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Captain India Owaisi barks against Pakistan yet again

Sarkari Muslims cant live without sarkar. He has to please indian hindus otherwise they will eat him alive. He probably woke up from slumber bcz hindus attacked his house.
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Why does he close his eyes when talking? Does talking make him orgasmic?

Don't say anything to Indian Muslim Leaders. They have to say bad things about Pakistan otherwise they will be labeled anti Nationals. Chill karow saray

there is no such thing as a free pass... they bear responsibility of thier action..
He is barking dog, No one need to watch his gutter language against Pakistan,
He did same when Musharraf went to India.

Even after barking, he will not be given certificate of patriotism, still he will be traitor..
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Bhonka ga to he Hindustan main raha ga. Apni wafadari to dekhani ha.
This just proves how right Quaid-e-Azam was.
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