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Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

Are you so self deluded to think that US military is wanted any any part of the world?
Even Japan and Korea hates you guys.
Unfortunately for Japan and Korea, their governments are slaves to US so the people don't get a say in the matter.
lets not slur at members.....
lets slur the dick who asks bombing iran.on a stupid drone that fell off the sky.
We're not the one lying to the world about some made up WMD and false pretense about spreading democracy in order to grab oil. By the way, which country did we militarily occupy in the last 30 years?

nope but your country has had world domination on its mind, and for the short term, control of all of asia. your country has not started any wars, because it knows if it did, it would be prematurely destroyed by america before it can become powerful enough to take on the USA. in recent years your country have been very aggressive in speeches, military expansion, and towards other countries regarding the sth china sea be it military or civilian. china plan is not to take bit by bit and set it self up. chinas plan is to blitzkrieg the whole region at one time. for that you wait , build up your arms and technology, wait for a time when your adversary weakens, then attack.

china in a lot of ways in worse then the americans, and should china ever rule over the world, everyone except chinese will be slaves. well.. those left
We're not the one lying to the world about some made up WMD and false pretense about spreading democracy in order to grab oil.
And how much oil did we 'stole'? Be careful about that 'WMD' thing. You may not know what China said about it. :lol:

By the way, which country did we militarily occupy in the last 30 years?
Only because we prevented you from any. Remember, you were in Viet Nam long before the US did and began troublemaking there.
nope but your country has had world domination on its mind, and for the short term, control of all of asia. your country has not started any wars, because it knows if it did, it would be prematurely destroyed by america before it can become powerful enough to take on the USA. in recent years your country have been very aggressive in speeches, military expansion, and towards other countries regarding the sth china sea be it military or civilian. china plan is not to take bit by bit and set it self up. chinas plan is to blitzkrieg the whole region at one time. for that you wait , build up your arms and technology, wait for a time when your adversary weakens, then attack.

china in a lot of ways in worse then the americans, and should china ever rule over the world, everyone except chinese will be slaves. well.. those left
How many wars did China fight in the past 30 years? None. How many did Americans and its NATO puppets fight? Yet we are the monster seeking world domination while you are the peacekeepers?

nope but your country has had world domination on its mind, and for the short term, control of all of asia. your country has not started any wars, because it knows if it did, it would be prematurely destroyed by america before it can become powerful enough to take on the USA. in recent years your country have been very aggressive in speeches, military expansion, and towards other countries regarding the sth china sea be it military or civilian. china plan is not to take bit by bit and set it self up. chinas plan is to blitzkrieg the whole region at one time. for that you wait , build up your arms and technology, wait for a time when your adversary weakens, then attack.

china in a lot of ways in worse then the americans, and should china ever rule over the world, everyone except chinese will be slaves. well.. those left

you know how a criminal is always paranoid that someone will do to him what he did to someone else?
Well that describes the west.
World domination? you mean like you people did? And how you committed genocide against 3 full continents of the world, and attempted genocide against the other 2?

why are you hypocrites getting up on China when they are just flowing your lead?
And how much oil did we 'stole'? Be careful about that 'WMD' thing. You may not know what China said about it. :lol:
So did you find your imaginary WMD yet? The world is still waiting on that.

Only because we prevented you from any. Remember, you were in Viet Nam long before the US did and began troublemaking there.
Ah I always find self-righteous crook like you to be funny. How many country did we wage war agaisnt in the past 30 years compared to you? Are you such a coward that you fear to answer that question?
Countries the US has Attacked OR Occupied since World War II :

China 1945-46

Korea 1950-53

China 1950-53

Guatemala 1954

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-60

Guatemala 1960

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala 1964

Dominican Republic 1965-66

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Guatemala 1967-69

Lebanon 1982-84

Grenada 1983-84

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1981-92

Nicaragua 1981-90

Iran 1987-88

Libya 1989

Panama 1989-90

Iraq 1991

Kuwait 1991

Somalia 1992-94

Bosnia 1995

Iran 1998

Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998

Yugoslavia - Serbia 1999

Afghanistan 2001 - 2011

Libya 2011

Pakistan 2007-2011
So did you find your imaginary WMD yet? The world is still waiting on that.
You mean defined by the UN/IAEA?

RESOLUTION 687 (1991) Adopted by the Security Council at its 2981st meeting, on 3 April 1991
12. Decides that Iraq shall unconditionally agree not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material or any subsystems or components or any research, development, support or manufacturing facilities related to the above;...
...That had the IAEA in Iraq in first place? Then yes, we found it.

But if you mean conveniently narrowly defined by those who would disregard 687 then I guess not. :lol:

Ah I always find self-righteous crook like you to be funny. How many country did we wage war agaisnt in the past 30 years compared to you? Are you such a coward that you fear to answer that question?
The reason why China has not been able to conquer Asia is because us 'inferior' Asians refused to submit. That and the US refused to let you. Your lack of conquest does not equal to lack of intent.
Dick is basically asking to go at war with Iran because if USA does this kind of thing to destroy UAV Iran can respond back by targeting those bases which are close to Iran
Countries the US has Attacked OR Occupied since World War II :

China 1945-46

Korea 1950-53

China 1950-53

Guatemala 1954

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-60

Guatemala 1960

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala 1964

Dominican Republic 1965-66

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Guatemala 1967-69

Lebanon 1982-84

Grenada 1983-84

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1981-92

Nicaragua 1981-90

Iran 1987-88

Libya 1989

Panama 1989-90

Iraq 1991

Kuwait 1991

Somalia 1992-94

Bosnia 1995

Iran 1998

Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998

Yugoslavia - Serbia 1999

Afghanistan 2001 - 2011

Libya 2011

Pakistan 2007-2011

^^ Delete the last part in bold, this is different case. Pakistan has been giving green lights to USA during Musharraf era and Afghanistan issues, other lists above were extremely enemy with US. Most of these countries are very small countries US taking advantages of them, wow.
good that he did not listen to MR. DICK hhahah hehe
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