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CH-4 Chinese UCAV Arrives in Pakistan for Army

My lingering fears about this forums credibility, independence and reliability have proven correct. Unfortunately my time here is now done. No more posts or replies from here on. Audios Amigos!
What happened? I dont think anyone with working brain can doubt your credibility.
The quality of life of the average militant recruit is absolutely terrible, and they are reminded by their recruiters of the stark contrast between their living standard and that of an average middle-class citizen from Punjab. The recent development projects in Gwadar and other parts of Balochistan, the land where they were born and raised, are a distant dream to them. You will not repress them by killing them with airstrikes, you will only make them more angry.

Your opponent here is not a spoiled sardar living in exile; it is these boys and men who have seen nothing but poverty and adversity in their lives. Yes, they have butchered our troops, and therefore you do not want to sympathise with them. Remember, however, that you have no choice but to show them sympathy if you want an end to this insurgency because they do represent the wishes of the people. Anyone who thinks the insurgents do not enjoy popular support is living in a fool's paradise.

That is why it is important to label it a civil war rather than a foreign funded operation. India supports it financially and may teach them how to use weapons and plan attacks but mind you , no Hindu/Indian make the foot soldiers or even the leadership. The fact is a certain segment of population is not in favor of this country and will forever remain against its creation , also this false mantra that they(baloch) have been looted and deprived of prosperity should be put to death. This baloch problem is going on since the creation of Pakistan. India came way way later to the show.

The misery of baloch people is totally their fault. They should not blame other ethnicities for the life they are experiencing in Balochistan. I am sorry to say but I have very little sympathy for these thugs who regularly murder normal and innocent Punjabis / urdu speaker who try to make a living while they themselves move to Punjab/sindh for jobs and no one bothers them.

How come a Thari living in interior sindh who has equally if not worse lifestyle than some balouchi never blows shit up.?. How come he never murders urdu-speakers or punjabis ? We are currently mining coal from there yet we haven't seen major development package for them. Go visit that place if you have time. You will get diarrhea just be looking at the water they drink.

Also , this myth that Balochistan is rich in natural resources has never been proved.. Bulk of Gas and coal comes from Sindh . It is actually FATA that is rich in natural resource.

Believe it or not but a significant chunk of Pakistan's population , especially the baloch and sindhies hate Pakistan and would happily see it disintegrate . This is not about poverty or anything but rather anti Pakistan ideology. Go read their scriptures /books and literature in their language where they talk about how their mighty ethnicity has been oppressed by joining Pakistan.

Now we have another snake in the form PTM that is blowing ethnic chavinism. As long as Pakistani ethnicities remain hyper focused on ethnic background , these problems will persist.

Best thing is to flood balochistan with multiple ethnicities and arm them. Teach them how to fight.

If all else fail , follow China model with help from china.
That is why it is important to label it a civil war rather than a foreign funded operation. India supports it financially and may teach them how to use weapons and plan attacks but mind you , no Hindu/Indian make the foot soldiers or even the leadership. The fact is a certain segment of population is not in favor of this country and will forever remain against its creation , also this false mantra that they(baloch) have been looted and deprived of prosperity should be put to death. This baloch problem is going on since the creation of Pakistan. India came way way later to the show.

The misery of baloch people is totally their fault. They should not blame other ethnicities for the life they are experiencing in Balochistan. I am sorry to say but I have very little sympathy for these thugs who regularly murder normal and innocent Punjabis / urdu speaker who try to make a living while they themselves move to Punjab/sindh for jobs and no one bothers them.

How come a Thari living in interior sindh who has equally if not worse lifestyle than some balouchi never blows shit up.?. How come he never murders urdu-speakers or punjabis ? We are currently mining coal from there yet we haven't seen major development package for them. Go visit that place if you have time. You will get diarrhea just be looking at the water they drink.

Also , this myth that Balochistan is rich in natural resources has never been proved.. Bulk of Gas and coal comes from Sindh . It is actually FATA that is rich in natural resource.

Believe it or not but a significant chunk of Pakistan's population , especially the baloch and sindhies hate Pakistan and would happily see it disintegrate . This is not about poverty or anything but rather anti Pakistan ideology. Go read their scriptures /books and literature in their language where they talk about how their mighty ethnicity has been oppressed by joining Pakistan.

