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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Originally Posted by xsu
This is an interview of Senior Colonel Lei Qiang, chief test pilot of J-10. The pilots that flew J-10 in Zhu hai air show are his student and student of student.

Interesting points in the article.
1. J-10 project started in the mid 80's with no specific name, only called "3rd gen fighter" or "New fighter".

2. When they first started selecting perspective test pilots, only fighter in China that had HUD was J-7M. So they used a Yes/No test to screen them. That is, each person was given 0.3 second to view a HUD image, and determine if it's correct, and they had to identify 100 pictures in a row with no mistake to pass. Lei Qiang was the first to pass, second was Lu Jun, third was a staff officer from an airbase.

3. The three were later sent to Israel to fly LAVI simulator in 1986,

4. They formed a 19 member test pilot team, of the 19, 9 were selected as "first batch test pilot" group, participating fully in the design process. Then 5 of the 9 formed the chief test pilot group for the actual test flight.

5. Lei Qiang and Lu Jun were sent to Russian in 1993 for test pilot training, practicing tail spin and Su27/30. But Lu Jun later died in an accident, so Lei Qiang was the only one flying the entire test flight phase.

6. The change of J-10's landing gear door from two piece to three piece were Lei Qiang's suggestion.

7. Lei Qiang flew tail spin recovery in Russia to familiarize with triangle wing tail spin recovery, then on Su27 to familiarize with 3rd gen fighter operation

8. The shape of control sticks, placement and function of buttons on the stick and around the displays are the work of test pilots.

9. Lei Qiang first saw the full scale wooden mock up of J-10 around 1990

10. He helped to determine placement of instruments, canopy opening, feedback on the stick, controls on electric switch, engines, etc.

11. Lei Qiang first met Israeli scientists in 1984, as part of test program for firing PL-8 on J-7. Firing PL-8 will cause J-7 to roll sideway 40 degrees, and if pilot compensate right away, the smoke from missile to stop the engine.

12. Lei Qiang had NO EXPERIENCE FIRING MISSILES in 1984?! (Shocking, isn't it.) He didn't know to compensate for the roll right away, but that's how his engine didn't stop from the smoke. And that's the solution they decided on, so when PLAAF J-7 fires a PL-8, the force from the launch will cause the plane to roll, and the pilots are instructed to not compensate for 2 seconds. (Another typical PLA non-technical solution to a very technical problem)

13. From this experience, Israelis told Chinese that their plane sucks, and Israel has something far better. (Guess that's how they wind up going to Israel to fly the Lavi simulator)

14. When they first started designing the J-10, neither the designer nor the pilots can conceptually grasps the operation of FBW system.

15. 60% of the technology used on J-10 are new.

16. Lei Qiang's first real experience on a FBW aircraft is on a British converted LearJet in 1995. There he experienced what PIO could be like.

17. When conducting high speed taxi test, they almost could not test lifting up the front wheel because CAC's runway is too short.

18. Lei Qiang did flight demonstration of J-10 to foreign guests, and probably did a tail slide then going directly into a vertical climb. Exact wording are: After vertical climb and turn, I did not turn on afterburner right away and accelerate vertically, instead allowed aircraft to drop slightly before turning on afterburner.

19. The first flight of J-10 were done in unstable configuration.

20. First flight were in 1998, march 23rd

21. During first flight, the responsiveness of J-10 so surprised lei Qiang that he shouted, "WTF!"

22. J-10's instantaneous roll rate is more than 200 degrees/sec.

23. During the first two years of J-10's test flight, Lei Qiang was the only test pilot! (another shocker and WTF, what if he crashed and died or injured? The whole project could have died)

24. 04 prototype tested a new engine. 05 prototype was testing domestication. (What does this mean? J-10 wasn't domestic up to that point?)

25. To train to be a test pilot, Lei Qiang had went to Israel, Russia, UK, Sweden and Egypt for training, Russia for 5 times.

26. J-10 is not a copy of Lavi. Israelis taught them how to design aircraft, such as using computer for design, simulation and analysis.

27. Israelis saw J-10 taking off with full external load. (Wonder when did that happen)

28. Maximum sustained turning G load for J-10 is 8.9. Lei Qiang flew it starting at Mach 1.2, 1000 meter, full afterburn. Speed dropped to Mach 0.6 after a while. (I guess they aren't kidding when they say triangle wing bleed energy during tight turn) Lei Qiang was 48 at the time, seemed to have broken a record for highest age and longest time flying at 8.9G.

29. J-10 was transfered to flight test academy after 05 prototype flew.

30. 01 prototype flew to academy on a lot of internal fuel (I'm guessing full internal) and drop tanks. After arriving at Xian, he still had more than 1 hour of fuel left before reaching landing weight.

