To be fair some turks do go to the iranian section to troll and they know themselves so I don't need to mention any names. Im talking in general not about any events that happened today.
ResurgentIran just likes to mess around in our section and doesn't mean anything bad and doesn't do damage, soheil is fine, kollang doesn't do anything, and other iranians don't come. If we look at the members that get infraction points in this section it turns out that they are the same ones that get infraction points in other sections from the site admins.
Some people are saying im too harsh ,well I only have 3 functions: Delete posts, edit posts, and give infraction points. If I had the thread ban function we wouldn't be in this situation. Im sure that will be resolved soon.
All Intl Mods have same power, click Thread Tools and click Manage Reply Bans.
@haman stop being an annoying member.