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Capping the ‘Volcano’: Indian Military Action against Pakistan?

I think you People Don't understand

A country which cannot make a good NEEDLE how is she able to make and run a NUCLEAR and missile programme...


come with any answer....??

How can anyone answer to that highly intelligent question.....
Let me tell you
It is the hate against INDIA which always pushing us forward in the field not with very much speed but slowly and affectively...
And if you try anything stupid it will be end of you anyway
Dont you have any other job other than to hate???? Hate pushing you forward to the dungeon, that too with godspeed. Good luck.
We don't fear death and you dont want to think about it..

We have nothing to lose as we have already lose many things and you have a lot to lose...Think about it

As far US is concerned the relation between us and US is not like relation between you and us

we will go beyond every limit to save PAKISTAN if we have to sacrifice our every thing because we love PAkISTAN
You have lost already and still ......
In war there is no winner everyone is a loser. I dont know when u will realise that.
yes i agree with you that our economy is nnothing compared to India's but read this

Nuclear doctrine of Pakistan

The nuclear doctrine of Pakistan is the nuclear strategy policy stated by Pakistan to be used in the event of a war, particularly against India.

In the event of a war between Pakistan and India, the Indian numerical superiority in men and conventional arms is likely to overwhelm Pakistan. In a deteriorating military situation, when an Indian conventional attack is likely to break through Pakistani defenses, or has already breached the main defense line causing a major setback to the defense, which cannot be restored by conventional means, the government would be left with no other option except to use nuclear weapons to stabilize the situation. India's superiority in conventional arms and manpower would have to be offset by nuclear weapons. The political will to use nuclear weapons is essential to prevent a conventional armed conflict, which could later on escalate into a nuclear war.

Pakistan's nuclear doctrine therefore is based on the first strike option. In other words, the Pakistani government will use nuclear weapons if attacked by India even if the attack is with conventional weapons. With his experience of a graduated nuclear response, Professor Stephen P. Cohen feels that Pakistan would use what he calls an 'option-enhancing policy'. This would entail a stage-by-stage approach in which the nuclear threat is increased at each step to deter India from attacking. These stages are as follows:

1.A public or private warning.
2.demonstration explosion of a small nuclear weapon on Pakistani soil.
3.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) on Pakistani soil against Indian attacking forces.
4.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) against critical but purely military targets on Indian soil, probably in thinly populated areas in the desert or semi-desert, causing the least collateral damage.
Some weapon systems would be in reserve for the counter-value role. These weapons would be safe from Indian attack as some would be airborne while the ground based ones are mobile and could be moved around the country.

fair enouth but if india suspects that pak is going to use the Nuclear weapon on india or on indian forces then all Hell will brake loose ........ if any of the nuclear weapons explode against indian forces or like mintioned above on indian teritories then india already has second launch capability where the nukes will anilate pakistan and both will be blown back to stone ages................... however india will loose a part of its metropolitan cities but pakistan will loose every thing...........
yes i agree with you that our economy is nnothing compared to India's but read this

Nuclear doctrine of Pakistan

The nuclear doctrine of Pakistan is the nuclear strategy policy stated by Pakistan to be used in the event of a war, particularly against India.

In the event of a war between Pakistan and India, the Indian numerical superiority in men and conventional arms is likely to overwhelm Pakistan. In a deteriorating military situation, when an Indian conventional attack is likely to break through Pakistani defenses, or has already breached the main defense line causing a major setback to the defense, which cannot be restored by conventional means, the government would be left with no other option except to use nuclear weapons to stabilize the situation. India's superiority in conventional arms and manpower would have to be offset by nuclear weapons. The political will to use nuclear weapons is essential to prevent a conventional armed conflict, which could later on escalate into a nuclear war.

