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Food Poisoning :bad: i released from hospital now :D i had to put Serum

I hope you get better soon.
ty im better now :bounce:

You are giant, your half dead is still as good as average people :D
evev best of the best will fuvked up with sneakiy plan or poison :D
Food Poisoning :bad: i released from hospital now :D i had to put Serum

ty im better now :bounce:

evev best of the best will fuvked up with sneakiy plan or poison :D
get well soon :D
@Akheilos Hi, I think you mentioned me before, and uploaded some picture, but I think it was changed after I returned to answer it in afternoon
Anyway, what's up auntie?
I am coming less to the forum, lately. I may stop visiting the forum.
Hi! Yesh I did...it was a pix of my apartment in the institute ...but unfortunately the pix kinda showed the location....so I had to remove it

Yea, even I am gonna reduce usage ...trying at least :(

Lol, i was busy with tracking news from Kobane... so i didn't look at the forum lately.

Mate, i didn't called you to quarell with Iranians.... they live in a fantasy world of their's. They bring the most stupid arguments about the subjects that they know a jack shıt about.... and they can't be reasoned with.

So, just say " Okay." and close the case. It's not worth your time to discuss serious subjects with them.
Bayrağı yakanlar bu kez yakalandılar...

i ill aunt :D

@Atilla_ORANKAY @revojam @Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 @Targon @Kaan

afghans and iranian are trying to steal turkmen rug :( do u are going to sit and watch ? :mad:
bunu inglizce bilmedim nasıl izah edeyim türkçe yazıyorum
benim kentim kerkük elden gitti halıyı ne yapayım :(:cry:
Breaking rules including discussing other forums will result in infraction points. No need to discuss issues regarding other people who are not on this forum. Its my job to enforce the rules so im just letting everyone know.
Bayrağı yakanlar bu kez yakalandılar...

bunu inglizce bilmedim nasıl izah edeyim türkçe yazıyorum
benim kentim kerkük elden gitti halıyı ne yapayım :(:cry:
Kafani yorma,aliriz geri.
Eninde sonunda yine bizim olacak.
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