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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

the Chinese are working on it... but, lets try to induct more 4.5 gen fighter, further develop the JF-17 and when the time is right we will move on to stealth tech when it is available to us.

JF-17 'stealth' is planned - maybe from the blk3 onwards and then all 150 JFT's wld be 'stealth' - how abt them apples!:china::pakistan:
JF-17 'stealth' is planned - maybe from the blk3 onwards and then all 150 JFT's wld be 'stealth' - how abt them apples!:china::pakistan:

Interesting, Could You Please Tell Me more about it??? Is it going to have a smart skin Update or something?? Or any Design Changes??? Which Could Make it stealthier By design..... Or Going for Al round Composites to reduce its RCS???
Interesting, Could You Please Tell Me more about it??? Is it going to have a smart skin Update or something?? Or any Design Changes??? Which Could Make it stealthier By design..... Or Going for Al round Composites to reduce its RCS???

i guess its too early to talk about it. he told you what PAF thinking about JF-17's future. .
Interesting, Could You Please Tell Me more about it??? Is it going to have a smart skin Update or something?? Or any Design Changes??? Which Could Make it stealthier By design..... Or Going for Al round Composites to reduce its RCS???
An AESA and IRST are planned for JFT. Composite material also planned. JFT already have DSI. Could be more things which we don't know yet. It wont be a 5th gen stealth but a good 4.5th gen stealth. Which serve our needs best.
JF-17 'stealth' is planned - maybe from the blk3 onwards and then all 150 JFT's wld be 'stealth' - how abt them apples!:china::pakistan:

I think pakistan should now concentrate on blockII with better rader composit material engine more weapons hard point etc along side of developing a block III vertion with stealth feature on it to counter any future eventualities if getting chinese j-xx become delayed or f-35 become imposible then the combinaton of FC-20 and jf-17 blockII and blockIII may thwart nay aggration on pakistans soil. allahu akbar
I think PAF would wait until all the planned weapons for Blk-1 are incorporated into current design. Once done, we can hope for a Blk-2.
Interesting, Could You Please Tell Me more about it??? Is it going to have a smart skin Update or something?? Or any Design Changes??? Which Could Make it stealthier By design..... Or Going for Al round Composites to reduce its RCS???

AFAIK no design changes - not much is known abt this for obvious reasons - we all have to wait
J-10 of China unveiled a full set of weapons systems against a wide range of firepower
Posted on November 18th, 2010

China Aviation Museum’s J-10 aircraft model display and a full set of weapons system Photo: doors wide

The air show in the aircraft industry once again demonstrated the full range of domestic J-10 aircraft weapons systems. J-10 fighter is a refreshing advanced fighters, J-10 fire against an array of plug-in system is confusing. Judging from the show, J-10 can mount most domestic airborne ammunition, targets from the sky, land to ocean, J-10 fully demonstrate the manner of the king.

J-10 on the fight against the most important equipment is the low-altitude navigation pod, the system that evolved from the sky. J-10 low altitude navigation pod provides for the climb/dive instruction to complete the all-weather low altitude penetration, is essential to tactical attacks on key equipment. Navigation pod with terrain following radar, main, wide field of forward-looking infrared system, the control computer, environmental controls and power pose. J-10 mounted weapons can be guided according to different requirements, before the hanging points in the fuselage mounted laser-guided pods, electronic countermeasures pod, IR/chaff bomb jamming pod, anti-ship missile pod data transmission, phase Phased array radar reconnaissance pods and so on. J-10 display only the mounted pods and laser-guided navigation pod, the pod that other types of options can be mounted by the J-10. J-10 has to reconnaissance, electronic warfare, penetration, weapons guidance and other multi-mission adaptability .

J-10 air defense missiles mainly by IR dogfight missile PL-8, medium-range semi-active radar-guided PL-11 and PL-12 active radar guided composition, but also linked to plant PL-5 series than the new Infrared fighting bombs. PL-5 is a self-developed, has also been improvements. PL-8 was introduced in the 80 -3 constrictor Israel on the basis of technology developed from the Chinese fighter is now “standard” fighting bombs, there are several development models. PL-11, formerly known as Sparrow missiles, 80 years the introduction of the technology developed from the Italian Asi Pai, the only investment in the development of a long research equipment. PL-12 is currently China’s most advanced medium-range missiles, AIM-120 with the United States very early models.

ground attack showed seven 90 mm rockets nest, firing arrows 90-1 type of non-killing bomb navigation system should be able to mount 57 mm, 130 mm rockets nest, omitted in the display . J-10 plug too many weapons, secondary weapons are only a representative selection. No controlled bomb many varieties to choose from, there are anti-explosion aviation bombs 500-4,500-3, 250 kg bombs and other low resistance, in addition, there are various types of cluster bombs caliber, anti-artillery bombs, fuel air bombs, all impedance free-fall bombs, let alone mount. Bombs are hanging in the body hanging point, the centerline of belly bombs can be linked to large-caliber weapons, the four small-diameter bombs hanging rack side. J-10 chose the lightweight 23 mm cannon, normally used for air operations, not used for combat.

