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Canada denies visa to Lt Gen (Retd) A S Bahia , again cites war crimes act.

Ahaha did they not say that they have great respect for Indias armed forces?

And even if they believe that the BSF is slaughtering Bangladeshis every day in droves, even though it's not, a influential nation can make them backtrack on such beliefs. Bad luck on not being an influential nation though.

The high level officials have told us this, low level officials who denied them visas don't matter. Just like your countries wishes.

You dudes have serious inferior complex. So defensive. Classic little man syndrome.
They may issue visa to the travel buddy of your PM, but thats it. They will not let loose any psychopath among their peaceful population.

Little man your ability to understand press release can certainly use major improvement.

No, your ability to understand the press-release and the issue itself is blocked by your hatred for India. It is as if you suffer from a figurative plane-polarization phenomenon.

Canada has deeply regretted the incident. That is as close to an apology as you are likely to get. It regretted the 'false aspersions' that were cast on the Indian security forces. They have said that it does NOT reflect the official policy of Ottawa. What more do you want from them? They are not going to grovel.

The last paragraph of the statement is especially significant. Read it carefully. And get over your hatred for India. Good relations between India and Bangladesh will be enormously beneficial to both the countries, and especially so to Bangladesh, given its geography.

Inferiority complex? If anything I have a superiority complex.

My country can influence other countries, yours cant't.



What has it successfully influenced other countries to do?

Ahhhh hahahahahahahahahaha. :yahoo::rofl::azn::bounce::lol:
Canada say sorry to Indian govt


Inferiority complex? If anything I have a superiority complex.

My country can influence other countries, yours cant't.


How about starting "Influence" at home , such as the Maoists. They are not aware of your great revelations.
Ha ha ha... as every Indian expected here comes the apologies..

Proud to be born in a powerful nation.:sniper:

Yup you are going to influence Canada alright.

Come on guys, which self respecting developed nation will apologies about their policies to bunch of people taking sh*t out in the open.
Yup you are going to influence Canada alright.

Come on guys, which self respecting developed nation will apologies about their policies to bunch of people taking sh*t out in the open.

So you are now pissed off because the Canadian's apologized for what went wrong?
You should be ashamed at yourselves for making the last shi@7y statement especially since we pulled you out from it once and made what you now call as "Bangladesh".:no:
The thread is Canada denies visa to Lt Gen (Retd) A S Bahia , again cites war crimes act.

Swing the way you want. I will embarass you on subject of your choosing. Lt Gen (Retd) A S Bahia WILL go to Canada, get ready for another spit on the face.

That has not changed. What the Canadians did is toning down the rhetoric. They have not mentioned anything specific about BSF or the other concerned paramilitary.

Why canada tone down rhetoric ? What's the reason for this generocity ? Whats the reason to support an Islamic extremist nation when west itself is indulged in opening front after front against you. But a slight bone thrown at you and you forget all ummah and brotherhood while shaking your tail for a cheap leverage at Indians. ooooooowwwww.. And might i add India, a nation developing at immense rate with entrepreneurs and employees in every multi national and Indian business acquiring foreign companies v/s a cheap, minute, under-developed, nothing, nobody, future Iraq (considering BNP thugs like you come in power)..

Even a second grader will not take 5 seconds to justify benifits of choosing India as ally far outweighs not to.

India is an elephant and you are an ant - If you didn't figured out already !

Indian armed forces are respected by Canada, its their official policy. It doesn't take einstein to figure out what armed forces ment, only if
BSF is equipped with Lathis or bamboos :lol:

They may issue visa to the travel buddy of your PM, but thats it. They will not let loose any psychopath among their peaceful population.

Speking of psychopath ...eh ? What route did freedom fighters choose for 9/11 ? Canada should focus more on Islamic replublics if they care for psychopath period !!!

Little man your ability to understand press release can certainly use major improvement.

So now when your country v/s country battle is lost, the last clutch at straw is to get personal? Bring it on, an Indian sh!tting in open has
more IQ and double income, i might add, than yours. :lol:
Yup you are going to influence Canada alright.

Come on guys, which self respecting developed nation will apologies about their policies to bunch of people taking sh*t out in the open.

lolz seems like you really pissed off today :rofl: what happend Canada let you down :lol:..seems like they really listen to the policies of a country whose people **** out in open..Jealous mate..get out of the inferiority complex and enjoy the freedom provided by those who you are calling phsycopaths..otherwise your people should have been listed as extinct community by UNO by this time ..so shut the fuckk up and think twice before you open your mouth for insulting my country and countrymen

We won. This is more than just apology......... Its shows India's rising power.

Not even one week time required..... :bounce:

With following statement Canada very much clearified it position that visa action is not directed against indian armed forces in general but against individual who carried out atrocity and indian brutal policy. Furthermore, Canada reaffirmed its visa stand in wave of diplomatically crafted words. Offcouse, indians will take any bone at this point to cover their shame.

Canada’s Immigration Minister on Visa Refusals in India
Ottawa, May 27, 2010

“Canada has the highest regard for India, its government institutions and processes. Our friendship as democratic nations who operate under the rule of law grows ever stronger and we share a common bond of ethnic, religious, and linguistic diversity. Our economic and trade ties continue to strengthen both of our economies.
“As to the decision process itself, decisions on visa applications are made on a case-by-case basis by non-partisan public servants following an independent process based on Canada's immigration law as it currently stands. However, this unfortunate incident has demonstrated that the deliberately broad legislation may create instances when the net is cast too widely by officials, creating irritants with our trusted and valued international allies. For this reason the admissibility policy within the legislation is under active review at this time.
So you are now pissed off because the Canadian's apologized for what went wrong?
You should be ashamed at yourselves for making the last shi@7y statement especially since we pulled you out from it once and made what you now call as "Bangladesh".:no:

india can not pull itself out misery it is in, let alone pulling other country. Regardless, that is not subject of discussion. If you are shamed and aggrieved by Canadian action and canadian stand on indian brutal policy you are screaming at wrong place. Indian govt and its brutal policy are the source of your aggravation.
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