31. J-10's turning radius is much, much smaller than J-7. J-7 seems to take 30 seconds to complete a full turn.

32. According to Lei Qiang, F-16's horizontal turning capability doesn't measure up to J-10. J-10's vertical turning capability is even with F-16. Su-27's vertical maneuver capability is stronger than J-10 because it has higher T/W ratio. Horizontal turning is even. But rolling rate J-10 is much better. At Mach 1.2, Su-27 has roll rate of 20-30 degrees/sec,(this has to be a mistake) while J-10 has more than 200 degrees/sec.

33. According to Lei Qiang, J-10's instrument is better than F-16 (although this is probably only true compared with Pakistan's F-16A) and much superior to Su-27.

34. J-10 can perform the Cobra maneuver, up to 160 degrees . (This would be a sight to see if it's true)

Source: http://www.china-defense.com/forum/i...5&gopid=95295& (post: 2233)
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according to wmf, EW version of J-10 (EJ-10?) enter service last september.according to the article the aircraft provide standoff jamming similiar to EF-18G.
it is more likely that this specialized version compatible to F-16CJ,wild weisel type SAM suppression aircraft rather than escort jammer.
i hope now pakistan might ask china to give pak J10 very Quickly after growing tensions between india and pakistan
i hope now pakistan might ask china to give pak J10 very Quickly after growing tensions between india and pakistan

I think PAF is waiting until they will get their hand on F16 Blk52+. after getting these block52s, they will modify J10 which will result in something better than block 52+
pakistan still havent got modified Block 52 of F16 i heared that 4 of f16 pakistan got from usa if it is wrong when do pakistan be getting F16 and what type of radar J 10 have. and does it have 360 degree versitile i mean it is be better versit ile bird than F 16 or it will be BVR Missile system
The J-10 (Jian 10 or Fighter 10) is China's indigenously built multi-role fighter aircraft developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry. Chengdu Aircraft Industry is part of the China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I). In the west the J-10 aircraft is known as the Vigorous Dragon.

It is estimated that up to 300 J-10 fighter aircraft will be manufactured. China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) includes the army, navy, air force and Strategic Rocket Force. The Air Force (AFPLA) has 200 fighter and fighter ground attack squadrons and 120 strike fighter squadrons.

"The J-10 (Jian 10 or Fighter 10) is China's indigenously built multi-role fighter aircraft."The J-10 aircraft is considered as a replacement for the J-7 and Q-5. The Air Force currently operates about 250 J-7 (MiG-21) air defence and attack aircraft and about 500 Q-5 attack aircraft.

China formally announced the J-10 in February 2007. The existence of the J-10 was first reported in 1994, but the J-10 program was started in 1988 and the first flight of the single seat aircraft took place in 1998. A two-seater variant made its first flight in 2003.

There are reports that the J-10 entered service in 2005 and is operational in single seater and two seater versions in at least two PLA Air Force squadrons. It has also been reported that Pakistan will receive the first export versions of the J-10, up to 36 aircraft, by around 2010. China and Pakistan have worked closely on the development of another fighter aircraft, the JF-17 or FC-1 light fighter aircraft.

The structure of the aircraft is based on a tail-less delta (triangular planform) wing, foreplanes and a sweptback vertical tail. There are two, fixed, outwardly canted ventral (on the underside of the body) fins near the tail. The size and design of the J-10 are very similar to that of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Lavi fighter aircraft, which itself is similar to and derived technology from the USAF F-16 aircraft.

The horizontal close-coupled foreplanes (larger than those on the Lavi) on the forward fuselage improve the take-off and low speed handling characteristics.

The J-10 has 11 external hardpoints: five hardpoints on the fuselage with one on the centreline and a pair of hardpoints on each side of the fuselage, and three hardpoints on each wing.

The outer wing stations carry air-to-air missiles such as the Chinese built Python 3 PL-8, P-11 or PL-12 or the Russian Vympel R-73 (AA-11 'Archer') or R-77 (AA-12 'Adder).

The PL-8 infrared homing short-range air-to-air missile is manufactured in China under a licensed production agreement by the China Academy (formerly the Luoyang Electro-optics Technology Development Centre) and is a variant of the Israeli Python 3 missile. The PL-11 is a licensed-manufactured variant of the MBDA Italy Aspide medium-range air-to-air missile.

The PL-12 missile is manufactured in China under a collaborative agreement with Russia. It uses the Russian AA-12 Adder missile technology configured with a Chinese-developed rocket motor to give a range of 50 miles and speed of Mach 4.

