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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Kindly discuss the efficiency of j-10 specially against f-16,su-30 and f-18
I would like to say just this thing over here that China's aircraft are not relible. If pakistan get the J_10lso JF-17 we have modify these aircraft according to thier opponents. i think you peoples agre with me.
first of pakistan air force is to make thier aircraft BVR compaitible( F-7's, Mir iii/v, F-16's)
then they hould think about any think other
I would like to say just this thing over here that China's aircraft are not relible. If pakistan get the J_10lso JF-17 we have modify these aircraft according to thier opponents. i think you peoples agre with me.
first of pakistan air force is to make thier aircraft BVR compaitible( F-7's, Mir iii/v, F-16's)
then they hould think about any think other

Very true China's Aircrafts are not relible that's why PAF has been flying there fighter for the last 40 years. You never modify a plane you upgrade it to your level of satisfaction, Where you say Ok this plane is ready for operational use. Once again I stress that BVR is not a big deal.
I would like to say just this thing over here that China's aircraft are not relible. If pakistan get the J_10lso JF-17 we have modify these aircraft according to thier opponents. i think you peoples agre with me.
first of pakistan air force is to make thier aircraft BVR compaitible( F-7's, Mir iii/v, F-16's)
then they hould think about any think other

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I would like to say just this thing over here that China's aircraft are not relible.
why is that? Chinese F-6/mig-19 in 71 war came out with better kill ratio then any other fighter and even shot down superior mig-21. in 1979 Pak-US joint exercise "midlink" F-6 was pitched aganist USAF F-4 and F-15 and in couple of exercises scored kills on F-15! and some experienced pilots on F-6 have also scored kills on PAF F-16s..
then we have Chinese built mig-21 "F-7" for the last 2 decade which has more successful story in PAF then those flying coffins mig-21 in IAF!

If pakistan get the J_10lso JF-17 we have modify these aircraft according to thier opponents. i think you peoples agre with me.
first of pakistan air force is to make thier aircraft BVR compaitible( F-7's, Mir iii/v, F-16's)
then they hould think about any think other

dude what ever you have been hearing or reading is not ture! PAF F-16 block 15 OCU is BVR capable but only lacks BVR missile which was never provided to us other then Aim-7 (20-30km range).. PAF has also upgraded its Mirage-III fleet which are now "BVR capable" but again lacks BVR missile.. recently PAC has installed air refueling prob on 30+ Mirage-III for Il-78 which will be arriving next month.
As for your wonderful idea of inducting only 40 rafaels and scraping 250 JF-17 and FC-20 is just absurd.. JF-17 is going to be PAF backbone for 2-3 decades. now you can not have a army with only "special forces", regulars play as important role as SSGs.. FC-20 is not going to be anything like J-10.. it will feature French avionics and probibly radar.. JF-17 will be equipped with SD-10, MICA and 5th generation short range AAM like A-Darter or ASRAAM. my advice to you would be to read JF-17, FC-20 and F-16 related thread.
I would like to say just this thing over here that China's aircraft are not relible. If pakistan get the J_10lso JF-17 we have modify these aircraft according to thier opponents. i think you peoples agre with me.
first of pakistan air force is to make thier aircraft BVR compaitible( F-7's, Mir iii/v, F-16's)
then they hould think about any think other

Dear JF-17,

Your avatar and screen name is quite miseading, your knowedge of the Thunder is extremey poor and your opinion quite biased. JF-17 Block I with chinese avionics and weapon suite is aready rated to be more capable than block 15 F-16A/B currenty in use with PAF, Bock II will be even more capable depending on its radar, strengthened fuselage and wings and addintional hardpoints with possibility of a european powerplant.

Only frontline fighters in PAF's inventory , i.e. F-16, JF-17 and Mirage III Rose will be equipped with BVR missiles. There's no need to modify F-7P or PG.
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Thank You Munir . I had posted the video to pay you tribute for making it on Youtube.

Great :tup:
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I am honoured! I wish I had the oppertunity to get HD quality back then but if times change I hope once to get there in Pakistan to make a much better JF17 movie... A few nice pics will do but nothing beats good filming and nice music!
I am honoured! I wish I had the oppertunity to get HD quality back then but if times change I hope once to get there in Pakistan to make a much better JF17 movie... A few nice pics will do but nothing beats good filming and nice music!

:) actualy i was recalling where i had read your name on a video then suddenly it clicked as i was also on def.info.

Great work.

If you land here in Pakistan. Be my guest Sir.
A Chinese exclusive on FC-1/JF-17 :enjoy:

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A Chinese exclusive on FC-1/JF-17 :enjoy:

- JF-17 FC-1 Thunder[/url]

We do need to do something about this smoke trail that its leaving behind. The infra red signature is quite visable and so is the smoke to the naked eye.
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The engine problem is not that bad that we need to so something. We cannot do cause it is a rugged engine and the point of smoke is not always an issue. The Phantom had two much more smokey engines and yet it did well in WVR against Mig17... And smoke does not mean more IR signature... I think that the exhaust temperature says more about IR then smoke.
We do need to do something about this smoke trail that its leaving behind. The infra red signature is quite visable and so is the smoke to the naked eye.

I think, Carburetor of JF-17 needs to be changed, so that it can be less smokey :flame:
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