Pakistan needs to diversify its Energy Supply. Currently there is no energy security. Pakistan needs to revise it's ENTIRE Energy Policy. It can not continue to build oil-furnaces to create electricity.
Some suggestions:
Pakistan has excellent hydro-electric potential, but mega projects are not the way to go. Small dams here and there with the capacity of 750-1.2 megawatts is a great idea. If only Pakistan can be more able to protect the Indus River & its tributaries.
Solar electricity will be a great idea, especially if the government is able to educate the people to install the panels on the roofs of their residence. Rather than buying UPS which add pressure on the national grid.
Wing power will be great for rural villages. Allot of electric power is lost in transit. Having the electric supply close to the consumer will be wonderful.
Nuclear Power only makes sense if it is to provide electricity to the cities. Which are projected to grow greatly in the next 5 years.
1) Mega Projects are not the way to go. Look at WAPDA. Small projects here and there will provide better employment for the local economy, the employees will have a vested interest to do the best work, because it will be "in their backyard".
2) Less maintenance costs, once the cost exceed the value, the government can just phase out the project.
3) Hopefully by the next decade the Country will be in a better position.
Side note: People could also build gardens on their roofs it has been proven that gardens are able to lower the temperature and are greener. There is a Great push in much of the world, where building are being remodeled to have gardens on the roofs. Look up Songdo, South Korea.