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Can they do it?

Women can take care of themseleves better than men in my opinion. Mentally far more tougher

women are lot tougher then given credit.and much more hard working then any given man.
i have hired 3 to drive my transport trucks.they are always on time they work more then needed and also take care of there families while doing there jobs.
any given day.

My objection, posted earlier in another thread, remains that in a country with large male unemployment; I myself tried to get into PAF via PAF Public School Sargodha without success; I know how many young men want to join PAF, if you take in women cadets some deserving bread earning males would be left out.

niaz bhai when i started working i use to sell tickets on a bus between Lahore and jehlum.
this is after i had completed my university degree.
u will be surprised how many of these so called Alfa males will not only not work as any kind of job regardless of what it is labor or office work as most in Pakistan(not all)consider it beneath them.
my friends use to make fun of me for working as bus conductor.while them self taking monthly allowance from there parents and waiting for the opportunity to get out of Pakistan or be hired CEO of a company.and it hasn't changed yet.
on the other hand females that come out to work.are not living in fantasy land they no they have to work to support there lazy *** brother or other family at home.and Karachi Hyderabad weather is not exactly fun to work in during the afternoon ours but i have seen it with my own eyes.most females regardless of the weather conditions do there jobs and do it right the first time.
so please next time when u talk about lazy *** unemployed male youths.i doubt you will find 2 many employers willing to listen to u and hire a male over female.
oh i almost forgot i have yet to see a macho dude pust out a baby.i have seen lots of my friends passing out in the hospital while there wifes were given birth.yeah we males are lot tough.:smokin:

recently as last month i offered a job to my cousin 15000/month working in office (i had to offer him that job even though he is far from being qualified as ordered by my mom .he thinks he is be all of the world now that he knows how to run Microsoft word:rofl: .he turned me down as that job is beneath him and the money isn't good enough either)job was filled with a female employee the next day.and it was my pleasure to hire some one who actually wanted to work.
In view of the above comments......the fact that women have done extremely well in other forces such as the US or the Royal air force indicates that they are very capable and competent. They will be able take the pressure....it all depends on their determination and motivation.

However, the biggest drawback for them (and maybe for the Air force) is when they decided to get married or have children?...

1) They will need time off from work (flying duties) if they are pregnant. The G-force can caused damage to the mother and child. Therefore, possible pilot shortage when needed?

2)The parenting aspect of who will look after the child. Most mothers are considered experts in raising children (early age). In many jobs where women are working with their male counterparts...there is evidence of children been neglected. I.e both parents at work or so.

3) The prospects of a female being shot down in hostile territory would also be of considerable concern to all concerned (i.e high probabilities of rape). This could be demoralising to the Air Force she belongs to.

4) Further more, the issues of harmony amongst her peers (too many male chavunists Pigs or so) could cause resentment/friction with the service. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the service.

5) another (minor) point is that where you have both sexes working together, there can be a problem or an increase chance of fornication and adultery committed. i.e officers sleeping with others and have caused a discontentment within the ranks. Their are many cases of this happening within the US air force or even the RAF. It is just a point to consider.

6) All male and female are equal....BUT they are both different (biologically) and therefore will have handicaps within the profession.

Apologies for seeming to be a MC Pig....Just certain areas of consideration. To reiterate my point, Women are as much capable as the men...but due to biological differences...many problems arise...as mentioned above. Would the above effect the morale/unity/motivation/professionalism of the Air Force?
Princess Diana has a well known quote:

"If men had to have babies, they would only have one each"
how come the term MCP(MAle chauvanist PIG) is being brandished about in this forum. Fox hound all the points you raised need to be considered and are very good points. Why are you scared of being victimised and labeled as a MCP. Very wierd havn't come accross this before.
In view of the above comments......the fact that women have done extremely well in other forces such as the US or the Royal air force indicates that they are very capable and competent. They will be able take the pressure....it all depends on their determination and motivation.

However, the biggest drawback for them (and maybe for the Air force) is when they decided to get married or have children?...

1) They will need time off from work (flying duties) if they are pregnant. The G-force can caused damage to the mother and child. Therefore, possible pilot shortage when needed?

2)The parenting aspect of who will look after the child. Most mothers are considered experts in raising children (early age). In many jobs where women are working with their male counterparts...there is evidence of children been neglected. I.e both parents at work or so.

3) The prospects of a female being shot down in hostile territory would also be of considerable concern to all concerned (i.e high probabilities of rape). This could be demoralising to the Air Force she belongs to.

4) Further more, the issues of harmony amongst her peers (too many male chavunists Pigs or so) could cause resentment/friction with the service. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the service.

5) another (minor) point is that where you have both sexes working together, there can be a problem or an increase chance of fornication and adultery committed. i.e officers sleeping with others and have caused a discontentment within the ranks. Their are many cases of this happening within the US air force or even the RAF. It is just a point to consider.

6) All male and female are equal....BUT they are both different (biologically) and therefore will have handicaps within the profession.

Apologies for seeming to be a MC Pig....Just certain areas of consideration. To reiterate my point, Women are as much capable as the men...but due to biological differences...many problems arise...as mentioned above. Would the above effect the morale/unity/motivation/professionalism of the Air Force?

excusme fox hound none of the above points make any sense
a man can be shot dead just as a woman and also a man can also be raped.
so why a woman being shot dead or being raped should be a diffrent isssue then a man
being shot dead or being raped.
also all the other points are point less too.
women need as much jobs as men they are the bread winner of their families and they are as competent as men or as said in some cases even better.
In view of the above comments......the fact that women have done extremely well in other forces such as the US or the Royal air force indicates that they are very capable and competent. They will be able take the pressure....it all depends on their determination and motivation.

