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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Oh yes there is a 'paper'!!!! I can tell you that much :cheesy:. BUT, you'll have to wait for about 6-8 more months till this information becomes public (o may be much earlier). So just hang tight and wait. Time cures everything.

As expected :rolleyes:
On what paper? There is no reliable source for any of J10Bs capabilities so far, let alone the versions that PAF might get. First it needs to be seen if it catches up to Gripen NG capabilities, rather than EF T3 or even Rafale F3+.
The changes that can be seen so far, makes them more comparable to the changes of latest Mig 29s, reduction of RCS, improved radar and avionics mainly, but important points to make it a really capable medium class fighter are lacking. No additional hardopoints, not additional fuel, limitation to 3 wet/heavy stations only. That's actually the same limitation the EF has, to be a good multi role fighter. But with China diverting their focus on NG fighters, a more comprehensive upgrade like Gripen C to Gripen NG might not be important anymore.

Many an independant source / publications has stated that J-10B is expected to be as capable as the F-16E Block 60. Now as painfull as that maybe for some - that level of capability means that it can't be too far off when compared to a Rafale or Typhoon. As for hopes that China will stop improving the J-10 because they may want to divert resources to NG types -- these are just hopes, China has enough resources to do both and doesn't need to do one at the expense of another.
Many an independant source / publications has stated that J-10B is expected to be as capable as the F-16E Block 60. Now as painfull as that maybe for some - that level of capability means that it can't be too far off when compared to a Rafale or Typhoon. As for hopes that China will stop improving the J-10 because they may want to divert resources to NG types -- these are just hopes, China has enough resources to do both and doesn't need to do one at the expense of another.

Thefore you have to look at what they really know and what they mean! J10B "is expected" to have IRST and AESA radar and some RCS reduction features, which puts it technically of course in the same 4.5 generation as the B60, Gripen NG, EF T3 or Rafale F3. But that doesn't tell us anything about the performance of the fighter and it's techs compared to the others. The Eurocanards IRIS-T/MICA/METEOR missile combo for example, will be far superior that anything the J10 can offer. Rafale and the B60 offer passive detection and weapon guiding capabilities with their highly advanced EW systems. EF anf Gripen NG might offer swashplate AESAs, all of them can carry more weapons with maximum fuel...
So it's far to early to claim that it will be close, or even equal to them, especially since we simply have hardly any realible info on the B version so far.

As expected.....what?? I didn't understand the hidden response....

As expected, caimes without any base.
As expected, caimes without any base.

It's funny how things look different from where you sit. You call that 'without any base', I may call that either private knowledge or closed door discussion!! Can't help you there. Like I said.....time cures all. It shall cure this issue too :)
Thefore you have to look at what they really know and what they mean! J10B "is expected" to have IRST and AESA radar and some RCS reduction features, which puts it technically of course in the same 4.5 generation as the B60, Gripen NG, EF T3 or Rafale F3. But that doesn't tell us anything about the performance of the fighter and it's techs compared to the others. The Eurocanards IRIS-T/MICA/METEOR missile combo for example, will be far superior that anything the J10 can offer. Rafale and the B60 offer passive detection and weapon guiding capabilities with their highly advanced EW systems. EF anf Gripen NG might offer swashplate AESAs, all of them can carry more weapons with maximum fuel...
So it's far to early to claim that it will be close, or even equal to them, especially since we simply have hardly any realible info on the B version so far.

i like how you say we don't know about the real performance of the j-10b then in the same paragraph say it must be worst than "The Eurocanards IRIS-T/MICA/METEOR missile combo" yea because they've faced so many enemies flying comparable aircraft with comparable training.
They scared that china could build some decent fighter better than the best IAF afford to buy in the market. Buying wont match Indeginous in the long run, period!
Thefore you have to look at what they really know and what they mean! J10B "is expected" to have IRST and AESA radar and some RCS reduction features, which puts it technically of course in the same 4.5 generation as the B60, Gripen NG, EF T3 or Rafale F3. But that doesn't tell us anything about the performance of the fighter and it's techs compared to the others. The Eurocanards IRIS-T/MICA/METEOR missile combo for example, will be far superior that anything the J10 can offer.Rafale and the B60 offer passive detection and weapon guiding capabilities with their highly advanced EW systems. EF anf Gripen NG might offer swashplate AESAs, all of them can carry more weapons with maximum fuel...
So it's far to early to claim that it will be close, or even equal to them, especially since we simply have hardly any realible info on the B version so far.

