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http://s155239215.onlinehome.us/turkic/turkicsite.htm Genetik bilim isiginda Turk tarihi hipotezleri sunuyorlar.

Sonuclara hic bir zaman kesin sekilde ulasamazsin ama bir elde elma vardir digerinde armut elmanin armut olmadigini bilirsin armutunda elma Turk ve Cin iliskisi oyledir ..Eski cin kaynaklarinda da turkleri sarisin ve yesil gozlu ifade ederler ki eldeki genetik veriler bunlarla uyusuyor. Bugun cekik gozlu olan kirgizlarin tarihde sari scli mavi gozlu oldugunu biliyoruz ki genetik verilerdede baba soyundan gelen Y dna ornekleri % 80 lere varan oranda kirgizlarin bu tarihi ozelligini niteliyor.

kardeş sana tavsiyem bu cahille tartışmaman. nihayetinde cabatlı adlı mod efendileri sana uyarı verir, şaşar kalırsın :D bu cahil şey azerbaycanlıların tamamına tecavüzcü, hırsız, çeteci dedi. yetmedi orta asyalılara mongol dedi (ermeni ve yunanlıların türkler için kullandıkları ırkçı ifade). ama uyarıyı alan ben oldum ;) mod efendi de bir ara benim "bana uyarıyı neden verdin" soruma cevap verirse çok şekil olacak :D

@Sinan bro, so ive been really interested in the Yakutsk people , one of the largest Turkic ethnic groups in Russia. Anyways they have their own Republic, actually, called Yakutia. Been listening to their language, too, sounds very much like Turkish, lol.

Anyways, here's a Yakut song, can you understand what they're saying???

Pronunciation resembles Turkish (all Turkic language resembles other after all :) ) But i can't understand them.... Apart from Azerbaijani and Turkmen to a point, i can't understand others like Kyrgyz and Kazakh.

But let me give you an example. In Kazakh Turkic, with subtitle support i can understand specific words.

But this Tuva Turkic is even sounds more distant that kazakh language for me.

@telkon and @Targon has better ear than me when it comes to Turkic language, i would like to hear their opinion as well.
I find it interesting that Ainu , Yakutsk and Turkish share the word Akan, which refers to running, flowing, water. :)

Yes, i studied in Kiev back in 2006-2007 for a semester. Have you heard of Kiev Mohyla Academy? I did study there. Києво-Могилянська академія...

Beatiful song by the way. :)

don't want to sound smart-***, but yakutsk is not a name of the ethnic group. it's the name of their capital. they call themselves Sakha, their country Sakha-Sire. in russian they're called Yakut. IIRC yakut is either from dolgan or tunguz language. i can understand their language to a point (written better, spoken not so well). together with Chuvash Turkic, Sakha language is the most distant to "mainstream" Turkic languages (it's attributed to them breaking off from main turkic ethnic mass, thus evolving under different factors). akan mean "that which flows (root ak- 'to flow', same form is used in giden, gelen, atan, koşan etc.). this word and form used in every turkic language. IMHO if ainu also use it, it probably means they borrowed it from some turkic language while their main mass was living in continental asia.
Bak ben simdi Ukrayna Harkovda Turk kafesindeyim, tamda denk geldi, Garson kiz kirgiz. Kapkara gozlu, kapkara sacli. 14 yildir buralarda bayagi Kirgiz gordum, sari sacli mavi gozlusune hic rastlamadim.
Bunlarda gercek kirgiz degil demekki. Su Turklugun standard bir tarifini bulunda sizde rahatlayin,bizde.
Ataturk bu isi kac sene once cozmus ama hala bir delinin pesinden bir kuyuya atlayanlar var.
Ne mutlu Turkum diyene.
Turkiyede yapilan genetik arastirmalar sonucu fars,ermeni ve grek milletleriyle yakinligimiz var. Onlarinda ayni sekilde bizimle. Insanlar bin yildir etkilesim icinde. Sizin irkci gorusleriniz ile Edirne ve Elazigi, Manisa ve Antep'i, Giresun ve Rizeyi bu ulkede hep birarada nasil tutacagiz.
Bu laflari edenlerin kendi DNAlarini once arastirmak isterdim. Mogol olmanin bir ustunlugu yok, Cinli olmanin bir ayibi yok.
Turkiye gibi bir ulkede sacma sapan islerle ugrasmayin.
Ruslari ornek alin, dilinizi butun vatandaslariniza yayin.Bin yil sonraki neslinizi simdiden koruyun
Kusura bakma arkadas ben yazdiklarimda gayet aciktim yok sen eger anlama kapasiten geregi bazi seyleri aligilamakta zorlaniyorsan o senin sorunun ki anlatmaya daha fazla ugrasmayacagim .Fakat nasil olduda beni irkci yaptin anlamdim birde rize ve giresun edirne ile elazig anteple manisa illeri arasinda ne fark var ki bunlari bir arada tutmanin zor olacagini dusunuyorsun ???
@telkon Bazi seyleri bende fark etmiyor degilim bilmem eskiden burasi boyle degildi bazi insanlarda oyle degildi bir cok sey degisti sanirim yada biz farkli dusunduk cok insan hakkinda ..
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Believe me,we have recently banned few Irani posters as well.As I have discussed earlier that we don't respond with respect to nationalities,but we only seek post quality.If PDF has any sort of bias against any nationality then we wouldn't have welcomed Israelis along with Arab posters to have argument.
Besides,the demotion procedure is two way: Either we prepare demotion list after discussions and post it to webmaster(system-A) or sometimes,management directly notices somethings, demote the poster and send us notification(B).
So,in your case system-B was in function,not A.

