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[...]Ben Türk'üm en iyi en üstün benim dersen, bu ülkenin sevdalısı Çerkes kökenli kardeşine, Laz kökenli kardeşine büyük ayıp edersin. O zaman o da çıkar bende Çerkesciyim bende Lazcıyım der işler karışır. Bunun HDP/PKK'nın yapmaya çalıştığı Kürt milliyetçiliğinden bir farkı yok.
Olay aslında çok basit ya... Tüm etnik yapılar Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bayrağı altında Türkiye vatandaşı olarak birbirine saygı duyup ülke menfaati için çalışacak. Bunu yakalarsak o zaman durdurulmaz oluruz. Esin kaynağımız vatan, bayrak, millet olmalı.
Truth talk!
How do you expect me to support a party which took away the right for our soldiers to wear Göktürk script patches? These men are dying for their nation and AKP doesn't even give them the right to do such a simple yet symbolic thing because it's "racist" apparently.

If people who aren't Turk want to live in Turkey then they must call themselves Turks or at least respect Turkish identity. I couldn't give a damn about them getting offended. It's Türkiye, the Land of the Turks.

Also you do realise that in all these Zionist controlled countries nationalism is dying? They are doing the same thing to Turkey. They want the entire world to become ethnically diverse, because it leads to weakness.

The Roman and Ottoman empires collapsed due to ethnic diversity. America is getting torn apart due to ethnic diversity. Meanwhile someone is pushing America towards having a war with Russia and China. The western world is more fcked than ever. China and Russia have their own problems, Africa and South America are insignificant and have issues.. Tell me who is going to come out on top of all of this?

I bet you would be happy if we received another 5 million refugees. That's more people than the city I'm living in. There's only 50000 Arabs here and people are already sick of them. Couldn't imagine how bad it is in Turkey. Keep giving them citizenship. The whole world is gonna cheer us on.
How do you expect me to support a party which took away the right for our soldiers to wear Göktürk script patches? These men are dying for their nation and AKP doesn't even give them the right to do such a simple yet symbolic thing because it's "racist" apparently.

If people who aren't Turk want to live in Turkey then they must call themselves Turks or at least respect Turkish identity. I couldn't give a damn about them getting offended. It's Türkiye, the Land of the Turks.

Also you do realise that in all these Zionist controlled countries nationalism is dying? They are doing the same thing to Turkey. They want the entire world to become ethnically diverse, because it leads to weakness.

The Roman and Ottoman empires collapsed due to ethnic diversity. America is getting torn apart due to ethnic diversity. Meanwhile someone is pushing America towards having a war with Russia and China. The western world is more fcked than ever. China and Russia have their own problems, Africa and South America are insignificant and have issues.. Tell me who is going to come out on top of all of this?

I bet you would be happy if we received another 5 million refugees. That's more people than the city I'm living in. There's only 50000 Arabs here and people are already sick of them. Couldn't imagine how bad it is in Turkey. Keep giving them citizenship. The whole world is gonna cheer us on.

I understand your concerns buddy - in particular, the refugees.
But diversity under the screen of religion made the ottoman empire to the strongest for a long long time.
Nothing comparable to this LGBTQRSTUVXYZ diversity in Europe, for example...
The question is, would these refugees fight for our homeland? would they die for Turkey?
And yes, a lot of the younger folks are sipping gin and juice at the Bodrum beach - harassing Turkish women and men - and yes, there are too many shops in parts of eastern Turkish cities, with too many Arabic advertisements and logos by now!
And in regard of the mentioned patches - I saw a lot of Patches with old Turkic rune scripts... hmmm
Sorry but diversity just leads to collapse. It's stupid. If you think that diversity made the Ottomans strong then you have been lied to. Imagine if the Russian empire had 25% Russians and 75% others. Today Russia would be a relatively small nation. If Turks converted or killed all the people they conquered then today Turkey would've been huge.

Would these refugees fight for Turkey? Clearly not. Many of them are fully grown men! They couldn't even fight for their own nation.

AKP and HDP agreed to ban Turkic patches a few years ago. Either the pictures you're seeing are old or soldiers are not listening.
Sorry but diversity just leads to collapse. It's stupid. If you think that diversity made the Ottomans strong then you have been lied to. Imagine if the Russian empire had 25% Russians and 75% others. Today Russia would be a relatively small nation. If Turks converted or killed all the people they conquered then today Turkey would've been huge.

Would these refugees fight for Turkey? Clearly not. Many of them are fully grown men! They couldn't even fight for their own nation.

