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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Recently, China announced the J-10B fighter plane.

The aircraft is the latest version of China’s fourth generation fighter aircraft J-10, beling similar to FC-1, it used the clam-type inlet, abandoned the traditional rectangular inlet design, in the case of the normal work of the aircraft engine ensured, the aircraft was simplified design, reduced the moving parts of the inlet, in reducing the weight of the aircraft at the same time, also reduced the cross section of the aircraft’s radar.

J-10B was installed photovoltaic targeting device at right anterior side of the cockpit, which is similar to J-10 and Su-27 China equiped. The device includes the infrared search, track sensors and laser range finder, which can detect enemy targets passively without startup Radar passive case detection of enemy targets, reduces one’s own aircraft probability of detection.

J-10B was installed electronic countermeasures devices, which are located on both sides of the cockpit and engine vents on both sides of the end of the wire array, as well as the electronic module at the top of the vertical tail, it is believed to be mainly used for electronic countermeasures.
some detail of j 10B.
Woo What is this ??? I can clearly see 2 V Stabilizers (rudder) it seems to be the famous J-10 C Twin Engine model :) ... interesting vvvery interesting ...

Your pic was taken in SAC, the model show at the bottom part of pic is SAC 4th gen fighter. But they lost the tender, so no such thing any more in A2A 4th gen fighter.



The 1st pic design is from CAS
The 2nd pic design is from SAS

left upper side win the competition, and CAS award the project with name J-20

That is why you see a lot CG work like this



or this




The detail has not been confirmed yet, but general shape is somewhere around it
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Behind the cockpit the black pit or something ....Is it some kindoff a lifting engine's place; just like the Yak-38?? for vertical lifting/landing

Behind the cockpit the black pit or something ....Is it some kindoff a lifting engine's place; just like the Yak-38?? for vertical lifting/landing

I think it is purely because the low skill of CG maker. This pic is combine several aircraft together.

The J-20 is pure A2A heavy fighter, its role is very similar to YF-22, not F-22A or F-35
Your pic was taken in SAC, the model show at the bottom part of pic is SAC 4th gen fighter. But they lost the tender, so no such thing any more in A2A 4th gen fighter.



The 1st pic design is from CAS
The 2nd pic design is from SAS

left upper side win the competition, and CAS award the project with name J-20

That is why you see a lot CG work like this

or this

The detail has not been confirmed yet, but general shape is somewhere around it

AFAIK There are three designs,One JH-X, one resembling S-37 and other as speculated in common here are the my bets



AFAIK There are three designs,One JH-X, one resembling S-37 and other as speculated in common here are the mine two bets




Actually due the J-20 is pure A2A fighter(super multi-role aircraft which can against F-22A and attack ground unit is really out of China ability), China indeed need a multi-role X Gen fighter or JH aircraft. However the project was not formally launch yet, SAS is useing its own funding and support from the corporation to finish the aircraft(rumour J-16/ CAS is focusing on J-20, SAS is the only insititution can work on it). But it is still in early stage and there is no commitment from PLAAF to buy. The design may use the one lost in tender(2nd pic left hand side), they also may select other design which keeped internally. No matter what is it gonna looks like, it will ba a huge aircraft, larger than J-20.

Regard with J-XX1, I don't know much about it. Can you provide a specify info?
Actually due the J-20 is pure A2A fighter(super multi-role aircraft which can against F-22A and attack ground unit is really out of China ability), China indeed need a multi-role X Gen fighter or JH aircraft. However the project was not formally launch yet, SAS is useing its own funding and support from the corporation to finish the aircraft(rumour J-16/ CAS is focusing on J-20, SAS is the only insititution can work on it). But it is still in early stage and there is no commitment from PLAAF to buy. The design may use the one lost in tender(2nd pic left hand side), they also may select other design which keeped internally. No matter what is it gonna looks like, it will ba a huge aircraft, larger than J-20.

Regard with J-XX1, I don't know much about it. Can you provide a specify info?

Yeah sure be glad to
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SOURCE:Flight International
USA rethinks view of China's next generation XXJ fighter

The USA is revising its assessment of the Chinese advanced fighter, which is known by its US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) designation of "XXJ". At the same time, Shenyang is developing a multirole version of the J-8II air defence fighter.

