im 5 5 so i am not the tallest person but i either walk slow or fast the normal pace kills me it is dull.. slow is good for tourism to soak in things
well i appreciate moon phaats even if i do not know their name

or anything else adds to the mystery actually

which hopefully one day will end... ps how much have you reported me
madam i am a dr myself you forget so easily i mean a proper dr who has studied 6 years... n those 6 years gave me those white hair
see you understand what i like soft n relaxing calming.. that is why violins are my love... n the colour green for some reason calms me down...
you will probably forget

but yea with ur phd that seems like enough time
HAHA my friend i wish i could show u my medical books you would enjoy them all 50 kgs of them
any good book suggestions fictional ofcourse for me ??