AKP and HDP agreed to ban Turkic patches a few years ago. Either the pictures you're seeing are old or soldiers are not listening.
I think soldiers are not listening - and that is good in this term...
Diversity leads to collapse if people choose Nationalism over Religious unity - that was the neck breaker for the empire... and the Western people used this nationalism and pushed their cravings for sovereignty... but again, yes, the ottomans were too friendly towards the people of the conquered regions, instead of converting or expel them, as they did in the last years - they tried to live beside them - other than the European imperialists did with the native Americans for example or in Africa or Indochina...

But who are these 50k Men fighting for Turkish interests in Libya?
There is difference between turkish and Arab Islam. Ottomans had their own interpretation of Islam. AKP and MHP is not supporting turkish islam such as dervish order. They are supporting arab islam because they get paid by gulf arabs to sell themselves. We are dealing with people who are traitors of the highest order. Look what they did to the economy. Personally I don't think people will wake up. The day people don't have food on the table people will see the truth.
Screw multiculturalism and screw diversity.

How many times I have said this. Religion does not achieve unity at all because humans by nature are tribal.

You cant overwrite centuries of human mentality.

Turkey belongs to the Turks it was founded by Muslim Turks of the Oguz Turkic Seljuk Empire. If kurdish, armenian, arab and greek subhumans have a problem with it. Either fight us or deal with it.

I cant stand these whiny bitches who cry because ny ancestors kicked their asses only way to cope is by crying and spreading lies.

**** the Muslims who support christians over their Muslim Turk brothers.

There is difference between turkish and Arab Islam. Ottomans had their own interpretation of Islam. AKP and MHP is not supporting turkish islam such as dervish order. They are supporting arab islam because they get paid by gulf arabs to sell themselves. We are dealing with people who are traitors of the highest order. Look what they did to the economy. Personally I don't think people will wake up. The day people don't have food on the table people will see the truth.

Every ethnic group had their own interpretation on a particular religion.

Sorry we are not arabised or arabising. Turkey is becoming more westernised because who rules the world??? The west does of course.

When you rule the World you are able to spread your culture world wide. Arabs were the strongest of their time which gave them a leverage to Islamised and Arabise many places.

Us Turks did not follow a Turkification policy properly if we did half the world would have been turkified.

Our ancestors failed us in this regard. We only turkified a few places like Anatolia and Central Asia. We were too tolerant.

Turkish tolerance is a mistake.
You know if turkification had been such an important thing there would be a foundation who’s sole purpose would be relearning, educating and spreading Turkish culture. Financial support, 2-3 kids, education, military service. That would create solid foundation for cultural awakening.

to do that it would be necessary for this foundation to have it’s own wealth

I think this professor has a good point, but I don't see anything improving with AKP and RTE.

Ne yazık ki Türkiye'deki araba pazarı yerli arabaya göre değil. Herkes yeri gelince yerli olsun diyor ama cebindeki para ithal Alman'a yeten Türkiye'de üretilen arabaya bakmıyor. Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic gibi arabalar yerine ithal VW modelleri tercih ediliyor. Son 2 nesil Clio'lar yine güzel ama Alman olsun da Alman olsun diyen çok. Ne yazık ki parası olmayan olsun da yerli olsun diyor parası olan yerli arabaya binilir mi diyor.

Yaklaşık 3 aydır araba arıyorum modellere olan bakış açısıdır, ilanlardaki yazılar olsun millet Astra'yı övüyor Clio'ya karşı
Fransiz arabasi mi, Alman arabasi mi. Benim 2010 Suzuki Splash var ekonomik. gecenlerde 330km 17 litre benzin yakti. 2013'de ikinci el olarak almistim. Ama ailen var sa biraz daha büyügüne git. Bende Clio bakiyorum, ekonomik oldugu icin.

Yeni cikan Suzuki Baleno super ekonomik araba. Hevesim bunun biraz üstüne cikip S-cross veya Vitara almak istiyor (SUV ya ondan).

Captur bu durumda cok cazip geliyor bana, Ekonomik ve SUV cünkü.

Alman arabasi ise, Seat, Skoda olabilir, mesela Octavia ve Leon modelleri güzel büyük aile arabasi. biraz kücügüne bakarsan Fabia ve Ibiza modelleri var. Otomatik vites istersen olan modelleri de var.

En önemlisi arabayla ne yapiyorsunuz, seyahat, uzun yol, spor degisik aktivite var sa o zaman bunlara dayanabilmeli.


1-2 sene dir arabalara bakiyorum, simdilik Splash idare ediyor, ama yeni araba alacagimda hazirlikli olmak istiyorum.
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