Washington sources say the original information provided by the ONI in 1997, showing a design resembling the Boeing F-15 Eagle, has been superseded. The agency predicted the XXJ would be multirole, have stealth features and was expected to enter Chinese air force and navy service by around 2015.

This estimate has been revised to 2010. Both Chinese fighter companies - Chengdu and Shenyang - are thought to be working on advanced combat aircraft concepts.

Indications are that the XXJ will have a canard configuration and be equipped with twin thrust-vectoring engines. The design seems influenced by Sukhoi's advanced concepts such as the Su-37 and forward-swept wing S-37 Berkut, suggesting that Shenyang, which has a link with the Russian manufacturer dating from the early 1990s, is the developer. Combining a foreplane, a tailplane and thrust vectoring enhances manoeuvrability.

Engines are likely to be a version of the Wopen WP15 in the 26,000lb-thrust (115kN) class. Pictures of a large engine equipped with thrust-vectoring nozzles was displayed at last year's Zuhai aerospace show.

The fighter is expected to have a 20,000kg (44,000lb) empty weight and incorporate a fly-by-wire control system similar to that developed by Shenyang and tested in the J-8IIACT programme.

Meanwhile, Shenyang is building a new multirole version of the twin-engined J-8II fighter, reflecting China's doctrinal shift towards offensive capabilities. Creating a new version of a dated design underlines the country's urgency in building up its strike forces.

Taiwanese and US sources say the J-8IIC is a J-8IID development, incorporating the latter's in-flight refuelling system and true, instead of secondary, air-to-ground role.

The aircraft is equipped either with a new Chinese-developed dual mode radar or the Russian Phazotron Zhuk-8II (acquired for the F-811M export fighter). Both have a 70km (38nm) range.

Other likely enhancements include a new electronic warfare system and an upgraded cockpit with multifunction displays, head-up display and the new data-link.

The fighter will be powered by a Wopen WP14 engine developing up to 16,215lb thrust, an improvement on the J-8IID's 14,550lb-thrust WP13A.
Yeah sure be glad to

a lot mistake in article.

however I think they are talking about J-16(multi-role aircraft I mentioned before). J-16 is not funded by PLAAF yet, and I don't think it can came out any time before 2020. Currently SAS's development doesn't mean they are awarded the project, it's just a pre-study phase(maybe a prototype). PLAAF will have a tender for multi-role aircraft as well, no one know who gonna win. J-16 receive a project name and long time pre-study certainly will get SAS a upper hand in tender, nothing more than that.

Usually people say SAS get the project mainly because CAS is focusing on the most important project for PLAAF, they may lack in resource to win multi-role tender. (SAS current project J-15 is much easier than X Gen)
China-made aircraft engine has started mass production of three generations of an annual output of 100
Posted on November 13th, 2010

-made F-11B fighter aircraft has been using domestic” Taihang “high-thrust turbofan engine. the Zhuhai air show appearance in the last row is too large thrust turbofan engine.

in 1956 by a small high-temperature materials , to the current annual income of nearly 3 million, Steel Research Gaona (300 034) has become the field of high temperature alloys the most advanced technology, production types, one of the most complete. Currently, the company achieved more than 20% per year steady growth, but to the world-class high-temperature alloy business forward, Steel Research Gaona is on the upstream and downstream enterprises in the search for goals, hopes through mergers and acquisitions to achieve leapfrog development. Recently, high-sodium, general manager of Iron and Steel Research Zhaoming Han for the first time to face the media, about the company in the field of high-temperature alloy development and growth process.

“the old” national mission GEM Enterprises

Steel Institute was established in 2002 with high sodium, high-temperature materials by Steel Institute and IAS Powder Metallurgy Research Center’s core quality assets through the merger, the actual controller is the SASAC, mainly engaged in high-temperature aerospace alloy materials development, production and sales of its predecessor, steel, high temperature materials IAS was created in 1956. From initial planning to the Main Board listing, the listing was changed to small plates, to take aim, GEM, until December 2009 was successfully listed on the GEM, after 54 years of ups and downs, steel, called the GEM research in high-sodium the oldest listed companies.

different origin, different natural doomed mission. As aerospace materials supply chain in an important one, is satisfied that the business of Iron and Steel Research has been involved in the high national strategic interests. “We must complete the task of the State, but also have benefits.” Zhao Minghan repeatedly emphasized that the company assumed the national mission.

