A good missile with high hit rate, high off bore sight integrated with a helmet mounted systems can easily destroy a more maneuverable aircraft. If that aircraft happens to be highly maneuverable that will just be icing on the cake.

No matter how you look at it, a J-20 fighter with six missiles is superior to a F-35 fighter with four missiles. I can't believe you can't figure that out yourself and I have to explain it to you.

There is more to it than that. How many J-20’s will face F-35’s is hypothetical, one can always claim that the F-35 will outnumber the J-20 and based on production numbers this is a real possibility. Then of course is other factors, weapons, training, and avionics.

you guess China is still relies on Russians, what age is now? 1990s? Today, China can develop radars far better than Russia. there is an example, China reject Russian offer to build its own one.
The current KJ-2000 AWACS in Chinese service is equipped with a domestic AESA (active electronically scanned array),[4] also known as active phased array, radar. The radar was designed by the Research Institute of Electronic Technology (also more commonly known as the 14th Institute) at Nanjing,,,,

Really? So where is the proof? Because China has an AWACS with AESA it automatically has better radars? :lol:Russia also has various AESA radars, whether its ground or air based, or the naval based ones that are being developed. The point is that you have zero proof the back your claims.

it starts by someone "F35 jams J20", anyway, 5G fighter is not jammer which require a lot of power, electricity power. dual engine J20 certainly can over power F35. also J20 can installed large and more powerful radar. longer range missiles. your claim of poor hit rate is clueless. Chinese lately test number of missiles with 100% hit rate.

Jamming does not require a lot of power, the F-18 Growler which is a dedicated electronics warfare aircraft has two small engines rated at 22,000lbs in afterburner and more importantly 14,000 dry thrust. The F-35 has one massive engine which produces 43,000 in afterburner and 28,000lbs dry thrust. The point here is that the Growler is fitted with all sorts of electronic warfare equipment, it doesn’t just use its radar.

but, the funny part is that you are acting as if you are the one knows 'everything' and more importantly yours are 'right'``if you got refuted then you start using the same old tricks like```' i have 'experiences so you are B.S' or 'chinese physics'

you are probably around 45 but acting like 15``sad

This is funny considering that Chinese members here are the ones acting like they know everything and claims to have experience whether its claiming to have studied some field of aviation or calling themselves aerospace engineers or boasting about how many you tube views they have.

So how many of use have claimed anything bad about the J-20?

Now how many Chinese members have claimed outrageous and provocative claims that they could not prove?

Chinese members here have claimed:

The J-20 can jam the F-35.

They claim the J-20 can track the F-35 at further distances.

They claim that Chinese radars are better than Russian ones.

They claim that the F-35 uses ‘cheap material’.

They claim that the J-20 is more maneuverable than the pak-fa and F-22.

They claimed that the J-20 has a superior RCS than the F-35.

Funny how its Chinese members start trash talking but when their nonsense is challenged we are the big bad trash talkers even though we rarely if ever say anything about the J-20.

From what I read on this forum, I think we can conclude that all of you don't know what you're talking about.

There has been no detailed leaked about the J-20, systems, radar, avionics, nada.

There has been scant details about the F35 and F22, info like range and detailed radar characteristics are CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

This is exactly why many Chinese members on this forum look like fools.

As a Chinese, I'll also say that I am actually flattered to be discussed so vigorously and for Chinese aircraft to be so viciously attacked by so many people from so many nations without knowing anything about the J-20 other than its shape. It's more revealing because these verbal attacks betray a sense of insecurity and vulnerability.

If you actually been on the thread long enough you would know that the attacks come from Chinese members. The entire argument right now is because Martian2 derailed the thread with how bad the F-35 is. He also often posts the same about the pak-fa and how bad it is. The point is that, he and other Chinese members are the instigators. Instigators that derail threads and than blame others for being ‘anti Chinese’ or ‘attacking the J-20’. When In reality hardly anyone has ever even mentions the J-20; the argument from me and others is to challenge some of the ridiculous claims made by Chinese members.

In short it goes like this, the thread is on topic. Some Chinese guy interrupts and derails the thread by posting an ‘assessment’ of how the pak-fa and F-35 are crap. Than that Chinese member receives thanks, other Chinese members quickly join in and make more claims such as the J-20 has a superior radar to the F-35, the J-20 is more maneuverable than the pak-fa and F-22, the J-20 can jam the F-35, the J-20 can shoot down the F-35 before it will be detected, ect, ect, ect.

When those claims are challenged, we are called trolls, anti Chinese, J-20 haters and other various things. How Ironic.
The PAK FA is a shoddy looking piece of crap compared to the F-35. It doesn't even come close.

Check out the sawtooth panel edge alignment on the F-35.


The PAK FA doesn't even bother. What a joke.