Jf17 is fantastic project acheiveing eaxctly what it was meant for ie replace vintage old mirages at VERY LOW PRICES stil giving new BVR capability and giving PAC some experience in license building.

Jf17 is fantastic project acheiveing eaxctly what it was meant for ie replace vintage old mirages at VERY LOW PRICES stil giving new BVR capability and giving PAC some experience in license building.
Its Just not BVR, its much more! JFT Gives PAF a localization of true MR capabilities. Those who used to discount JFT vis-a-vis J-10 have now started to recognize that JF-17, in fact, has turned out to be more versatile platform than J-10 in terms of capabilities.
Its Just not BVR, its much more! JFT Gives PAF a localization of true MR capabilities. Those who used to discount JFT vis-a-vis J-10 have now started to recognize that JF-17, in fact, has turned out to be more versatile platform than J-10 in terms of capabilities.

Really ?
Even Better than J-10A........ o_O
Thefore you have to look at what they really know and what they mean! J10B "is expected" to have IRST and AESA radar and some RCS reduction features, which puts it technically of course in the same 4.5 generation as the B60, Gripen NG, EF T3 or Rafale F3. But that doesn't tell us anything about the performance of the fighter and it's techs compared to the others. The Eurocanards IRIS-T/MICA/METEOR missile combo for example, will be far superior that anything the J10 can offer. Rafale and the B60 offer passive detection and weapon guiding capabilities with their highly advanced EW systems. EF anf Gripen NG might offer swashplate AESAs, all of them can carry more weapons with maximum fuel...
So it's far to early to claim that it will be close, or even equal to them, especially since we simply have hardly any realible info on the B version so far.
So your position is that the numerous and experienced aviation journalists with exceptional subject knowledge and the many reputable publications they work for are ALL WRONG to say that J-10B will be as capable as F-16E Block 60 and latest European offerings???!!!
They are basing their EXPERT opinion on what they DO know about the J-10B. Sorry but the whole ' chinese haven't disclosed full capabilities yet so too early to say' argument - just comes across as a desperate attempt at burying your head in the sand.
Time to face facts - China is churning out Fifth Gen designs which western experts are putting on par with F-35 etc and you still want to believe that they cannot match F-16E?



The Chengdu J-10 (Jian-10, or F-10 in its export name) is a single-engine, all-weather, high-performance multirole fighter aircraft capable of both air-to-air and air-to-ground roles. The aircraft was designed by Chengdu-based 611 Aircraft Design Institute and manufactured by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC). The aircraft is available in single-sear fighter (A variant) and tandem two-seat fighter-trainer (B variant) versions. The aircraft first flew in 1998 and entered the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) service in 2003. About 50~70 examples are expected to have been delivered by 2006. These planes are powered by a Russian-made AL-31FN turbofan engine, while on later production variants this will be replaced by Chinese indigenous WS-10A “TaiHang” turbofan. The total number of production may be as many as 300.

The J-10 development programme, also known as “Project 8610”, officially began in 1986 to counter the fourth-generation fighters such as MiG-29 and Su-27 then being introduced by the Soviet Union. The aircraft was initially designed as an air-superiority fighter aircraft but changing requirements later shift the development towards a multirole fighter. It was widely speculated that the J-10’s initial design was based on the cancelled Israeli Aerospace Industry (IAI) Lavi lightweight fighter. Despite the denial by both Chinese and Israelis, the high resemblance of the two aircraft appears to support this claim. Russia provided key assistance to the aircraft development after 1990 by helping Chengdu engineers integrate the Lyulka-Saturn AL-31F turbofan engine into the aircraft.

