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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Are You sure !??

I thought this is in regard to the next version J-10C, since the J-10B is already operational within the FTTC's 170. Brigade and - even if not confirmed - a regiment within the 2. Fighter Division.

However all still powered by AL-31FN Series III.

And they have AESA radar ? @Deino
From what I've read no, only a PESA ... as Beast noted the power output is not sufficient for an AESA (maybe) !
Then these all must be psed !?? o_O

These are from or for the so far not confirmed 2. Division: Agreed not all have their serials applied and they are blurred, but they are 100 % for sure not the already known four-digit 103x-serials of the prototypes.

View attachment 254551 View attachment 254552 View attachment 254553

... and these are even better confirmed from the 170. Brigade / FTTC:

View attachment 254554

... even more these too have yellow five-digit operational serials ending with 0,2,6 and 8; however blurred again !

View attachment 254555

Have you even seen or heard them in operation? Nil. J-10B has not put into operation. It will wait for the new production 14000KN WS-10B engine.

After 22.40s, there's a lot of info about WS-10 engine. Unfortunately, it all in Chinese but we may not need to wait to long. The domestic engine for J-10B is coming. From the video BG, you can see rows and lines of WS-10 engine assemble. Technician working on mass of WS-10 engine ready to be equipped on domestic fighter jet. Already the J-16 has fitted with WS-10A engine and goes operational. Next will be J-10B turn.
Have you even seen or heard them in operation? Nil. J-10B has not put into operation. It will wait for the new production 14000KN WS-10B engine.


Come one ... then please explain:

1. all these J-10Bs with 5-digit serials ??

2. what the PLAAF does in the meantime with them. Confirmed are now already 54 J-10Bs

So are they standing around with still their AL-31FN installed and only waiting for the WS-10B ??

By the way it seems as if for the first time I'm more optimistic than You what the operational and technical maturity in regards of a Chinese fighters !

Come one ... then please explain:

1. all these J-10Bs with 5-digit serials ??

2. what the PLAAF does in the meantime with them. Confirmed are now already 54 J-10Bs

So are they standing around with still their AL-31FN installed and only waiting for the WS-10B ??

By the way it seems as if for the first time I'm more optimistic than You what the operational and technical maturity in regards of a Chinese fighters !


That does not matter, you can have one thousand J-10B parking there with whatever fanciful numbers but they are not going into squadron to do the job or serving the armed forces. It defeat the purpose of operation and confirmation they are not joining the armed forces yet. Show me evident of their operation acitivities? They are still waiting for domestic engine. We have already seen J-16 activities but no J-10B yet. So far what J-10B is doing is only flying test. Installing AL-31F engine is just to speed up the operational process and ensure the airframe readiness. They will be swap with more powerful domestic engine. PLAAF top brass indicate super cruise is a must for J-10B.
That does not matter, you can have one thousand J-10B parking there with whatever fanciful numbers but they are not going into squadron to do the job or serving the armed forces. It defeat the purpose of operation and confirmation they are not joining the armed forces yet. Show me evident of their operation acitivities? They are still waiting for domestic engine. We have already seen J-16 activities but no J-10B yet. So far what J-10B is doing is only flying test. Installing AL-31F engine is just to speed up the operational process and ensure the airframe readiness. They will be swap with more powerful domestic engine. PLAAF top brass indicate super cruise is a must for J-10B.

Are we again at a point where I show You evidence and You tell simply NO !!!

Sorry my friend, already 14 aircraft in a row in PLAAF-colours + 5-digit serials tell me they are in service ... They are maybe not fully operational, they are maybe only for further evaluation ... and awaiting their final engines + avionics at a later date. But why then they are all already equipped with AL-31FN engines ?? Why that AL-31FN Series III deal ??

Please don't tell me, us or the PLAAF so stupid that they would build now more than 54 J-10B, fit them with engines just to let them rustling on an unknown airfield.

Otherwise again show me a report that they are not in service due to a certain reason ... or explain what the PLAAF wants to do so long with them ?

Are we again at a point where I show You evidence and You tell simply NO !!!

Sorry my friend, already 14 aircraft in a row in PLAAF-colours + 5-digit serials tell me they are in service ... They are maybe not fully operational, they are maybe only for further evaluation ... and awaiting their final engines + avionics at a later date. But why then they are all already equipped with AL-31FN engines ?? Why that AL-31FN Series III deal ??

Please don't tell me, us or the PLAAF so stupid that they would build now more than 54 J-10B, fit them with engines just to let them rustling on an unknown airfield.

Otherwise again show me a report that they are not in service due to a certain reason ... or explain what the PLAAF wants to do so long with them ?