J-10 precision-guided munitions are many varieties, most of the Zhuhai air show display can be used to mount precision-guided bombs. Mounted for display with LT-2, LS-6. 500 LS-6 by the caliber of low resistance retrofit kit to upgrade from a bomb, a gliding projectile package, so that a range of up to 65 km standoff launch carrier aircraft to reduce the probability of attack. LS-6 after launching from the GPS satellite navigation system or the Green Corners provide guidance, precision can reach 10 meters. The future, as the second generation of passive systems in use Beidou satellite navigation guidance mode is expected to be large-scale application. LS-6 glide bombs outside diameter than 500,250, this air show also brought a small-caliber ammunition, precision attack, a 50 kg, a 100 kg, developed ideas similar to the U.S. GBU-39. This guided bombs in addition to satellite navigation and positioning, it also adds a small seeker, may increase such as laser, infrared seeker. Flight components by the middle of the edge of the missile wing and tail cabin composition. J-10 display weapons are developed in the aircraft industry, in fact, Aerospace Science and Industry, there are many precision munitions to choose from. If technology is leading the small-diameter LS-6 of the FT-5 series of missiles.

small diameter precision-guided munitions is the development of popular varieties, based on the stealth fighter guided weapons to use and to fill existing vacancies. Because of small size, it is easy to mount in the bomb bay and unmanned stealth fighter attack aircraft, and better mobility, attack flexibility, smaller warhead and greater accuracy also reduces collateral damage. More fighters to mount small-caliber ammunition, can expand the scope of or against a continuous attack on high-value targets. Precision-guided munitions and large caliber mixed use, expanding the mission flexibility and combat types. J-10 particularly suitable for small-caliber ammunition used fighter planes, FT series to choose from a variety of small-caliber ammunition. FT-1 on the basis of a bomb in the general installation of GPS guidance device, relying on air power to control, hit accuracy of 30 meters. FT-2 modified folding wings, the maximum running distance from 18 km up to 60-90 km, to achieve standoff launch the bomb like LS-6. FT-3 to switch to edge of the wing flight components, increased laser-guided, two-balanced laser proofing mode. Integration of the integrated missile design, coordinate attacks, hit accuracy level meters. FT-6 FT-3 in the installation of lift components based on the extended range, while optimizing the navigation, guidance, control system, the standoff launch, destroying the ground or low-speed fixed and moving targets at sea. FT-5 guided bombs caliber 100, FT-3 with a similar flight components, installation in different ways, adding GPS guidance SINS, precision meter class. FT-5 panels show a family can be developed, such as increased lift components into a small glider bombs, laser or color infrared seeker to increase first-class. To be mature technology, Compass navigation satellite into use the second generation, J-10 probably made extensive use of precision-guided munitions, particularly the small-diameter precision-guided munitions.

surprising that J-10 finally shown in this air show mount anti-ship missile capability, show the development is completed J-10 Navy, serving in sight. Air show in the minicomputer contained a variety of emerging anti-ship missiles can be mounted on the J-10, hanging belly main strong point of carrying capacity and may even be mounted such as the YJ-91 supersonic anti-ship missiles such large scale. J-10 KAD-88 missile is a flagship series, the YJ-8 Airborne Model (export C801), can be used for anti-ship and ground attack. J-10 load of bombs because of the restrictions, the future is expected to use the lightweight C-704, C-705 anti-ship missiles such as the export of domestic models, in order to increase the number of mounts. (Wind Yu)

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J-10 of China unveiled a full set of weapons systems against a wide range of firepower
Posted on November 18th, 2010

China Aviation Museum’s J-10 aircraft model display and a full set of weapons system Photo: doors wide

The air show in the aircraft industry once again demonstrated the full range of domestic J-10 aircraft weapons systems. J-10 fighter is a refreshing advanced fighters, J-10 fire against an array of plug-in system is confusing. Judging from the show, J-10 can mount most domestic airborne ammunition, targets from the sky, land to ocean, J-10 fully demonstrate the manner of the king.