Oh if post quality of Think Tanks is an issue then i have seen a lot ''Think Tanks'' here with presenting their own facts and truths, posting utter garbage out of bias or even insulting people who dont agree with them.
I never understood why mass reporting is so effective in PDF, its no different then mob justice on scapegoats.

LOOOOOOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::partay::partay::partay::partay::partay::partay::partay::partay:
Please calm down and watch this.

Salak, yemin ediyorum gerizekalı bunlar.

Ayrıca Rachel Corrie'nin adını nasıl ağızlarına alıyorlar? İsrail bir öldürdüyse bu şerefsizler Suriye'de, Irak'ta bin öldürdüler Esad itiyle birlikte. Ah Yavuz Ah! Erken gittin, şu pislikleri yeryüzünden silemeden!
That is why he is suggested to talk with webmaster.


Honestly if there is a Think Tank that doesnt belong in the group, it would be Daneshmand. That dude has been spouting the most biased and BS posts. Saying that Azerbaijan will become an Islamic republic, insulting and looking down on Turkey, fueling religious sectarianism and etc. His posts are based on emotions rather then logical and rational thinking.

Azerbaijan is a dictatorship born out of break up of Soviet Union with most of its population being Shia. It is only natural that it will someday become an Islamic Republic modeled after Iran and allied with it. This might take some time, but it is INEVITABLE.

Saddam also used to behave like you. He could have never imagined Iraq some day to become an ally of Iran. But the demographics, and the power of religion are way more influential than your fantasie

Source: Iranian Chill Thread | Page 1818

Let this post be my official complaint.
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Hep söylüyorum Amerika gibi müttefiğin olacağına Rusya gibi düşmanın olsun.
Oyle omuyor iste,biz muttegimizi secebilmek durumunda degiliz,her yere bagimliyiz.
Ne zamanki bagimsiz olursak,her yonden tabiki,buda imkansiz gibime geliyor,o zaman seceneklerimiz ve restimiz olabilir.
Yeni yeni savunma saniyimiz olusuyor,yine ABD ve Avrupaya boyun egiyoruz.
Petrol ve gas bagimlilimizda bize secim birakmiyor.
Yolumuz cok uzun.

Damn Sinan sssssshhh its my moment here.
Ik was aan het vissen,het heeft gewerkt,bijna iedereen heeft commentaar gegeven omtrent 500.
So,it worked,o Supreme leader(Kim Yong Un) of the Dutch Turks on PDF.:lol:
Oyle omuyor iste,biz muttegimizi secebilmek durumunda degiliz,her yere bagimliyiz.
Ne zamanki bagimsiz olursak,her yonden tabiki,buda imkansiz gibime geliyor,o zaman seceneklerimiz ve restimiz olabilir.
Yeni yeni savunma saniyimiz olusuyor,yine ABD ve Avrupaya boyun egiyoruz.
Petrol ve gas bagimlilimizda bize secim birakmiyor.
Yolumuz cok uzun.

Ik was aan het vissen,het heeft gewerkt,bijna iedereen heeft commentaar gegeven omtrent 500.
So,it worked,o Supreme leader(Kim Yong Un) of the Dutch Turks on PDF.:lol:

I'm thinking about expanding my empire, maybe include some Belgian, German and French Turks aswell. Make my own little group of Jannisaries.

Praise thee the eternal great super supreme Leader Kim Yong Enes!

I'm thinking about expanding my empire, maybe include some Belgian, German and French Turks aswell. Make my own little group of Jannisaries.

Praise thee the eternal great super supreme Leader Kim Yong Enes!
You know what happened to Hitler right?
He also wanted Lebensraum,to fast to soon.:sarcastic:
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