Change of requirement. The success induction of WS-10B is a major reason for their change of requirement and therefore delay of J-10B induction. I do know these squadron are formed not very recent. And these pic are not very new but think abt it. Why the lack of news requiring their operation and induction? While J-16 has already leak of news of their activities and induction in operation. While rhese J-10B are sitting there for such long time. China is rich and she can afford wasting those few AL-31F engine. No WS-10B engine, no operation J-10B. They are single engine and they need more thrust more than the twin engine J-16.
Come on ... even with an interim engine and a maybe changed requirement, a J-10B would be a vast improvement over many fighters in the current PLAAF inventory including many older J-10A models. Really, the PLAAF would - and I'm sure they already do so - surely operate them instead of wasting them only due to a lacking final engine; that would be plain stupid.

Come on ... even with an interim engine and a maybe changed requirement, a J-10B would be a vast improvement over many fighters in the current PLAAF inventory including many older J-10A models. Really, the PLAAF would - and I'm sure they already do so - surely operate them instead of wasting them only due to a lacking final engine; that would be plain stupid.

The gentleman is absolutely out of logical proof to back his claim sadly.
Pakistan needs J-10 B or J-11 D. J-31 is not going to come in PAF for at least next 8 years we need a third 4.5th Generation platform weather it's J-10 B or J-11 D.
The gentleman is absolutely out of logical proof to back his claim sadly.

Sorry Sir, but could You please explain why I am "absolutely out of logical" !?? Or did I misunderstand Your post ?

IMO a J-10B even with AL-31FN is surely an improvement in comparison to a standard J-10A also with an AL-31FN ... so why should they build them and stand them beside ??

Where is there no logic ... or better where is the logic to do so ??

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Sorry Sir, but could You please explain why I am "absolutely out of logical" !?? Or did I misunderstand Your post ?

IMO a J-10B even with AL-31FN is surely an improvement in comparison to a standard J-10A also with an AL-31FN ... so why should they build them and stand them beside ??

Where is there no logic ... or better where is the logic to do so ??

Not you, the member you are quoting.
Come on ... even with an interim engine and a maybe changed requirement, a J-10B would be a vast improvement over many fighters in the current PLAAF inventory including many older J-10A models. Really, the PLAAF would - and I'm sure they already do so - surely operate them instead of wasting them only due to a lacking final engine; that would be plain stupid.

Does it matter much for an airframe expect to serve PLAAF for another 2-3 decades sitting there wasting just another 1-2 years? Why do you keep harping on this issue? Did I say WS-10B engine will be deploy in another 10years time? Did my video of WS-10 engine coming off from the line from the Chinese documentary is fake? Or you try to act blur claiming you cant recognise those WS-10 engine?

Not you, the member you are quoting.
Yes, we are talking abt the brilliant Oscar who mock Chinese can't even produce an turbofan last 300hrs of lifespan. I guess PLAAF is quite rich to replace the Russian AL-31F engine with a shorter lifespan WS-10 engine. Or the Chinese video documentary is faking all those domestic engine production like Hollywood movies :D

I will not stop you and ur delusion. You are free to choose what u want to believe. At the same time, we do know what the pakistan abilities.
Does it matter much for an airframe expect to serve PLAAF for another 2-3 decades sitting there wasting just another 1-2 years? Why do you keep harping on this issue? Did I say WS-10B engine will be deploy in another 10years time? Did my video of WS-10 engine coming off from the line from the Chinese documentary is fake? Or you try to act blur claiming you cant recognise those WS-10 engine?

Yes, we are talking abt the brilliant Oscar who mock Chinese can't even produce an turbofan last 300hrs of lifespan. I guess PLAAF is quite rich to replace the Russian AL-31F engine with a shorter lifespan WS-10 engine. Or the Chinese video documentary is faking all those domestic engine production like Hollywood movies :D

I will not stop you and ur delusion. You are free to choose what u want to believe. At the same time, we do know what the pakistan abilities.

Spoken like a true insecure person. Lets go to first how your logic to Deino assertion is flawed and essentially spurious. Your whole assertion started out with saying the there is no J-10B with the PLAAF due to engine issues.
Then after seeing the picture with the flightline who shot off a completely nonsensical tangent about engine production and the WS-10B that had ZERO relevance to the question of why are there 14 J-10B airframes lined up on an operational PLAAF airbase?

Interestingly, my claim has never been that the Chinese cannot produce the engine design(which they are).. but infact lack manufacturing processes to produce the required metallurgical components on a mass scale.

But then again, you are the epitome of a fake Chinese analyst who spends all his time on forums claiming to know something actual and then resorting to attacks when you are found to have your pants pulled down. You are not someone who comes to talk with knowledge but rather a mixture of copy-paste and what you make up.
An insult to Chinese members on this forum if nothing else.
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