J-10 on the fight against the most important equipment is the low-altitude navigation pod, the system that evolved from the sky. J-10 low altitude navigation pod provides for the climb/dive instruction to complete the all-weather low altitude penetration, is essential to tactical attacks on key equipment. Navigation pod with terrain following radar, main, wide field of forward-looking infrared system, the control computer, environmental controls and power pose. J-10 mounted weapons can be guided according to different requirements, before the hanging points in the fuselage mounted laser-guided pods, electronic countermeasures pod, IR/chaff bomb jamming pod, anti-ship missile pod data transmission, phase Phased array radar reconnaissance pods and so on. J-10 display only the mounted pods and laser-guided navigation pod, the pod that other types of options can be mounted by the J-10. J-10 has to reconnaissance, electronic warfare, penetration, weapons guidance and other multi-mission adaptability .

J-10 air defense missiles mainly by IR dogfight missile PL-8, medium-range semi-active radar-guided PL-11 and PL-12 active radar guided composition, but also linked to plant PL-5 series than the new Infrared fighting bombs. PL-5 is a self-developed, has also been improvements. PL-8 was introduced in the 80 -3 constrictor Israel on the basis of technology developed from the Chinese fighter is now “standard” fighting bombs, there are several development models. PL-11, formerly known as Sparrow missiles, 80 years the introduction of the technology developed from the Italian Asi Pai, the only investment in the development of a long research equipment. PL-12 is currently China’s most advanced medium-range missiles, AIM-120 with the United States very early models.

ground attack showed seven 90 mm rockets nest, firing arrows 90-1 type of non-killing bomb navigation system should be able to mount 57 mm, 130 mm rockets nest, omitted in the display . J-10 plug too many weapons, secondary weapons are only a representative selection. No controlled bomb many varieties to choose from, there are anti-explosion aviation bombs 500-4,500-3, 250 kg bombs and other low resistance, in addition, there are various types of cluster bombs caliber, anti-artillery bombs, fuel air bombs, all impedance free-fall bombs, let alone mount. Bombs are hanging in the body hanging point, the centerline of belly bombs can be linked to large-caliber weapons, the four small-diameter bombs hanging rack side. J-10 chose the lightweight 23 mm cannon, normally used for air operations, not used for combat.

J-10 precision-guided munitions are many varieties, most of the Zhuhai air show display can be used to mount precision-guided bombs. Mounted for display with LT-2, LS-6. 500 LS-6 by the caliber of low resistance retrofit kit to upgrade from a bomb, a gliding projectile package, so that a range of up to 65 km standoff launch carrier aircraft to reduce the probability of attack. LS-6 after launching from the GPS satellite navigation system or the Green Corners provide guidance, precision can reach 10 meters. The future, as the second generation of passive systems in use Beidou satellite navigation guidance mode is expected to be large-scale application. LS-6 glide bombs outside diameter than 500,250, this air show also brought a small-caliber ammunition, precision attack, a 50 kg, a 100 kg, developed ideas similar to the U.S. GBU-39. This guided bombs in addition to satellite navigation and positioning, it also adds a small seeker, may increase such as laser, infrared seeker. Flight components by the middle of the edge of the missile wing and tail cabin composition. J-10 display weapons are developed in the aircraft industry, in fact, Aerospace Science and Industry, there are many precision munitions to choose from. If technology is leading the small-diameter LS-6 of the FT-5 series of missiles.

small diameter precision-guided munitions is the development of popular varieties, based on the stealth fighter guided weapons to use and to fill existing vacancies. Because of small size, it is easy to mount in the bomb bay and unmanned stealth fighter attack aircraft, and better mobility, attack flexibility, smaller warhead and greater accuracy also reduces collateral damage. More fighters to mount small-caliber ammunition, can expand the scope of or against a continuous attack on high-value targets. Precision-guided munitions and large caliber mixed use, expanding the mission flexibility and combat types. J-10 particularly suitable for small-caliber ammunition used fighter planes, FT series to choose from a variety of small-caliber ammunition. FT-1 on the basis of a bomb in the general installation of GPS guidance device, relying on air power to control, hit accuracy of 30 meters. FT-2 modified folding wings, the maximum running distance from 18 km up to 60-90 km, to achieve standoff launch the bomb like LS-6. FT-3 to switch to edge of the wing flight components, increased laser-guided, two-balanced laser proofing mode. Integration of the integrated missile design, coordinate attacks, hit accuracy level meters. FT-6 FT-3 in the installation of lift components based on the extended range, while optimizing the navigation, guidance, control system, the standoff launch, destroying the ground or low-speed fixed and moving targets at sea. FT-5 guided bombs caliber 100, FT-3 with a similar flight components, installation in different ways, adding GPS guidance SINS, precision meter class. FT-5 panels show a family can be developed, such as increased lift components into a small glider bombs, laser or color infrared seeker to increase first-class. To be mature technology, Compass navigation satellite into use the second generation, J-10 probably made extensive use of precision-guided munitions, particularly the small-diameter precision-guided munitions.