According to reports, in our third generation fighter engine has a ton of multiple, involving a total of multiple components, including an indispensable component is satisfied by the high production of Iron and Steel Research. the part before the country can not produce, but as it involves military secrets, not to sell abroad in China, R & D component of the task falls on the study of high steel satisfied, the company ultimately fail in their mission. At present, only the steel of this study can produce parts with high sodium. The beginning of the production only a few kilograms per year for one or two engines, to 2007, the part needs a sudden heavy volume, you need to supply more than 60 copies, 2008,2009 demand is reached in more than 100 copies . companies to raise emergency funds, the equipment, but production lines are qualified construction period and production of modulation requires a long process.

in the next three years, from the material under the Task Force members to put a lot of energy, 3 years, there is little rest. Also, because the state approved the project takes time, Steel Research Gaona first Dianqian independent research and development on their own. Hard work pays off in 2009, the company’s shipments to the state expected production to meet the user requirements.

“Company executives are working to shareholders. Iron and Steel Research Gaona state-owned enterprises, the former shareholders of the state, materials related to national defense and national security, the State must be responsible, this is a mission; Now the company listed on the GEM, raising funds of 5.5 billion, our net assets have more than 8 million into a shareholder which also joined the ordinary investors, they voted the money, we have for they are responsible, can not be discounted, This is another mission. “Zhao Minghan words full of sense of mission and responsibility.

civilian proportion will be raised to 70%

steel research products with high sodium current is casting high temperature alloys, wrought superalloy products and new high temperature alloys, The company has a casting capacity of 920 tons high-temperature alloys, wrought superalloy 150 tons, 15 tons of new high-temperature alloys. Iron and Steel Research Gaona 2009 revenue of nearly 3 billion, 60% of the products for aerospace customers.

in the company’s revenue structure, the military accounted for 60%, 40% civilian. Zhao Minghan that military products is very important, demand is very stable, to bring stability to the company’s sales revenue and net profit; Moreover, the field of aerospace materials company which is one of the industries supported by the state, the future will benefit from the China Aviation The rapid development of aerospace and a substantial investment. But the disadvantages are also obvious that there are limits on the scale of a year’s demand is only so much growth can not be too large, and the company’s growing scale of production does not match. If you rely solely on the military market, the Iron and Steel Research development of high rate of satisfaction in the coming years will surely be affected, while the broad market areas of the development of civilian space for Iron and Steel Research Gaona see hope.

Steel Research Gaona listed on the GEM funds raised will be mainly for the aerospace and deformation temperature of powder metal products, aerospace aluminum with a titanium metal products, new high-temperature solid self-lubricating composite materials and products , casting high temperature alloys high-quality precision casting, vacuum casting and high temperature alloys, master alloys level projects. In addition to the new system to meet the aerospace materials and equipment needs, the company will open up car engine with turbocharger turbine superalloy precision castings, and chemical industry and automotive engine valve casting parts precision casting, and other civilian market. Clearly, in addition to consolidating the basis for the field of aerospace materials, steel, high-sodium has been increased research in the civilian areas of expansion.

Zhao Minghan evangelism, fund-raising project of this company by leaps and bounds is an important step in the development of the company to enhance market competitiveness and long-term development of great significance, in 2014, the production of several major projects , the company will increase the proportion of civilian share of revenues to 70%, while the military will drop to 30%.

He particularly the future of automotive products, high hopes, because the demand for automotive turbocharger to a rate of 30% per year. This is a greater demand for high-temperature alloys market worldwide in the needs of the turbocharger turbine more than 900 million pieces of 2 tons of material each year the domestic market demand, and growing every year, this study of high steel satisfied that the development of expansion has great appeal. But the whole industry a bit confusing, quite a mixed bag, some small township enterprises do, the quality is uneven.

“With our technology, the company the industry leader to do this no problem.” Zhaoming Han admitted that the company is considering expanding production scale. Iron and Steel Research Gaona turbocharger turbine superalloy materials used in the traditional technology will be improved so that higher material quality and production efficiency, material costs will also come down, the end product life will be longer. He said the company’s products with high quality and low cost advantage to expand their market strategies have been identified and will consider a number of professional sales companies for product promotion.

supreme alternative incentives

compare alternative is satisfied that the current high steel research only not implemented the GEM equity incentive company. Although the era of knowledge economy has jealously guard the high-tech talent, but making the rich GEM vigorous myth has nothing to do with them.

