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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Weight reduction more than 1 ton? Even covert to DSI intake and using composite material, 1 ton weight reduction sounds very impossible.
What's up with CAC today?

J-10C ”201“ maiden flight?

J-10B delivery ceremony?

J-20XX debut?

What's the fuss?Hastily constructed reviewing stand、presence of high ranking officials and all that?
If J10b is one ton lighter than J10A by using DSI and composite material, that means J10b could carry more weapon load than J10b. If having the same max payload of J10A,then it will overtake J10A in WVR fight due to better TWR.

Everyone knows what 1 ton weight means in aviation industry.

What's up with CAC today?

J-10C ”201“ maiden flight?

J-10B delivery ceremony?

J-20XX debut?

What's the fuss?Hastily constructed reviewing stand、presence of high ranking officials and all that?
CAC knows that Chinese new year is coming, time to celebrate good stuffs.
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J-10B delivered:


Jane's says....

The J-10B's key differences to the J-10A include a redesigned chin intake, with the lower edge now angled forward and movable ramp replaced by a smaller, fixed, diffuser bulge that also contributes to reduced weight and radar cross-section; a longer nose radome that is believed to house an NRIET active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar; and an electro-optic (EO) targeting sensor (IRST and laser rangefinder) mounted just forward of the windscreen, offset to starboard. It also has a new electronic warning or countermeasures pod atop the vertical stabiliser.

The J-10B will carry the same array of air-to-air and ground-attack weapons as the J-10A, to include a new twin-missile pylon for the Luoyang PL-12 active radar-guided air-to-air missile (AAM). Its more powerful AESA radar may also enable use of a new larger AAM first seen on a Chengdu J-20 prototype fighter earlier in 2013 and the new CASIC CM-400AKG near-hypersonic ground-attack/anti-ship missile.

The new-production J-10Bs, however, still use the same Russian Saturn AL-31FN turbofan as the J-10A. A prototype of the J-10B equipped with a version of the Shenyang-Liming WS-10A turbofan appeared in July 2011. However, limited access to this powerplant may mean that Shenyang Aircraft Corporation fighters such as the J-11B and J-15 carrier fighter have priority.
Chinese lunar vehicle Youtu is equipped to drill on moon's surface.

Yet .. engine engine engine :(

When will this engine problem be solved ?

Sir building a spacecraft is MUCH easier then building a reliable & robust aircraft jet engine.

Look at the Indians. All the money and manpower in the world, yet they couldn't finish the kaveri. They have launched a space-craft to Mars, but cannot build a decent jet engine. Or a Tank engine for that purpose.

High performance engine design is more of an art than simple engineering. Like they say, devil is in the details.
Isn't the problems in the materials used rather than in the design ?
The problem is not China can't produce reliable fighter engine, what we lack of is scale production to meet our huge requirement. Now all the WS10 engines are supplied to mount J11b and J16, no enough engine for J10B as of now. We might mount WS10a on J10b in the following batch. We will be better off in the near future.

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