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Captain Hassan Javaid Shaheed embraced martyrdom in Kurram Agency

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@nuclearpak @Xeric Does a person becomes captain at age of 25? I though it took 3-4 years to become captain from lieutenant

Ideally, an officer shall become a Captain at age 23 (if he joins the Army at the 'right' time).
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Ideally, an officer shall become a Captain at age 23 (if he joins the Army at the 'right' time).

Captain Sher Khan was promoted to captain rank when he was 28 and if I read his bio correctly, he was commissioned at the age of 23. Similarly my friend who graduated from PMA at the age of 22 and started his carrier from second lieutenant and right now he is 24 and full lieutenant and says will take another 2-3 years to become captain unless he did a tour of waziristan then he will be promoted in a year and half. So these things created perception in my mind that by the time a person becomes captain he is 27-28 years old
Captain Sher Khan was promoted to captain rank when he was 28 and if I read his bio correctly, he was commissioned at the age of 23. Similarly my friend who graduated from PMA at the age of 22 and started his carrier from second lieutenant and right now he is 24 and full lieutenant and says will take another 2-3 years to become captain unless he did a tour of waziristan then he will be promoted in a year and half. So these things created perception in my mind that by the time a person becomes captain he is 27-28 years old

One of my school time classfellow became captain at age 25 and yes he toured waziristan.....
One of my school time classfellow became captain at age 25 and yes he toured waziristan.....

sher khan was a nco in the air force for some time and then he applied to the army
There is disturbing thing i have noted about army....colonial culture of afsar e shahi....
When salala incident occured, they were all praying jannat ul firdaus for some officer on army page of facebook while no one was even mentioning deaths of low rank soldiers, may irritate hogaya aur un par tanz kar dia.
In a tv programme about mohmand operation, the host asks how many soldier got martyred in securing the hill top? The major sahab replies that captain x. y.z and 8 other soldiers. The host asks him to tell the viewers about the died ones in detail...major sahab starts praising captain x.y.z. The host asks tell us about the rest of soldiers, their names....major silent went on thinking, spoke a name and then became silent...he didnt know even the name of low rank martyred soldiers ....
Captain Sher Khan was promoted to captain rank when he was 28 and if I read his bio correctly, he was commissioned at the age of 23. Similarly my friend who graduated from PMA at the age of 22 and started his carrier from second lieutenant and right now he is 24 and full lieutenant and says will take another 2-3 years to become captain unless he did a tour of waziristan then he will be promoted in a year and half. So these things created perception in my mind that by the time a person becomes captain he is 27-28 years old

The period one spends in PMA is 2 years right?

So if you join at 18 you pass out at 20, the 24-25 year timeline for being a Captain seems right.
There is disturbing thing i have noted about army....colonial culture of afsar e shahi....
When salala incident occured, they were all praying jannat ul firdaus for some officer on army page of facebook while no one was even mentioning deaths of low rank soldiers, may irritate hogaya aur un par tanz kar dia.
In a tv programme about mohmand operation, the host asks how many soldier got martyred in securing the hill top? The major sahab replies that captain x. y.z and 8 other soldiers. The host asks him to tell the viewers about the died ones in detail...major sahab starts praising captain x.y.z. The host asks tell us about the rest of soldiers, their names....major silent went on thinking, spoke a name and then became silent...he didnt know even the name of low rank martyred soldiers ....

And which program might that be?

Anywaz, try visiting a unit that has served in the warzone and had casulities, you would find all the places fron CO office to officers' tea bar splattered with the pics of shaheed soldiers. So stop thinking from elsewhere, it is because of these glorious men that we command that the officer cadre is able to matain victory. The ratio of officer vs soldier deaths during this war is 1:7 and FYKI an army is considered above bar if this ratio is 1:12.

Lastly, the kind of projection our soldiers have gotten now have never been there in the past, sepoy maqbool hussain being one if them
And which program might that be?

Anywaz, try visiting a unit that has served in the warzone and had casulities, you would find all the places fron CO office to officers' tea bar splattered with the pics of shaheed soldiers. So stop thinking from elsewhere, it is because of these glorious men that we command that the officer cadre is able to matain victory. The ratio of officer vs soldier deaths during this war is 1:7 and FYKI an army is considered above bar if this ratio is 1:12.

Lastly, the kind of projection our soldiers have gotten now have never been there in the past, sepoy maqbool hussain being one if them

The programme name was "kyun", that host has covered lot of programmes with pak army in tribal areas.
Whether you admit it or not , officers of pak army behave like beaurocrats, infact they are more arrogant......this colonial mindset and culture must end, one of sepoy in my area left army simply because his officer was calling him worst names and he stood silent......there should be relationship of respect and equality between officers and low rank faujis...what does it mean that an officer is trained to eat with "kanta and chamach" like british and sipahi eat the meal in normal way...this class system is discriminatory in army.
The programme name was "kyun", that host has covered lot of programmes with pak army in tribal areas.
Whether you admit it or not , officers of pak army behave like beaurocrats, infact they are more arrogant......this colonial mindset and culture must end, one of sepoy in my area left army simply because his officer was calling him worst names and he stood silent......there should be relationship of respect and equality between officers and low rank faujis...what does it mean that an officer is trained to eat with "kanta and chamach" like british and sipahi eat the meal in normal way...this class system is discriminatory in army.

That's why i say you e-warriors are ignorant of the facts, please do some kasht and try to visit some unit as of today, and you will find that soliders' mess in some units is way better than the officers mess. Atleast i can say this for my unit. Posting pics is not pssible coz of the obvious reasons, but then it's an open offer, you may visit any unit and if you find jawans eating unlike officers, i shall resgin my TT status!

Stop believe the words of disgrantualed individuals, also a little fact finding reasearch will help before you open your beak without validating your accusations.

No soldiers of today, who can be found on fb and twitter listen to BS from seniors and 'stood silent', that i can assure you. Punjab b perh likh gaya hai or fauji bhi!
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