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Why is the ocalan crime family allowed to be free in Turkey?

Throw them all into prison so they can stay with their piece of shit father or grandfather I dont care what he is
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With so many countries in the Western world now revoking the citizenships of people who are involved in terrorism activities I don’t understand why the Government didn’t start doing that already for anyone involved in PKK (or other terrorist) activities.

Instead of feeding them in prisons just strip them off their Turkish passports and let them apply for a citizenship in Germany, Belgium, Sweden etc where those who love them so much will be very happy to have them there.
Neden sence?
Çünkü Almanya'da Ingilizce dersi berbattır. Kuzey Avrupalı Türkler genel olarak daha iyi Ingilizce konuşurlar. Ama Allah-u teala bize Hurşit'i laik gördü bu bir ayrıcalıktır tabii ki. Elhamdülillah.
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We should work with Ghana, they are promising technology with Iron man.

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With so many countries in the Western world now revoking the citizenships of people who are involved in terrorism activities I don’t understand why the Government didn’t start doing that already for anyone involved in PKK (or other terrorist) activities.

Instead of feeding them in prisons just strip them off their Turkish passports and let them apply for a citizenship in Germany, Belgium, Sweden etc where those who love them so much will be very happy to have them there.

Well for many reasons its best to keep their citizenship. Security environment in Turkey is naturally far different and more extreme than those in Europe. By keeping them citizens, it is easier to monitor them, trial them and render them ineffective of their activities. Once they flee to Europe under foreign nationalities, it is politically and legally harder to conduct surveillance on them and try under terrorism charges. And once they get rid of their citizenship and live in West, it would be easier for them to carry out terrorist activities in Europe. Not to mention the ease of extradition even though Europe does not have a good record when comes to requests made by Turkey in regards to PKK but still UK, Spain and Italy are responsive and rarely Germany and France sometimes take action.
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Ne sacmalıyorsun ruh hastası , Fanboy ise sizden ala fanboy yok
Yabancı dedigin kişiler alayı cahil ne politik ne de askeri bilgisi var tıpkı senin gibi
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adını soyadını bile söyleyemeyen korkak bebe

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Daha da yazmam sen kuru sıkı atıp tutmaya devam et ezikligine iyi gelir

Next time, When you are talking to your daddy-old members, You should learn to be respectful. It is not the first time the members from different stances voicing complaint about your overestimating, frequently repeating, gossip fodder statements making Turks look mentally weak against foreign members. It has nothing to do with politic. No need to give such a harsh, insulting reaction or no need threatening anyone. Warning issued...

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