However, the biggest drawback for them (and maybe for the Air force) is when they decided to get married or have children?...

1) They will need time off from work (flying duties) if they are pregnant. The G-force can caused damage to the mother and child. Therefore, possible pilot shortage when needed?

2)The parenting aspect of who will look after the child. Most mothers are considered experts in raising children (early age). In many jobs where women are working with their male counterparts...there is evidence of children been neglected. I.e both parents at work or so.

3) The prospects of a female being shot down in hostile territory would also be of considerable concern to all concerned (i.e high probabilities of rape). This could be demoralising to the Air Force she belongs to.

4) Further more, the issues of harmony amongst her peers (too many male chavunists Pigs or so) could cause resentment/friction with the service. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the service.

5) another (minor) point is that where you have both sexes working together, there can be a problem or an increase chance of fornication and adultery committed. i.e officers sleeping with others and have caused a discontentment within the ranks. Their are many cases of this happening within the US air force or even the RAF. It is just a point to consider.

6) All male and female are equal....BUT they are both different (biologically) and therefore will have handicaps within the profession.

Apologies for seeming to be a MC Pig....Just certain areas of consideration. To reiterate my point, Women are as much capable as the men...but due to biological differences...many problems arise...as mentioned above. Would the above effect the morale/unity/motivation/professionalism of the Air Force?

foxhound if you work for PAF and you get raped in a terrotiry that would be even more demoralizing for the airforce....lol:yahoo: dont you think...? you see possibilities are end less...:lol:
women need as much jobs as men they are the bread winner of their families and they are as competent as men or as said in some cases even better.
Not really, remember this thread is realetd to woman combat pilots in PAKISTAN. Therefore all compromises/suggestions/solutions should be Pakistan culture specific. And it's a known fact in Pakistani society males are usually the sole bread winners in most families. Though I don't see this a reason why females should be put at a disadvantage or a gender quota be inplace. I advocate more female envolvement in all aspects in Pakistan's society. Though I must admit that the envolvement in front line combat for women is where I havn't yet made my mind up yet. Hopefully at the end of this discussion I might be able to come to a conlusion.
But what I would definately want to state here is that I strongly oppose Pakistan producing female GDP's just for the sake of it, or to show the western world how "advance", or "civilised" Pakistan is. There is no need to make a political or PR statement, first and foremost These pilots must gain admission through merit alone. After that various other discussions can take place.
Actually guys lets keep this thread for the subject at hand. we can discuss the other issues over in bulls new thread.

I am going to condense some of the off-topic posts to clean up this thread a bit as I don't want to kill off the thread discussion. So if you want to copy any posts now is the time to do it!
Foxhound...impressive. It was an excellent analysis and you are right. The moment a female pilot is on family way, it means that she is off from flying for minimum one year. And after that also her attention will be devided.

Nina, I dint intend to discriminate agaist women pilots. They have proved themselves against heavy odds to date. I hope they continue to do so in the future. But nobody can deny the physical demands of not only fighter flying but transport flying also. I have seen so many officers getting medically unfit because of reasons directly related to stresses and pressures of flying. They keep on taking it for years and suddenly collapse one day. How our female flyers will perform over the years....only time will tell.
I hope all you nitwits know that women can take more G's, more pain and have a better hand-eye co-ordination
I hope all you nitwits know that women can take more G's, more pain and have a better hand-eye co-ordination

I don't think (as far as I am concerned anyway) that the physiological factors were an issue. I think rather that it was a sociological issue, specifically within the south Asian background.
Not really, remember this thread is realetd to woman combat pilots in PAKISTAN. Therefore all compromises/suggestions/solutions should be Pakistan culture specific. And it's a known fact in Pakistani society males are usually the sole bread winners in most families. Though I don't see this a reason why females should be put at a disadvantage or a gender quota be inplace. I advocate more female envolvement in all aspects in Pakistan's society. Though I must admit that the envolvement in front line combat for women is where I havn't yet made my mind up yet. Hopefully at the end of this discussion I might be able to come to a conlusion.
But what I would definately want to state here is that I strongly oppose Pakistan producing female GDP's just for the sake of it, or to show the western world how "advance", or "civilised" Pakistan is. There is no need to make a political or PR statement, first and foremost These pilots must gain admission through merit alone. After that various other discussions can take place.

do you know crome you have said it all just right........i agree with you...:)
Foxhound...impressive. It was an excellent analysis and you are right. The moment a female pilot is on family way, it means that she is off from flying for minimum one year. And after that also her attention will be devided.

Nina, I dint intend to discriminate agaist women pilots. They have proved themselves against heavy odds to date. I hope they continue to do so in the future. But nobody can deny the physical demands of not only fighter flying but transport flying also. I have seen so many officers getting medically unfit because of reasons directly related to stresses and pressures of flying. They keep on taking it for years and suddenly collapse one day. How our female flyers will perform over the years....only time will tell.

excuseme thinking that a woman cant do a job because one day she will fell pragnent and have chidren is discrimination......a woman can be a fighter pilot and still have children..in her absence another unpragnent woman fighter pilot performs in her place its called maternity leave in the civilized world.
dont forget men have children too only diffrence is they dont have it physically.
and research shows that men also change physically after having children and mentally...
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