Now we have another snake in the form PTM that is blowing ethnic chavinism. As long as Pakistani ethnicities remain hyper focused on ethnic background , these problems will persist.

Best thing is to flood balochistan with multiple ethnicities and arm them. Teach them how to fight.

If all else fail , follow China model with help from china.

Let me give you another perspective

Religion is the biggest antidote to Baloch and sindhi ethnic supremacist poison. The closer a sindhi or Baloch to Islam the lesser his chances of being a BLA or BLF or BSO Azad or JSQM worker or at least supporter

One reason PTM is failing to establish foot outside Waziristan is Pashtuns traditional love and affection for Islam. Pashtuns generally are religious hence it is very difficult for a religious Pashtun to get along with mohsin dawar type hypocrites
Let me give you another perspective

Religion is the biggest antidote to Baloch and sindhi ethnic supremacist poison. The closer a sindhi or Baloch to Islam the lesser his chances of being a BLA or BLF or BSO Azad or JSQM worker or at least supporter

One reason PTM is failing to establish foot outside Waziristan is Pashtuns traditional love and affection for Islam. Pashtuns generally are religious hence it is very difficult for a religious Pashtun to get along with mohsin dawar type hypocrites
Islam is the only solution to keep Pakistan united. But he is right on Baloch being robbed by their own leaders. State for really long time has let this lie spread that Punjabi is busy being robbing Baloch. It's time to destroy that propaganda and create a counter narrative by exposing corruption of Baloch Sardars and Mullahs elected by Pathans in Baluchistan. Just recently one of Akbar Bugti sons or may be his grand son has bought a 7 crore Ferrari. @pakpride00090
Islam is the only solution to keep Pakistan united. But he is right on Baloch being robbed by their own leaders. State for really long time has let this lie spread that Punjabi is busy being robbing Baloch. It's time to destroy that propaganda and create a counter narrative by exposing corruption of Baloch Sardars and Mullahs elected by Pathans in Baluchistan. Just recently one of Akbar Bugti sons or may be his grand son has bought a 7 crore Ferrari. @pakpride00090

State has been very lousy when it comes to counter narrative. Ethnic trouble making baloch are not even enough quantity. It is imperative for the state to declare it and treat it as a civil war and that means going after their families ,and other ops.

I am sad that Chinese are not as physically(violence) aggressive as Americans are ... After the killing of chinese nationals , they should have been more thorough in taking out these troublemakers...
You bet if white americans had been killed in balochistan by ethnic baloch , you would have been seeing regular drone strikes until baloch problem is solved.
Let me give you another perspective

Religion is the biggest antidote to Baloch and sindhi ethnic supremacist poison. The closer a sindhi or Baloch to Islam the lesser his chances of being a BLA or BLF or BSO Azad or JSQM worker or at least supporter

One reason PTM is failing to establish foot outside Waziristan is Pashtuns traditional love and affection for Islam.

Let me give you another perspective

Religion is the biggest antidote to Baloch and sindhi ethnic supremacist poison. The closer a sindhi or Baloch to Islam the lesser his chances of being a BLA or BLF or BSO Azad or JSQM worker or at least supporter

One reason PTM is failing to establish foot outside Waziristan is Pashtuns traditional love and affection for Islam. Pashtuns generally are religious hence it is very difficult for a religious Pashtun to get along with mohsin dawar type hypocrites
If we had Islam we would not be tribal or nationalistic. Sadly out of the 200 million plus people of Pakistan I can guaranteed you that not even 0.0001% know what they recite in salat. So what Islam. So sad.
When we see the slaughter of Muslims we hide behind nationalism. But next the same zalim will come for us
Islam is the only solution to keep Pakistan united. But he is right on Baloch being robbed by their own leaders. State for really long time has let this lie spread that Punjabi is busy being robbing Baloch. It's time to destroy that propaganda and create a counter narrative by exposing corruption of Baloch Sardars and Mullahs elected by Pathans in Baluchistan. Just recently one of Akbar Bugti sons or may be his grand son has bought a 7 crore Ferrari. @pakpride00090
Islam isn't for free!!! It requires Kurban on a 24/7 basis, which the Pak Army is willingly providing with pride and honor....

If you don't have such a Muslim Army the Muslims are as good as dead! Muslims in BD are it's prime example...

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