Pakistan's nuclear doctrine therefore is based on the first strike option. In other words, the Pakistani government will use nuclear weapons if attacked by India even if the attack is with conventional weapons. With his experience of a graduated nuclear response, Professor Stephen P. Cohen feels that Pakistan would use what he calls an 'option-enhancing policy'. This would entail a stage-by-stage approach in which the nuclear threat is increased at each step to deter India from attacking. These stages are as follows:

1.A public or private warning.
2.demonstration explosion of a small nuclear weapon on Pakistani soil.
3.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) on Pakistani soil against Indian attacking forces.
4.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) against critical but purely military targets on Indian soil, probably in thinly populated areas in the desert or semi-desert, causing the least collateral damage.
Some weapon systems would be in reserve for the counter-value role. These weapons would be safe from Indian attack as some would be airborne while the ground based ones are mobile and could be moved around the country.

fair enouth but if india suspects that pak is going to use the Nuclear weapon on india or on indian forces then all Hell will brake loose ........ if any of the nuclear weapons explode against indian forces or like mintioned above on indian teritories then india already has second launch capability where the nukes will anilate pakistan and both will be blown back to stone ages................... however india will loose a part of its metropolitan cities but pakistan will loose every thing...........
Oh No not again.........
Dont you have any other job other than to hate???? [/quote]

Hate is the very key to survive.....

You do also Hate us and probably China too
1.A public or private warning.
2.demonstration explosion of a small nuclear weapon on Pakistani soil.
3.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) on Pakistani soil against Indian attacking forces.
4.The use of (a) nuclear weapon(s) against critical but purely military targets on Indian soil, probably in thinly populated areas in the desert or semi-desert, causing the least collateral damage.

In this scenario there are basically 2 options with the Indian Government, if 1 > 2> 3 > 4 is unambigously known to the be escalatory ladder then India will launch her nukes on the instance of 1, since even an intent to launch nukes will be considered a first strike as you will obviously carry thru to 4 given the chance and liberty of time.. so you will have to brace yourself for a nuclear winter with uttering the public/private warning.

The smarter way may be to blow the war trumpet and induce Pakistan into 1 > 2 and then pull back, then repeat the process with the same result another explosion on Pakistani soil since it is the clear policy to go 1 > 2, we will have Pakistanis self destruct in a few iterations.

You see when you already have the bomb, the challenge lies in behaving as if you dont. Have you ever seen China making suicidal pledges? Rather than behaving as the monkey that has its hands on a grenade and shouting "I'll do it! I'll do it!"
I think you People Don't understand

A country which cannot make a good NEEDLE how is she able to make and run a NUCLEAR and missile programme...



My dear tell me how needle related to N Missile and how much needle pakistan made till now. btw u guys importing needle from China with pakistni tag.
take a chill pill me dear friend. goodnight:lol:
Hate is the very key to survive.....

You do also Hate us and probably China too
If we had done that we would not have been what we are today, but then that is us.
Keep doing that anyway.
I think you People Don't understand

A country which cannot make a good NEEDLE how is she able to make and run a NUCLEAR and missile programme...


come with any answer....??


Let me tell you
It is the hate against INDIA which always pushing us forward in the field not with very much speed but slowly and affectively...
And if you try anything stupid it will be end of you anyway

We don't fear death and you dont want to think about it..

We have nothing to lose as we have already lose many things and you have a lot to lose...Think about it

As far US is concerned the relation between us and US is not like relation between you and us

we will go beyond every limit to save PAKISTAN if we have to sacrifice our every thing because we love PAkISTAN :pakistan:

sorry for off topic and buy the way we do make good quality needles you can order here

Hosiery Needles - Electric Components and Colored Carpets Manufacturer | Mefa Needles Private Limited, Ludhiana
I think you People Don't understand

A country which cannot make a good NEEDLE how is she able to make and run a NUCLEAR and missile programme...


come with any answer....??


Let me tell you
It is the hate against INDIA which always pushing us forward in the field not with very much speed but slowly and affectively...
And if you try anything stupid it will be end of you anyway

We don't fear death and you dont want to think about it..

We have nothing to lose as we have already lose many things and you have a lot to lose...Think about it

As far US is concerned the relation between us and US is not like relation between you and us

we will go beyond every limit to save PAKISTAN if we have to sacrifice our every thing because we love PAkISTAN :pakistan:

If you still think of that needle story, its time for you go to some mental asylum. Your expressions shows your suicidal and defeatist mindset.
Tell me what limit you people are crossing saving your country from from day to day missile attacks on your territory? Get ready for another good news , US and NATO are planning to formally initiate WOT in pakistans soil. I will see how you are going to deal it.
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