The PAK FA is a shoddy looking piece of crap compared to the F-35. It doesn't even come close.

Check out the sawtooth panel edge alignment on the F-35.


The PAK FA doesn't even bother. What a joke.



I think the t-50 is in the X-35 development stage
The PAK FA is a shoddy looking piece of crap compared to the F-35. It doesn't even come close.

Check out the sawtooth panel edge alignment on the F-35.


The PAK FA doesn't even bother. What a joke.




This is a perfect example of Chinese chest thumping, instigating trouble and insulting. Either way J-20black-dragqueen seems to be frustrated that his fellow brothers dug themselves in a hole, so in accordance to Chinese physics some pictures are posted to distract the readers attention and some petty comments are made. :lol:

And i would be more worried about the corner reflects from the J-20's tails fins and the concave structures.

I think the t-50 is in the X-35 development stage

These kids wouldn’t know what a development stage is if it hit them in the face. :lol: The X-35 had very little serration anywhere including bay doors, even the engine was conventional, as was the two piece canopy.

The pak-fa has far more serration than the X-35 ever had. The X-35 eventually evolved into the F-35 where many prototypes were produced. No need to add serration to a temporary access panel or add serration to bays that will be altered.

And yes, the pak-fa is in the X-35 development stage, the pak-fa doesn't even have an official designation such as SU-XX similar to how the X was used in the X-35 designation, hence no official designation just an experimental one.
The PAK FA is shoddy looking, end of story.

The PAK FA is like a used Toyota Camry next to the Mercedes S65 J-20. :lol:


What is the dominant variable in longitudinal stability?

So what was your aviation 'experience' or 'study' again? :lol:

LOL still stick on old trick, old guy :lol:

What is the degree of corner reflector? 120 deg? :rofl:

The PAK FA is shoddy looking, end of story.

The PAK FA is like a used Toyota Camry next to the Mercedes S65 J-20. :lol:



Let me guess.

That picture shows how Russia still lack technology to develop/manufacture "bubble canopy" and "DSI" technology ?? :D
Yeeaaaa...So just because you read a few books about wars that mean you can tell a general how to plan his battles or a sniper how to shoot.
you just pictured yourself vivdly

:lol: The only people who have been talking sh1t about the J-20 have been the Chinese boys and one Indonesian teenager, not us who have relevant experience. All we have been doing is trying to tone down the sh1t.
I'd rather say your 'sewing' experiences
LOL still stick on old trick, old guy :lol:

What is the degree of corner reflector? 120 deg? :rofl:

Let me guess.

That picture shows how Russia still lack technology to develop/manufacture "bubble canopy" and "DSI" technology ?? :D
Why do you people think that Russians lack the technology? Anyways the engineers know that it is not stealthy, and they will improve on it. Not being rude but what aviation skill do you have (anything that deal with jets), not trying to be mean here.
Why do you people think that Russians lack the technology?

Why are you still asking?
You can see yourself on the picture above

Anyways the engineers know that it is not stealthy, and they will improve on it.

Use your logic.

If Russia is already capable, why the latest prototype of PAKFA is still showing non DSI air intake and no bubble canopy?

Not being rude but what aviation skill do you have (anything that deal with jets), not trying to be mean here.

Why are you asking my aviation skill?? what is the connection with my statement above? behaving like gambit?
Let me guess.

That picture shows how Russia still lack technology to develop/manufacture "bubble canopy" and "DSI" technology ?? :D

Yes Russia lacks the ability to manufacture a bubble canopy just like the Americans lacked the ability to manufacture a bubble canopy in the X-35 and YF-23 :lol:

And yes, Russia can not develop a big lump in front of an intake, aka DSI. All the engineers, designers, scientists, with all the money available to them and resources such as wind tunnels, computers, machining tools can’t develop a lousy hump in front of the intake. They must be ripping their hair out :lol:

But I know what’s coming you need supercomputers to develop such as device, and the answer to that is not you do not, you need a wind tunnel. And just for the brain dead Russia has supercomputers both domestic as well as foreign.

The 1950’s Migs had divertless intakes in the form of cones but those could be adjusted, unlike the Chinese ones, thus there was no loss in certain flight regimes.

Check this out:

Congratulations, you’re boasting about 1950’s technology. :lol:
Why are you still asking?
You can see yourself on the picture above

Use your logic.

If Russia is already capable, why the latest prototype of PAKFA is still showing non DSI air intake and no bubble canopy?

Why are you asking my aviation skill?? what is the connection with my statement above? behaving like gambit?
Why does it has to be DSI, don't you see it is like in the X-35 like stage

See this pause at the second 2, you see that vent? They improved on it and so will the Russians.

Why is it so hard to just say it man, spit it out that either you have experience or not, just do it man(nike) ;)
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