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Canada shifts warships to West Coast in response to China’s aggressive

all your links don't matter as the world opinion is asking for the international courts to settle it on law. something the Chinese refuse to do and keep pulling up ancient maps.

Incorrect. China is not pulling up ancient maps, what are you smoking? The Spratly islands dispute started squarely in the 1930s. The Republic of China and France each lodged competing claims to the islands and the Philippines was not even involved, they should butt their noses out and shut up, they are violating international law by claiming other countries territory as terra nullius. The equivalent of the Philippines claims is if China claimed Uttar Pradesh was Terra Nullius and said it was Chinese territory.
Incorrect. China is not pulling up ancient maps, what are you smoking? The Spratly islands dispute started squarely in the 1930s. The Republic of China and France each lodged competing claims to the islands and the Philippines was not even involved, they should butt their noses out and shut up, they are violating international law by claiming other countries territory as terra nullius. The equivalent of the Philippines claims is if China claimed Uttar Pradesh was Terra Nullius and said it was Chinese territory.

talk is cheap as I said, the world consensus is- this is sensitive enough and has grounds enough that international law needs to be involved. you can't own it all... there are international laws in place and if you are confident, then you should go to court and prove it. Other countries are taken to international courts and they don't create the drama china is creating. Why create incidents like you guys do...you sound confident in your assumption- then go win it.
talk is cheap as I said, the world consensus is- this is sensitive enough and has grounds enough that international law needs to be involved. you can't own it all... there are international laws in place and if you are confident, then you should go to court and prove it. Other countries are taken to international courts and they don't create the drama china is creating. Why create incidents like you guys do...you sound confident in your assumption- then go win it.

what "world" consensus is there other than those from the pinoys, vietcongs etc and the indian cheerleading camp who are creating the drama. Especially for the cheerleaders who robotically dance to the drum beats whenever there is a conflict involved between us and the other parties

Let the cartel do whatever they like and why should we be sponsoring their conspiracy
what "world" consensus is there other than those from the pinoys, vietcongs etc and the indian cheerleading camp who are creating the drama. Especially for the cheerleaders who robotically dance to the drum beats whenever there is a conflict involved between us and the other parties

Let the cartel do whatever they like and why should we be sponsoring their conspiracy

The aggrieved parties want to take you guys to court . The world agrees...
Some Whites are scared of China's rise and are doing everything possible to delay the eventuality。

Yet Asians from certain countries are so dumb and so used to be ruled and dominated by the whites that these people actually find satisfaction in whiltes deniying them only chance of being human.

In the eyes of the whites, you people are nothing but sub humans.

Yep,that's why so many "sub humans" live,marry,work,fight, alongside whites in white countries,'cause they're despised by whites but in the end i guess it's silly to ask for a drop of reason from CCP propaganda boys.

On Topic:This would be a good move from Canada,you'll never know when some evidence of a "han wall" pops up in Albuquerque,and brace yourselves for demands from than on.
Yep,that's why so many "sub humans" live,marry,work,fight, alongside whites in white countries,'cause they're despised by whites but in the end i guess it's silly to ask for a drop of reason from CCP propaganda boys.

On Topic:This would be a good move from Canada,you'll never know when some evidence of a "han wall" pops up in Albuquerque,and brace yourselves for demands from than on.

China has not added even one inch to its disputed territories since it drew down the final version of the map in the 1940s. It even unfortunately gave up Kachin state to Myanmar. Everything disputed now, China said loud and clearly in the 1940s that they were part of China. Its the Philippines which claimed the Spratly islands out of thin air in the 1970s.
China has not added even one inch to its disputed territories since it drew down the final version of the map in the 1940s. It even unfortunately gave up Kachin state to Myanmar. Everything disputed now, China said loud and clearly in the 1940s that they were part of China. Its the Philippines which claimed the Spratly islands out of thin air in the 1970s.

No need to reply those losers. You know, those east Europeans really hate China, much more those from west. I am not sure the real reason. Possibly because there were raped up and down, left to right in the past.
The aggrieved parties want to take you guys to court . The world agrees...

I think you cheerleaders are ranking with the most aggressive people in the world
Why should you losers involve in issues that are none of your sovereignty interest?
Since when there is a righteous law that the victims and rightful owners will be taken to court by the criminals?
Vietnamese were slaves of Han in Au Lac, Nanyue, first Ly dynasty, Tran dynasty, and Ho dynasty. Ho dynasty even claimed Emperor Shun as their ancestor (from northern China), not the Baiyue.

Not eveyone in China is Han or Manchu. One of the leading Generals in the Qing War against Vietnam, Xu Shiheng, was a Hui Muslim. Xu was martyred when the bridge across the Fuliang river (Phu Luong river) was destroyed, but he killed many Vietnamese monkeys before his death.


