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Celebrations in Srinagar On indian defeat , Indian media pissed

Your previous generations couldn't do it.. neither yours.. mean while we are also determined and prepared to keep every inch of Kashmir to India. Jaihind...!

bwahahahaha well your all generations failed to stop unarmed Kashmiris from forcing your soldiers to commit suicide out of guilt in IoK so nothing wrong if our generations (which btw never tried much) could not get entire Kashmir.

BTW are you sure when you use the phrase 'EVERY INCH' :P
Kashmirs are not Indians neither Kashmir is India - so they have right to celebrate defeat of an enemy country like we did in Pakistan.

I’m not Indian: Yasin Malik to indian media

Then why does constitution of J&K say that we are an integral part of India?

The constitution was drafted by democratically elected representatives of the constituent assembly, which represents the people of Kashmir, and their sentiments and aspirations.

Know your facts before opening your mouth unnecessarily buddy

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We won't GIve it back but Aussies will put bat behind Indians .............. And Aussies will take it back
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You Nuke us all but, Saudia & Turkey will take revenge in minutes.

They don't have nukes. We will nuke them as well and for good measure, we will also nuke Syria, Israel and Australia (for making us lose the cricket tourno) :dirol:
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