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China is Pakistan's best friend.

Help from China will be appreciated. Make NATO wet their pants.

:china: :pakistan:
China won't start the war when they have not yet entered into Pakistan's soil. China have said when they attack Pakistanis soil we will get the war started OK stupid INDIAN. We will entered the Pakistan's as soon as the Pakistani's said to fight the damn NATO, unless Pakistanis want to deal the problem with they own then we don't entered into the war right away.
IF CHINA doesn't wanna send troops and best weapons to Pakistan, I think Pakistan should tie up friendship with Russia from now , I think Russia will have strong action to NATO after that.
feilong said:
China won't start the war when they have not yet entered into Pakistan's soil. China have said when they attack Pakistanis soil we will get the war started OK stupid INDIAN. We will entered the Pakistan's as soon as the Pakistani's said to fight the damn NATO, unless Pakistanis want to deal the problem with they own then we don't entered into the war right away.
At least CHINA must send some warships like Russia doing in Syria. NATO haven't entered into Syria's soil too.
IF CHINA doesn't wanna send troops and best weapons to Pakistan, I think Pakistan should tie up friendship with Russia from now , I think Russia will have strong action to NATO after that.

At least CHINA must send some warships like Russia doing in Syria. NATO haven't entered into Syria's soil too.

You really dumb a$$, china is border with pakistanis. We enter into pakistan soil for what when pakistanis said no need China for now. Russia can only docked outside of Syria because they located far away from Syria soil get it?
IF CHINA doesn't wanna send troops and best weapons to Pakistan, I think Pakistan should tie up friendship with Russia from now , I think Russia will have strong action to NATO after that.

At least CHINA must send some warships like Russia doing in Syria. NATO haven't entered into Syria's soil too.

Just like when Russia warned US about Yugoslavia, and Yugoslavia still got butchered by NATO? :lol:

I suggest you worry more about Vietnam. There's 20% inflation and huge illegal immigration into China.
If China indeed goes into war with US, then it has to brace for some serious internal disruptions. Chinese are obedient now because they see economic prosperity around them, when that is not the case, there'll be lot more resentment. America could help it exasperate it further. You guys seems to take the war lightly.

War is as much about diplomatic power as is about military power. US gets support from entire west and most of the south. There are over 150 democracies in the world. Compare that to China's loonies. If China does go to war, then it'll loose face.
Look the Polituro guys in Beijing are old.... average age is like 70's. They are probably somebody's grandfather.

Give them a few days to respond, okay? Don't worry. China will definitely back up Pakistan if it gets openly hostile with the US.

Damn, india took 7 years to decide on MMRCA. A stupid purchase decision where you can just pick one. Can't China take a few days to think through a strategy?
American strategists are trying to invoke an emotional, nationalistic response. I think the Americans want to instigate an enraged Pakistan to encourage China to take more direct military involvement in the region and use this as an excuse to accelerate a full fledged military alliance with India. Whether China reacts with direct military assistance...which is very very unlikely...or supports Pakistan with military supplies will not change the result, which is to demonize Pakistan and formally declare it to be NOT an ally. This will pave the way to formally declare India as America's stalwart South Asian ally.

If we consider the steps taken to contain China in the recent past, the big picture is obvious, it is outright containment militarily and economically. The economic bloc directed towards China in ASEAN+Japan+SK, the military bloc in the South China Sea directed against China and now the probable full-fledged Indian alliance. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what it looks like. I expect Pakistan is going to have some hard times coming as America's demonization of Pakistan and upcoming tactics to weaken it in any way possible begin to take hold.

Btw, the stereotype that you just repeated about old Politburo members being stiff old men is the same stereotype that leads people in Western countries to continuously make ridiculously bad predictions about China that are almost always unrealistically negative because they have inaccurate ideas about China's "so-called" poor aged leadership.
If China indeed goes into war with US, then it has to brace for some serious internal disruptions. Chinese are obedient now because they see economic prosperity around them, when that is not the case, there'll be lot more resentment. America could help it exasperate it further. You guys seems to take the war lightly.

War is as much about diplomatic power as is about military power. US gets support from entire west and most of the south. There are over 150 democracies in the world. Compare that to China's loonies. If China does go to war, then it'll loose face.

