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Chamalang The Gold Valley-Pak Army's gift to the Nation

I am not suggesting that the Sardar's may not be happy at the prosperity and end to violence, but somehow I think the real happiness here is going to be amongst the average people of the area, the ones who stand to gain the most, whose children (unlike those of the Sardar's) will only have a chance at education and a better life if violence ends and development and prosperity occurs.

The Sardar's and their armed thugs will have their power, wealth and control regardless - perhaps less so if peace, prosperity and development takes root - though they may also care enough for their clans to not mind potentially giving up that power.
I am not suggesting that the Sardar's may not be happy at the prosperity and end to violence, but somehow I think the real happiness here is going to be amongst the average people of the area, the ones who stand to gain the most, whose children (unlike those of the Sardar's) will only have a chance at education and a better life if violence ends and development and prosperity occurs.

The Sardar's and their armed thugs will have their power, wealth and control regardless - perhaps less so if peace, prosperity and development takes root - though they may also care enough for their clans to not mind potentially giving up that power.

This is what i exactly want to say.
The dude that i had talked with was not a Wadera or Sardar, he was an ordinary man who happened to be the one being benefited from the project.

During the talk i myself felt as if he might be faking his happiness and glory (this is true from the heart!) but then i thought why would someone be burning his blood ti fake out something to s Stranger!!!

i had never met him before, nor he had taken anything from me, then why the doubt???

You can fake the accent but not the glow!!!

i'll post a pic some time later (the surprise) that i was talking about earlier and then people can compare the situation themselves.
Here i also want to show you people the other face of the reality in the area under discussion.

This happened when i was sitting with the guy i talked with. (you must be thinking how lucky i was that everything had to take place at the same time..lolzz but that's how it was) Two incidents in a day-i guess had i stayed more, many other things might also have come to light.

But anywaz when i finished talking with that man and were then sipping in some green tea we were informed that there is an old man with two small girls asking to see some Officer! On inquiring it was revealed that the guy was poor and shabby and is asking for some financial assistance. After running a simple check it was found that a few Officers and men were knowing him and thus he was validated.

He was unable to speak Urdu properly so after hiring the assistance of a 'translator' we came to know that he has not eaten since the last 5 days!!!! Just getting bits of food for his daughters.

To make us more sad he also told us that he asked for some rations from a local shopkeeper on loan and you know what was the reply that he received..?? He was told to leave his elder daughter with the shopkeeper in turn of some food!!!
You can yourself see how old were the girls!!!


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If only our Lal Masjid Mullah's and Mullah FM's understood that taking care of people like these is far more important than burning CD's an forcibly shutting down brothels.
I am not suggesting that the Sardar's may not be happy at the prosperity and end to violence, but somehow I think the real happiness here is going to be amongst the average people of the area, the ones who stand to gain the most, whose children (unlike those of the Sardar's) will only have a chance at education and a better life if violence ends and development and prosperity occurs.

The Sardar's and their armed thugs will have their power, wealth and control regardless - perhaps less so if peace, prosperity and development takes root - though they may also care enough for their clans to not mind potentially giving up that power.

Yea we have to find a way to get the Sardars out of the way. I'm from Quetta, and some members of my family are married to the Luni tribe. Unfortunately as usual the Sardars have hijacked chamalang and there is very little benefit going to the people.

Guys we MUST find a way to make sure that the benefits of the resources of our nation are reaped by the PEOPLE and not by a few members of the ELITE. The saddest part is that people in balochistan are beginning to sympathise with the terrorist BLA simply because the BLA's propanganda tactics are working and the fact that all the major development projects' benefits are landing in the pockets of the Sardars rather than the pockets of the aam admi. The BLA is banking on the people's frustration and using it as a means to promote their agenda. Last time I went to Quetta (Summer 2008) there was massive support and sympathy for the BLA.

We MUST act fast and ensure that the regular people of balochistan reap the benfits of the development projects going on there right now.
Yea we have to find a way to get the Sardars out of the way. I'm from Quetta, and some members of my family are married to the Luni tribe. Unfortunately as usual the Sardars have hijacked chamalang and there is very little benefit going to the people.

Guys we MUST find a way to make sure that the benefits of the resources of our nation are reaped by the PEOPLE and not by a few members of the ELITE. The saddest part is that people in balochistan are beginning to sympathise with the terrorist BLA simply because the BLA's propanganda tactics are working and the fact that all the major development projects' benefits are landing in the pockets of the Sardars rather than the pockets of the aam admi. The BLA is banking on the people's frustration and using it as a means to promote their agenda. Last time I went to Quetta (Summer 2008) there was massive support and sympathy for the BLA.

We MUST act fast and ensure that the regular people of Baluchistan reap the benfits of the development projects going on there right now.

You are right but anti-Pak and anti-Army sentiments have gone down, but still the anti-state mastermind are at large and are still planning their dirty work.

The Army has tried it best to deal with the situation.

Kicking some a$$ on one side and helping out the needy on the other.

Atleast, the project that are being run under the patronage of the Army, it can be assured that no hanky pancky is involved.

Moreover, it is the people of Baluchistan who make decision, make truce with other tribes and solve their problems, Army is just facilitating them by bringing them under one roof and umbrella. And ofcourse the 'danda' of Army is also at work at some places!:) But it the people and locals themselves who have sorted out their differences.

Hats Off the people of Baluchistan. May Allah be with them!
A monument near Chamalang Coal Mines.



i hope you could read it:pop:
(Left side label)


Wow; didnt know army made such an effort; the media doesn't catch up with news that patronizes the army; what hypocrites...
Wow; didnt know army made such an effort; the media doesn't catch up with news that patronizes the army; what hypocrites...

there are many gud things which media never sees......
every single effort in balochistan matters. i wish gov could do the same for other tribes and therefore making them pro pak
It is not strange that the media have not been covering such events, but still the work goes on.

Though we have seen Geo and Express reporters roaming around but never found something related getting aired.
Hey thanks a lot for sharing this. I have always believed that we need to have the government and army's tentacles spreading to every corner of Pakistan. These tribal jirgas and tribal leaders should not be in charge ANYWHERE. Get rid of them and give the power to the people!
Sir ji... these geo ppl dont telecast something gud. they must be lookin for some drawbacks

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