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Capt. Hercharn Singh,first Sikh Commissioned Officer in Pakistan Army


Capt. Hercharn Singh,the first Sikh as Commissioned Officer in Pakistan Army. He was commissioned in Baloch Regiment. Currently, he's serving as an ADC to a Corps Commander__!!

paa ji tussi great ho__!!

I believe ADC to Corps commander, is usually the rank of a Major. Please confirm anyone.
good food in services mess i guess.

Contrary to the popular belief the food in Officers Messes is not over the top. It is ordinary everyday food which anyone would eat at home.

The point I was trying to make is that the amount of calories a Cadet burns is unimaginable. On being commissioned the regimen slows down somewhat in caparison to a Cadet. Longer hair and general improvement in demeanor helps - that ' forever hungry & never miss a chance to sleep' look goes away.
Anyone would look FAT as compared to those skinny PMA cadets. His previous pics are from the time when he was in PMA.....nothing unusual about his changed looks.
Good work. Integrating minorites. Paa ji lead well and do well. we will count upon you in times of battles and war.It would be great if he would reach higher ranks.
Good work. Integrating minorites. Paa ji lead well and do well. we will count upon you in times of battles and war.It would be great if he would reach higher ranks.

He is destined to be a general.

Why not?

He will be defending the place of his ancestors and the holiest and holiest of his religion.

He is destined to be a general.

Why not?

He will be defending the place of his ancestors and the holiest and holiest of his religion.


Punjabis are Sikh, just because he is a Punjabi who happens to be not a Muslim, doesn't really make him that special...
Last time I checked about 50% + of the army was Punjabi...
Contrary to the popular belief the food in Officers Messes is not over the top. It is ordinary everyday food which anyone would eat at home.

The point I was trying to make is that the amount of calories a Cadet burns is unimaginable. On being commissioned the regimen slows down somewhat in caparison to a Cadet. Longer hair and general improvement in demeanor helps - that ' forever hungry & never miss a chance to sleep' look goes away.

Know that feel bro, were you by some chance a Cadet?
Punjabis are Sikh, just because he is a Punjabi who happens to be not a Muslim, doesn't really make him that special...
Last time I checked about 50% + of the army was Punjabi...

And my bro,

your point is?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Contrary to the popular belief the food in Officers Messes is not over the top. It is ordinary everyday food which anyone would eat at home.

The point I was trying to make is that the amount of calories a Cadet burns is unimaginable. On being commissioned the regimen slows down somewhat in caparison to a Cadet. Longer hair and general improvement in demeanor helps - that ' forever hungry & never miss a chance to sleep' look goes away.

Officer's Mess handles day-to-day staple meals only. You need to head over to the Officer's institute for anything fancier, nah?

My dad used to handle logistics towards the end of his service and it included supervising the galley mess. It's a hellish job to keep that place running!!!
Officer's Mess handles day-to-day staple meals only. You need to head over to the Officer's institute for anything fancier, nah?

My dad used to handle logistics towards the end of his service and it included supervising the galley mess. It's a hellish job to keep that place running!!!

Not really, since you mentioned Galley I presume your Dad was in the Navy. The mess cooks are world class and would give a Chef in a 5 Star a run for his money any day.

Its just that like at home in the mess too one does not want to have a ' feast' everyday.

I could go on but should stop.
First Sikh ? After 66 years?

Despite there being no law in the nation most Sikhs have refrained from joining the figthing force post-independence. Pak Army has had considerable Hindus in the Education and Medical Corps, Christians are quite widespread in the PAF (GDP and non-GDP courses) and so does the Pak Navy. I've had had the pleasure of talking to the gentleman, he's quite patriotic.
Got to agree - first sikh after 60+ years and they are highlighting this?
Its a shame not an achievement.

Agree with Pak-marine though, atleast there is change now.

My dear it was not like some restrictions at government level......many Christian joined arm forces especially AF & Army....

Hindu and Sikh community were avoiding to join defence sector...........for some unknown reasons at their side
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