Bharat must stay way from our issues ,
Now if bhartos want a war with us we will evaporate whole bahart in smoke.
We know how to deal with enemies. Amerca/NATO need us to win their war we don't need these scumbags.
You really dumb a$$, china is border with pakistanis. We enter into pakistan soil for what when pakistanis said no need China for now. Russia can only docked outside of Syria because they located far away from Syria soil get it?
Oki, but it seems that CHINA haven't prepare to send warship to Pakistan now when US keep escalating the hostile action .
FairAndUnbiased said:
Just like when Russia warned US about Yugoslavia, and Yugoslavia still got butchered by NATO?

I suggest you worry more about Vietnam. There's 20% inflation and huge illegal immigration into China.
Russia was too weak that time , but now she willing to send warships to warn US-NATO.

you got 17 % inflation , and lots of China immigration into VN too, but we have Japan help when No one wanna help you.
not a single thank you bellow the #1 post, seems Pakistan members are rational than the thread starter.
Bharat must stay way from our issues ,
Now if bhartos want a war with us we will evaporate whole bahart in smoke.
We know how to deal with enemies. Amerca/NATO need us to win their war we don't need these scumbags.

Okay, whatever makes you sleep well dude. Pakistan is mighty. It'll take on a country (US) that spends 100 times more on defense each year and annihilate it. I can't wait to see it.
China has no obligation to defend us- or do some thing for us-
Its on us Pakistanis- we'll have to do some thing ourselves-

We cannot sit silent and expect others to do our dirty work-

Well, China doing this dirty work is not only helping Pakistan, but also helping ourselves.

The loss of Pakistan would be too much for us, even bigger than the loss of Israel for USA.
Oki, but it seems that CHINA haven't prepare to send warship to Pakistan now when US keep escalating the hostile action .

Russia was too weak that time , but now she willing to send warships to warn US-NATO.

you got 17 % inflation , and lots of China immigration into VN too, but we have Japan help when No one wanna help you.

Vietnam is poorer than Africa, why would Chinese want to immigrate to Vietnam? We are expats in Vietnam, not immigrants.

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

Okay, whatever makes you sleep well dude. Pakistan is mighty. It'll take on a country (US) that spends 100 times more on defense each year and annihilate it. I can't wait to see it.

Most of the money the US is spent on defense is stolen or wasted into bloated estimates. 5000 dollar pentagon coffee machine? Seriously? 100 dollar hammer? In terms of purchasing power, the US probably only has 300 billion, still a fearsome number to be sure, but far less monstrous than the 780 billion would imply.
Vietnam is poorer than Africa, why would Chinese want to immigrate to Vietnam? We are expats in Vietnam, not immigrants.
Bcz they're too poor to live in CHINA , so they had to work illegaly in VN.
Vietnam to expel undocumented Chinese workers
Read the original news

Báo Thanh Niên English - 3 month(s) ago 6 readings

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has pledged to deport undocumented Chinese workers from Vietnam after more than 1,000 illegal laborers were found at a construction project in the southernmost province of Ca Mau.
American strategists are trying to invoke an emotional, nationalistic response. I think the Americans want to instigate an enraged Pakistan to encourage China to take more direct military involvement in the region and use this as an excuse to accelerate a full fledged military alliance with India. Whether China reacts with direct military assistance...which is very very unlikely...or supports Pakistan with military supplies will not change the result, which is to demonize Pakistan and formally declare it to be NOT an ally.
Of course it will change the result. China just needs to give SAMs like these to Pakistan, maybe together with advisors to help operate them, and then US airstrike options are foreclosed.

This will pave the way to formally declare India as America's stalwart South Asian ally.
Who cares about india? They are too weak and getting weaker with its own economy problems. We can probably defeat india within days or week if we really wanted to. In fact, with our military (including SRBM units) deployed in Aksin Chin we can easily strike at US forces in Afghanistan!

Btw, the stereotype that you just repeated about old Politburo members being stiff old men is the same stereotype that leads people in Western countries to continuously make ridiculously bad predictions about China that are almost always unrealistically negative because they have inaccurate ideas about China's "so-called" poor aged leadership.
That's only at the more ignorant level. Jiang Zemin is sharp as a razor blade! Can't wait for Xi Jinping to come to power! :azn:
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