The J-10 is single-engine fighter with a rectangle belly air intake, low-mounted delta wings, and front canard wings. The airframe possesses a large vertical tail, as well as canards placed near the cockpit. The air intake is rectangular in shape, and is located beneath the fuselage. The aircraft is the first Chinese-made fighter to be fitted with a large two-piece bubble canopy to provide 360 degrees of visual coverage for the pilot. If necessary, the aircraft could be fitted with an in-flight refuelling probe.

The J-10 fighter represents the highest achievement of the Chinese aviation industry today. The aircraft achieves high manoeuvrability by using a large amount of composite materials in its fuselage and wing structures to reduce the its overall weight and thus increase the thrust-to-weight ratio. The aircraft design is aerodynamically unstable, to provide a high level of agility, low drag and enhanced lift. The pilot controls the aircraft through a computerised digital, quadruplex (four-channel) “fly-by-wire” (FBW) system, which provides artificial stabilisation and gust elevation to give good control characteristics throughout the flight envelope. The aircraft’s cockpit avionics and fire-control system are also believed to be superior to those of other Chinese indigenous fighter aircraft.

In the late 1990s, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimated that the J-10 could be as manoeuvrable as the U.S. F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. With its advanced “fly-by-wire” system, the J-10 may have a better aerodynamic performance compared to the Russian Su-27, which still uses the conventional control method. The Hong Kong-based newspaper Sing Tao Jih Pao reported on 29 May 2004 that during an aerial war game conducted by the PLAAF, the J-10 fighter has beaten the Su-27 fighter in all three rounds of “dogfight” in the mid-air.

The J-10A single-seat fighter entered service with the PLAAF in 2003, with 50~70 examples delivered so far. The production continues at a rate of 2~3 units per month. The two-seat variant J-10B joined the service In 2006. The aircraft may become available for export market by 2007~08.



Great overview on the J-10/F-10 Aircraft:


While J-10 seems to be an efficient plane and may be it can match F-18 and mig-29 , but the dogfight depends on the skills of the pilot. The plane is as better as its pilot.
So your position is that the numerous and experienced aviation journalists with exceptional subject knowledge and the many reputable publications they work for are ALL WRONG to say that J-10B will be as capable as F-16E Block 60 and latest European offerings???!!!
They are basing their EXPERT opinion on what they DO know about the J-10B. Sorry but the whole ' chinese haven't disclosed full capabilities yet so too early to say' argument - just comes across as a desperate attempt at burying your head in the sand.
Time to face facts - China is churning out Fifth Gen designs which western experts are putting on par with F-35 etc and you still want to believe that they cannot match F-16E?


It does not work like that. Remember---anyone can have a 'beautiful' girl---but not everyone can manage and keep a 'beautiful' girl.

Designing a stealth aircraft is a lesser technology as compared to the technology inside of the belly of the aircraft--ie the engine---and the electronics---.

Capabilities of fighter aircraft are not necessarily disclosed by the manufacturer----they are not a hidden secret---the only secret is from the ignorant---.

There are professionals out there who can look at the adversaries industrial base---look at the design---look at the space available and they can tell you right on the dime the capabilities of the aircraft---the electronics---the weapons systems etc---.

There is nothing that china has operational at par with the F 35 and possibly not for another 10 years----. Just because china has flown a couple of stealth designs doesnot mean they are in league of the big boys---. It is just the begining of a major major headache.

NEVER FORGET ABOUT THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT---when you advance technology so fast---the issues and problems have a habbit of increasing at an ever greater pace and numbers---.

China has yet to solve its engine problems----you want to talk about high end electronics warfare package---.

In their dreams the J10B would be able to come close to the Block 60----they can't even match the pak blk52----and they have no capable technology to match the pak blk 52's for the next 5 to 10 years.
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