Ho Quy Ly was from Hồ family name, origin and back to a Chinese clan from 9th century in Zhejiang, is also known as Lê Quý Ly (黎 季 犛). It means there is country "Wo Yue" the land of Cou Jian.

Battle of Ngọc Hồi-Đống Đa (Vietnamese: Trận Ngọc Hồi - Đống Đa; Chinese: 清軍入越戰爭) was fought between Tây-Sơn (Vietnamese) and Qing China in Ngọc Hồi and Đống Đa northern Vietnam from 1788 to 1789. It is considered one of the greatest victories in Vietnamese military history.At least 30,000 were killed, 3,400 were captured. Fuk'anggan and Sun Shiyi defeated the Vietnamese at Thọ Xương's river 1788

Read more. Battle of Ng


Temple for souls of Chinese soldiers were dead in Battle.
A country that adopted Western form of government, western form of market, obsessed with western beauty and western way of life telling other Asians saying that we are fools for allowing the whites to "dominate" us?

The Chinese standard of beauty is not from the "West". During the Tang dynasty, central asia was filled with white, caucasian Iranic people like Sogdians. Art, music, religions and beauty standards were imported from central asia and despite being white, these Iranic peoples were not part of western, european christian civilization in any way. They did 't share the same civilization as europeans. At the same time while beauty standards were imported from central asia, the Chinese didn't think too much of those Annamites in the south and their.... looks.

@Wright @gambit @beijingwalker @East Asia United @Speeder_2

I remember beijingwalker trolling with his BS about China being a racial battle battleground between Mongoloids and Caucasoids in ancient times, and Wright's posts about racial unity in east asia.

Chinese consistently warred AGAINST other mongoloid peoples and sided with caucasoid peoples in ancient times. The Xiongnu were Turkic mongoloids and they attacked both the indo european caucasian Tocharians in the tarim basin and Han dynasty China. The Han dynasty allied with the Tocharian city states and took them under their protection as a protectorate (known as Xiyu) against the Xiongnu.

During the Tang dynasty, China allied with White, Caucasian Yenisei Kirghiz against the Mongoloid Uyghur Khaganate (their descendants are the Buddhist Yugur people and not the modern Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang) and China and the Kirghiz totally destroyed the Khaganate and killed thousands of ancient Uyghur soldiers in battle. China also recruited white Iranic Sogdians into its army and hired thousands of Arab mercenaries to put down the An Lushan rebellion.

There was no such bull as "asian unity" or racial unity thousands of years ago. We're proud of what we did. :lol:
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@KirovAirship @Wholegrain and the super troller @shuttler

can we all pls agree on to returning to the thread title "Canada vs. China"?
Again, this is not about Vietnam or NamViet, before our mod steps in and deletes all unnecessary posts.
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China has not added even one inch to its disputed territories since it drew down the final version of the map in the 1940s. It even unfortunately gave up Kachin state to Myanmar. Everything disputed now, China said loud and clearly in the 1940s that they were part of China. Its the Philippines which claimed the Spratly islands out of thin air in the 1970s.


But they anger and hate us now...for their own mistake.

@KirovAirship @Wholegrain and the super troller @shuttler

can we all pls agree on to returning to the thread title "Canada vs. China"?
Again, this is not about Vietnam or NamViet, before our mod steps in and deletes all unnecessary posts.

Ok, back to Canada vs China.

I think, China is dead or will dead in the miserable embarrassing way!!!

The communist don't know how to defend their people. Useless!
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But they anger and hate us now...for their own mistake.
why 1970? was there any interesting event in that year?
and what the hell why we should hate China? China is always in our heart and our soul.
Let´s celebrate the 1,000 years of independent Vietnam :partay:

Don´t forget, the Viets are peaceful people.

Little Saigon in Vancouver, Canada

Ok, back to Canada vs China.

I think, China is dead or will dead in the miserable embarrassing way!!!
The communist don't know how to defend their people. Useless!
come on, China should stop bullying neighbors, then all is fine.
@KirovAirship @Wholegrain and the super troller @shuttler

can we all pls agree on to returning to the thread title "Canada vs. China"?
Again, this is not about Vietnam or NamViet, before our mod steps in and deletes all unnecessary posts.

I haven't read the page 1 and 2. I stared to read the thread at page 3 and I saw some of your bros are trolling around. I am just passing by and giving some slaps generously.
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why 1970? was there any interesting event in that year?
and what the hell why we should hate China? China is always in our heart and our soul.
Let´s celebrate the 1,000 years of independent Vietnam :partay:

Don´t forget, the Viets are peaceful people.
come on, China should stop bullying neighbors, then all is fine.

Go back to China vs Canada, TROLL!
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