"In the west the J-10 aircraft is known as the Vigorous Dragon."The aircraft can be armed with laser-guided bombs, the anti-ship YJ-8K or C-801K solid rocket powered missiles, the C-802 land attack and anti-ship turbojet-powered missiles manufactured by CHETA, and the YJ-9 anti-radiation missile. A 23mm cannon is installed internally on the port side of the forward section of the fuselage above the nosewheel.

The aircraft could be fitted with a forward looking infrared and laser target designator pod. The China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I ) has displayed an exhibition model of the J-10 fitted with targeting pods, which would provide the capability of the J-10 to deploy laser and satellite navigation guided weapons.

Possible pulse Doppler radar fits include the Chinese Type 1473 radar, Russian Phazotron Zhuk-10PD or Zhemchug, the Chinese JL-10A, the Israeli IAI Elta EL/M-2023 or the Italian Galileo Avionica Grifo 2000.

The single seat fighter aircraft is also being developed in a two-seat variant as a trainer aircraft and as an electronic warfare aircraft. The first flight of the two-seat variant was completed in 2003. The cockpit is fitted with a zero-zero ejection seat.

The aircraft has a digital fly-by-wire flight control system and HOTAS Hands-On Throttle And Stick control on which the pilot has every control for combat incorporated into the two handholds.

Cockpit displays include a helmet-mounted weapon sight, a wide field of view head-up display and one full-colour and two monochrome liquid crystal multi-function displays. The avionics is served by a 1553B databus.

The aircraft is powered by the AL-31 turbojet engine supplied by Saturn Lyulka. The prototype aircraft and the first series of production aircraft are fitted with the AL-31FN developing 79kN and 123kN with afterburn, and which is the currently used in the Chinese Air Force Su-27 and Su-30 aircraft.

The more highly powered and advanced variant of the J-10, the Super-10, first reported in 2006, is fitted with the AL-31FN M1 supplied by Salyut. The AL-31FN M1 provides 132.5kN and is equipped with full authority digital engine control and a four-way swivelling exhaust nozzle for vectored thrust.

"It is estimated that up to 300 J-10 fighter aircraft will be manufactured."The aircraft carries a maximum of 4,950l of fuel internally, comprising 3,180l in the wing tanks and 1,770l in the fuselage tanks. A fixed refuelling probe for in-flight refuelling is installed halfway up the forward port side of the fuselage and just forward of the pilot. Aerial refuelling of the J-10 is from a Xian H-6U tanker aircraft.

Additional fuel can be carried in auxiliary tanks on the centreline under the fuselage and on the innermost pair of the three sets of wing hardpoints.

The aircraft is equipped with tricycle-type landing gear. The nose unit has twin heels and retracts rearwards and the main units retract forward. The aircraft has a drogue parachute for landing.

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The J-10 (Jian 10 or Fighter 10) is China's indigenously built multi-role fighter aircraft.


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It is estimated that China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has a requirement for up to 300 J-10 fighter aircraft to replace J-7 and Q-5 aircraft.


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The J-10 has 11 external hardpoints for weapons and fuel tanks – five on the fuselage (one on the centreline and a pair on each side of the fuselage) and three hardpoints on each wing.


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The J-10 has a maximum speed of Mach 1.9 and a combat range of 550km.


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The J-10 fitted with external fuel tanks and the PL-8 short range air-to-air missile, which is a variant of the Rafael Python 3 missile manufactured under licence in China.


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The horizontal close-coupled foreplanes on the forward fuselage improve the take-off and low-speed handling characteristics of the J-10.


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The J-10 is powered by one AL-31FN turbojet engine. The more advanced J-10 Super 10 has AL-31FN engine with thrust-vectoring nozzle.

What are the Chances of J10 in PAF .... How long the take to inducted in PAF
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Probably start off with 36 J10A and B with options for more. My estimate is that the first squadron will be operational by late 2010 although I could be wrong.
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My own take is that PAF will wait till the cofiguration of J10 is just as it wants. The J10 announcement may have been in connection with sending a message to USA that we have readily available options should you try anything funny AGAIN!!. If PAF starts getting F16s delivered in time, it will probably order 2010 for 2012-13 deployment of the much reported B version with all the advances from Block 52 incorporated ala west/chinese/local ventures. If not then we will buy j10 in current configuration to keep numbers up and change avionics/ warfare suite as available.
I think it makes sense both to keep pressure up on both the parties so that we get the best bang for the buck. Buying J10 prematurely in a configuraton PAF is not entirely happy with will be a last ditch stand.
My 2 paisas worth.
Does blk-52's have composite airframe like J-10's or not or blk-60's have and i think blk-70's may have
BLK-52 is the same plain vanilla aluminum airframe. Block-60 is a needlessly expensive "fuel truck" with conformal tanks and AESA. The downside with Blk-52 is that they cannot be used against India, or the US will pull the carpet under our feet.

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