surprising that J-10 finally shown in this air show mount anti-ship missile capability, show the development is completed J-10 Navy, serving in sight. Air show in the minicomputer contained a variety of emerging anti-ship missiles can be mounted on the J-10, hanging belly main strong point of carrying capacity and may even be mounted such as the YJ-91 supersonic anti-ship missiles such large scale. J-10 KAD-88 missile is a flagship series, the YJ-8 Airborne Model (export C801), can be used for anti-ship and ground attack. J-10 load of bombs because of the restrictions, the future is expected to use the lightweight C-704, C-705 anti-ship missiles such as the export of domestic models, in order to increase the number of mounts. (Wind Yu)


THIS PLANE IS WOW LOADED !!!! :flame: check out the targeting units on display wow just super plane 36 of these babies coming to Pakistan Airforce Brand NEW wow can't wait for 2014

It would be great honor to have these birds in our inventory crown jewls in our airforce no doubt once they get inducted
Date Posted: 19-Nov-2010

Jane's Defence Weekly

PLAAF puts best foot forward at Airshow China.

Robert Hewson JDW Correspondent - Zhuhai, China

The eighth Airshow China, held from 16-21 November in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, continued to provide a unique (but biennial) insight into China's development as an aerospace and military power. The show was heavily supported by the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), which exhibited front-line aircraft types including the H-6H bomber, J-8F interceptor, KJ-200 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) platform, JH-7A strike aircraft and WZ-9G armed helicopter.

The show also saw the debut of the PLAAF's 'August 1' display team with its new fleet of specially built J-10A demonstration aircraft - underlining how the J-10 has become China's standard front-line fighter.

Prior to the show, rumours swept across the internet in China that the new fifth-generation fighter aircraft now under development at Chengdu had emerged from the factory. The aircraft, referred to obliquely by its serial number as 'New Chengdu Machine 2001', is reported to have started engine runs on 5 November. There was no evidence of the new fighter at Airshow China, but several Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) officials - including weapon designers working with the programme - acknowledged its existence.

Among the new aircraft that were on display was the latest version of Hongdu's L-15 advanced trainer (Aircraft 06), which is powered by an afterburning Motorsich AI-222-25F turbofan. Hongdu's L-7 piston-powered primary trainer was also seen in public for the first time. The prototype aircraft had been transported to Zhuhai as it is yet to make its maiden flight. This is expected before the end of the year, according to company sources.

Key themes at the show included the widespread emergence of armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) programmes in China along with a new range of small 'smart' munitions to equip them. At least four all-new armed UAV systems were displayed by different manufacturers, with each claimed to be in full development and several claimed to be in operational service.

Two of China's leading guided weapon houses - CASC and LOEC - showed a variety of new designs. LOEC has developed two highly evolved versions of its LS-6 guided glide bomb family. The 50 kg LS-6(50) and 100 kg LS-6(100) use some of the basic GPS/INS guidance components of the much larger LS-6(250) and LS-6(500) but with a redesigned airframe and a new semi-active laser terminal seeker for greatly enhanced precision.

CASC has further developed its FT series of guided glide bombs, with the small-diameter FT-5 version now cleared for use on the company's CH-3 armed UAV and delivered to a customer, believed to be Pakistan.

Other new weapons to emerge in Zhuhai included an air-launched, land-attack version of the COSIC C-802A missile, dubbed the CM-802AKG. Cleared for service and perhaps already delivered to an export customer (likely to be Iran), the CM-802AKG is fitted with a new blast/fragmentation warhead, imaging infrared seeker and datalink to be effective over a range of about 250 km.

COSIC also exhibited the TB-1 multi-purpose lightweight missile - a laser-guided weapon able to engage air or ground targets from helicopters - along with its YZ-200 guided bomb concept.

New (overtly) armed UAV programmes included AVIC's Predator-class Pterodactyl 1, COSIC's jet-powered WJ-600 (said to be in service and operational with an unidentified customer) and the Xian ASN Technology Group ASN-229A Satcom-enabled reconnaissance and attack UAV.

Another new UAV, the CASC SL-200, was described as "a high-altitude UAV able to release materials for artificial precipitation, agricultural sowing, pesticide spraying, disaster prevention and pest control". Clearly a stealthy design capable of carrying a very diverse payload, the SL-200 stood out for attempting to disguise its true capabilities at an event that was otherwise very overt in its message concerning China's defence technology bow-wave.

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