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I thought of writing something like this in the past months, but I was undecided because I was not sure about the approaches of the moderation.


Its free traffic data of defence.pk . UK and USA, regions where Pakistani diaspora is heavily populated; India is Pakistan's regional rival. In Turkey, VPN usage prevalence is about 30-35%, I dont want to enter into details like this. But... why are we in 3rd/4th place?

We read insults to the Turkish nation, its founding leader Atatürk or national identity, or at least terrorist propaganda in post truth content, in a minimum of 3-5 separate topics in all forum sections every week. It is not possible to count if we talk about off topic troll attacks.

I have been analyzing moderation approaches and attitudes especially for the months. The active feedback of the moderation on these topics is below 10%. So actually, Turkish mass doesn't care by moderation. On many other similar platforms, moderations have a much more relevant fair approach than this site. Even scary troll crowded places like Reddit subs... Just look and analyze them... You can try by noting your reports somewhere.


The continuation of this attitude of the Turkish daily/weekly visitors who has developed the habit of visiting this site is a matter related to the content flow of the Turkish authors/ active users which are providing good looking indexing and summaries here, like Cabatli, ANMDT... Except this, its not the only platform where we can follow Pakistan's politics and internal/regional dynamics.

As you know, liveumap's some sections access was blocked because of insulting the Turkish flag and Ataturk, besides the Pkk propaganda. Well, we saw the same things in this forum, why didn't we report it to the cybercrimes unit? Im just curious about the reasons of difference, and just ask...

Frankly, I no longer believe in words of friendship. Its not a friendship, they don't even have a fair approach. Remember what happened last year after 4 C*nese's systematic troll attacks... Or regular trolls that are currently ELITE MEMBERS in the Forum and whose sole purpose is flame baiting against Turkish members every day. I must say that being a volunteer lawyer of the Pakistani state even in our own forums and social media channels is just a ***** *****. You say 'my brother', but your brother is developing a strategic relationship with you.


My aim is showing some active pdf authorities' political (which they reject) position and priorities to everyone and raise awareness of people and institutions those work for Pakistan's PR in TR. In this context, I'm want to create reference content by geting the contents of the crimes(im interested especially hate speech and terrorism propaganda) covered by the constitution in Turkey. Please tag my username under this title with quotation or directly in the source you would like to be informed me about. If there are contents that you catched, I would definitely ask you to forward them to me. if there is old/sensitive content, I can also give my personal contact information. Thanks.
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So if I understood you right, you want to gather material showcasing how Pakistanis are turning into turkish haters from PDF ?

And then you want to show this to IRL ppl who're working towards promoting better relationship with Pakistan ?
More people have the right to know about hate crimes against our national values and the sensitivity of this site moderation. Daily populist pissing contest and party figures are completely out of my interest.
Bana kalsa M.East bölümü tamamen kapatılmalı, veyahut üyelerin ancak belli bölümlere girebilmesi sağlanmalı, düzgün davranış gösteren üyeler başka bölümlere girebilmeli
. .
I thought of writing something like this in the past months, but I was undecided because I was not sure about the approaches of the moderation.


Its free traffic data of defence.pk . UK and USA, regions where Pakistani diaspora is heavily populated; India is Pakistan's regional rival. In Turkey, VPN usage prevalence is about 30-35%, I dont want to enter into details like this. But... why are we in 3rd/4th place?

We read insults to the Turkish nation, its founding leader Atatürk or national identity, or at least terrorist propaganda in post truth content, in a minimum of 3-5 separate topics in all forum sections every week. It is not possible to count if we talk about off topic troll attacks.

I have been analyzing moderation approaches and attitudes especially for the months. The active feedback of the moderation on these topics is below 10%. So actually, Turkish mass doesn't care by moderation. On many other similar platforms, moderations have a much more relevant fair approach than this site. Even scary troll crowded places like Reddit subs... Just look and analyze them... You can try by noting your reports somewhere.


The continuation of this attitude of the Turkish daily/weekly visitors who has developed the habit of visiting this site is a matter related to the content flow of the Turkish authors/ active users which are providing good looking indexing and summaries here, like Cabatli, ANMDT... Except this, its not the only platform where we can follow Pakistan's politics and internal/regional dynamics.

As you know, liveumap's some sections access was blocked because of insulting the Turkish flag and Ataturk, besides the Pkk propaganda. Well, we saw the same things in this forum, why didn't we report it to the cybercrimes unit? Im just curious about the reasons of difference, and just ask...

Frankly, I no longer believe in words of friendship. Its not a friendship, they don't even have a fair approach. Remember what happened last year after 4 C*nese's systematic troll attacks... Or regular trolls that are currently ELITE MEMBERS in the Forum and whose sole purpose is flame baiting against Turkish members every day. I must say that being a volunteer lawyer of the Pakistani state even in our own forums and social media channels is just a ***** *****. You say 'my brother', but your brother is developing a strategic relationship with you.


