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Çay Bahçesi

@Ostad @asena_great

What do you call getting into someone's back, or putting something on someone's back ?

In my region there is an unique verb for it ebişmek/ebiştirmek so I was wondering if it was something with local origin or not. :)
i know Azari (mother tongue) ,farsi, and i can understand turkish but speeking and writing... a month away from tomar and i dont have tofel.
btw why do you ask.?
idk what the Electrical engineering: Control do but one of my siblens was a civil engineer and could get a job in several turkish companions work in iran and turkmenistan and the one in iran pay very good 3000 dollar every month give u a house near workplace breakfast and lunch no need to pay the bills and even they give u a sim card for your phone if u dont have labtop they will give u a labtop to work(sim card and labtop is not yours ) the only thing u need to pay is the dinner but u must work from morning to night and even when u come back home u must to prepare for tomorrow u can not leavethe work place to see u family ! u must work for 24

you can get your tomar from turkish councul in tabriz more language u know more chance to get job and one more thing dont tell them u are iranian otherwise u will F....... and they will pay u will few iranian money no house no nothing ! ! tell them u are azeri from azerbijan
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