“in the existing conditions, to one person too much money out of the reward is not realistic, but the Iron and Steel Research Gaona’ve tried everything, including the company the highest possible treatment, and the spirit of national honor award. “The policy and institutional constraints, Zhaoming Han did not express much worry. The actual control of the company are the SASAC, the annual selection of the advanced level of individuals, companies and technical personnel has won many honors, which is priceless. He sighed, “like us to do research, more attention to the embodiment of human values, we are working to the state, such a lofty national pride not everyone has access to, is paramount.”

in the “alternative incentive” under the effect of lack of incentive stock options and Steel Institute did not give the development of high-sodium bring too much of the past. From 1985 to now, 20 years, inclusive of high-performance steel research steadily rising, there is no decline in the year before. This allows Zhao Minghan proud.

talk to him: “The company is growing very strong, emboldened enough, operation, and all for a common purpose, and the year exceeded targets every year. In the GEM in the horizontal comparison, Iron and Steel Research The annual performance of high growth and satisfaction is not too prominent, but the longitudinal comparison, the company has been developing, on a small step each year, and is a world-class enterprises into the high-temperature alloys. “

Nevertheless, Bound system inevitably led to the loss of a number of technical staff. For long-term development and ambitious future goals, high-sodium is bound to face Iron and Steel Research radical institutional change.

Zhaoming Han admitted that the company to the outside world the impression that the incentive system in place, and strong enough, the core technical staff lack of enthusiasm. This year’s shareholder meeting, shareholder proposals to solve the company has senior management and core technical staff of the equity incentive problem, the company has recognized this problem and is actively working with major shareholders, communication and consultation with competent authorities to seek practical and concrete solutions. The main problem facing the program is the exercise price and conditions of vesting conditions set too high, employees will feel that is true, of enthusiasm, given the low and pass the examination and approval. Although the dilemma, a specific implementation plan has not yet been established, there is no specific timetable, but Zhaoming Han said the confidence to produce a satisfactory answer to everyone.


made F-11B fighter aircraft has been using domestic” Taihang “high-thrust turbofan engine.

ws10 the Zhuhai air show appearance in the last row is too large thrust turbofan engine.

ps:some china Forum Boss say :ws-10 have been used in a j-10,it is in the fight test phase!
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I wanted to know that J10B complete designation in Pakistan is FC-20 vanguard or will it be FC-20 only.
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Welll boys, we recieved the ZDK-03 AESAs yesterday.. all of them.. I assume these airplanes will work in tandem with the growing fleet of Jf-17s and the upcoming FC-20s..

Considering the Pace at which Pakistan is modernising its armed forces, I believe its just a matter of another 5 years.. and the edge that the Indians once had would be completely Eliminated.. We must not forget to Put the china-indo relation into the equation..

With FC-20s and f-16s joining PAF and JXX joining the PLAAF.. India would definately be getting a feeling of being surrounded for the first time in history.. whether the Indians admit it or not..
Welll boys, we recieved the ZDK-03 AESAs yesterday.. all of them.. I assume these airplanes will work in tandem with the growing fleet of Jf-17s and the upcoming FC-20s..

Considering the Pace at which Pakistan is modernising its armed forces, I believe its just a matter of another 5 years.. and the edge that the Indians once had would be completely Eliminated.. We must not forget to Put the china-indo relation into the equation..

With FC-20s and f-16s joining PAF and JXX joining the PLAAF.. India would definately be getting a feeling of being surrounded for the first time in history.. whether the Indians admit it or not..


I registered to this Forum With the motive to reply to your Statement... No One denies we are surrounded, We knew that the very first day You two Shook Hands , But thats Sense did not make us Weak we still have the Guts to Openly say we can take on You both Even If it may not be true as we know we do not have the Required capability to open a two front war as Of Now....

But I seriously do not think you can bother us By Acquiring a Few F-20's or F-16's Because we are Upgrading our Armed forces Nearly 10 times the speed and Quantities as That of What You are Upgrading...

When You are negotiating for FC-20 we have moved ahead with MMRCA,AMCA, FGFA,T-50 and the Very indigenous Airborn Early Warning Radars.... Do You still think you can bother us???

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