My aim is showing some active pdf authorities' political (which they reject) position and priorities to everyone and raise awareness of people and institutions those work for Pakistan's PR in TR. In this context, I'm want to create reference content by geting the contents of the crimes(im interested especially hate speech and terrorism propaganda) covered by the constitution in Turkey. Please tag my username under this title with quotation or directly in the source you would like to be informed me about. If there are contents that you catched, I would definitely ask you to forward them to me. if there is old/sensitive content, I can also give my personal contact information. Thanks.
Türkçe özet geçer misin? Tam anlamadım ben.
Türkçe özet geçer misin? Tam anlamadım ben.
Günlük politik çekişmeler ve ilgili siyasi figürlere ait polemikler umurumda değil fakat ulusal değerlerimize, bayrağa, milletinin namusuna hatta zaman zaman gördüğüm üzere Atatürk'e edilen hakaretler, aslı astarı olmayan ithamlar; her türlü terör örgütünün Türkiye ile ilişkili olduğu fikrini empoze eden ya da Türk devletinin varlığını ve birliğini hedef almış terör örgütlerinin propanda malzemelerini forumda araçsallaştıran kişilerin hiç moderasyon uyarısına muhatap olmamasını görmek bir açıdan çifte standart göstergesidir. Daha geçtiğimiz aylarda bazı moderasyon üyelerinin ellisent gibi ifadelerin sansürlenmesi gerektiğini savunduğu bir yerden bahsediyoruz. Bu forumun aldığı toplam klik sayısının belki beşte biri belki dörtte biri Türkiye ile ilgili askeri sanayii ya da ilgili jeopolitik konularla ilgilidir. Moderasyonun da bunun bilincinde olması gerek.
Bu forumun aldığı toplam klik sayısının belki beşte biri belki dörtte biri Türkiye ile ilgili askeri sanayii ya da ilgili jeopolitik konularla ilgilidir. Moderasyonun da bunun bilincinde olması gerek.
Bu taraftan baskı yapılabilir.
Anlatmaya gerek yok, goruyorsunuz :).
Cumhurbaskaligi tarafindan duzenlenen konserlerden 2.si sanirim.
Halbuki cumhurbaskanligina bagli hem icinde degerli sanatcilarin oldugu TSM korosu, TSM korosundan emekli olmus degerli sef/sanatcilar bir de bu koronun saz ekibi var, hem de cumhurbaskanligi orkestrasi var. Yani bu kisilere para harcamak yerine, cok daha kaliteli muzik hazirlayabilir cumhurbaskanligi. Ne diyelim, herkesin isi kesat bu aralar. Serdar ortac da yaz hiti cikarmaz, Yalinin da cornetto reklamini gormezsek psikolojimiz iyice bozulur :).
Anlatmaya gerek yok, goruyorsunuz :).
Cumhurbaskaligi tarafindan duzenlenen konserlerden 2.si sanirim.
Halbuki cumhurbaskanligina bagli hem icinde degerli sanatcilarin oldugu TSM korosu, TSM korosundan emekli olmus degerli sef/sanatcilar bir de bu koronun saz ekibi var, hem de cumhurbaskanligi orkestrasi var. Yani bu kisilere para harcamak yerine, cok daha kaliteli muzik hazirlayabilir cumhurbaskanligi. Ne diyelim, herkesin isi kesat bu aralar. Serdar ortac da yaz hiti cikarmaz, Yalinin da cornetto reklamini gormezsek psikolojimiz iyice bozulur :).

İcradan kaçmak için kocadan boşanıp aynı evde yaşayan demete para yedirmezsek olur muydu hiç
Anlatmaya gerek yok, goruyorsunuz :).
Cumhurbaskaligi tarafindan duzenlenen konserlerden 2.si sanirim.
Halbuki cumhurbaskanligina bagli hem icinde degerli sanatcilarin oldugu TSM korosu, TSM korosundan emekli olmus degerli sef/sanatcilar bir de bu koronun saz ekibi var, hem de cumhurbaskanligi orkestrasi var. Yani bu kisilere para harcamak yerine, cok daha kaliteli muzik hazirlayabilir cumhurbaskanligi. Ne diyelim, herkesin isi kesat bu aralar. Serdar ortac da yaz hiti cikarmaz, Yalinin da cornetto reklamini gormezsek psikolojimiz iyice bozulur :).
Koronavirüs için yardım istediler sonra bu konserlere 30 milyon harcamışlar. Bu "sanatçılar" da ülkeleri için bedava konser vermemişler.

Canlı izleyen sayısı 400ü geçmemiş.
Kültürel tahakkümünüzü de elinizden alacağız demişti C.Başkanı danışmanı.
. .
İcradan kaçmak için kocadan boşanıp aynı evde yaşayan demete para yedirmezsek olur muydu hiç
O kadar bilmiyordum da belki dinleyenler vardır diye umidim vardı, o da yokmuş :))

Koronavirüs için yardım istediler sonra bu konserlere 30 milyon harcamışlar. Bu "sanatçılar" da ülkeleri için bedava konser vermemişler.

Canlı izleyen sayısı 400ü geçmemiş.
Kültürel tahakkümünüzü de elinizden alacağız demişti C.Başkanı danışmanı.
Bir de CB TSM korosu da sağlam yani, çoğu da mütevazi insanlar küçük derneklerde bile ufak konserler veriyorlar onları niye es geçiyorlar ona kızdım. :)
. .
O kadar bilmiyordum da belki dinleyenler vardır diye umidim vardı, o da yokmuş :))

Bir de CB TSM korosu da sağlam yani, çoğu da mütevazi insanlar küçük derneklerde bile ufak konserler veriyorlar onları niye es geçiyorlar ona kızdım. :)

Amaç müzik yapmak olmayınca es geçmekten kolay ne var hocam, insanlara güzel müzik dinletmek istiyorlarsa internet yayınına da gerek yoktu TRT2'den yayın yapılırdı.

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