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Changing Views of Afghan Forces

US and her NATO allies huffed and puffed for 10 year to blow down Pakistan but nothing worked ... ANA will get disbanded after NATO/US withdrawl , thats the reality of it all
Cmon they never 'wanted' to blow down Pakistan.. They thought Pakistan would comply like earlier times but they forgot that it was their own beloved groups which America wanted destroyed.. and so the acrimony... wake up dude
Pakistan will remain the greatest challenge to Afghanistan's security....
Do you think the video is taken secretly??? Seems like you are also an unfortunate victim of hate pakistan no matter what mentality.
Anyway care to share why pakistan army "gave" those weapons.

No I am not, no camera captures at that height continously the spy cam is installed in the leg of eye glass, giving those arms are part of pak army's support to the Taliban!
we trained mujahideen with US money..... Taliban were never trained by us..... Because they are the same Mujahideen....And now US is again training Afghans....

US dumped Afghanistan as soon as the soviet troops went, it was pakistan that helped taliban to capture power in Afghanistan.
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