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Can the U.S. Disable or Detonate China's Nuclear Warheads by Satellites?

Its silly because no one controls where the wind blows, if a missile was launched at the border of a country i.e Russia border with Europe. The wind may push the fallout to Russia but it may also push the fallout to Europe. (that will make the US really popular)

Lets say Russia launch a Nuke into the US, and the microwave beams detonated it over Atlantic Ocean, would the dust blow over Europe or Canada can you tell? Ever wonder why Chernobyl site still remains a wasteland?

Blowing it up in the enemy's storage okay makes sense, then again if the WMD are so easy to find why can't they find them in Iraq? And we haven't even discussed safeguards yet on various nukes (which I admit it beyond my comprehension)

You don't think about the logics of the theory before you go forward, if you want to convince me bring some hard evidence to counter what I said. If you can't then well who's the ignoramus now?

Ps this is an international forum, if you cannot stand up to some scrutiny I suggest you best go to another forum that just agrees with you.
This beam have many function , it can use to malfunction the electrical and electronic systems of jet fighter or missile too , we used it to disable electric system of F-111s during VN war already.

So, if this beam just simply disable electrical and electronic systems of Nuke warhead , it will drop down and make No harm to the environment.
You misunderstood what my post said. The satellite simply provides a microwave signal that activates the warhead's trigger. You have to read the post in the World Affairs section that I have referred to; I cannot repeat the whole thing here. If a Chinese nuclear warhead is on top of a missile on the way to New York City, when the missile reaches New York city, a signal from the circuitry of the weapon will activate the warhead's trigger which will cause the warhead to explode. The United States' satellites have the ability to activate a warhead's trigger when the warhead is in storage somewhere in China, or when it is in transit somewhere or when it is in flight on top of a missile to a target -- for example over the Pacific Ocean on the way to New York City. Instead of activating the trigger to cause the warhead to explode prematurely, the microwave signals can also disable the trigger, temporarily or permanently, so that the trigger will not be able to cause the warhead to explode as it is supposed to explode after reaching the target. Read my post in the World Affairs section which also shows how the design of triggers can be changed so that the trigger will not be either activated or disabled by false signals from U. S. satellites.

again, not possible, the signal doesnt just go high or "on" and detonate the warhead, like i said the compression explosion has to be perfect or the nuke simply doesnt detonate. just sending high power microwave at best will cause the nuke to not dentonate due to the electronics being fried. the so called signal is, for obvious reason heavily encrypted and your not gonna get it right without knowing the code and wireless working of the missile before hand.
This was written by the thread starter on another thread in the World Affair section, don't you just love him?

Re: How to Avoid U. S. Disablement of Your Nuclear Warheads by Satellites
I said above that nuclear weapons are made and used in a context which provides the motivation for making and using them. The most important part of the context is the psyche and genes of the leader. Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India like clockwork every year for over twenty years and Indians did nothing to defend themselves, passively waiting for him to come and kill and enslave hundreds of thousands of them every year. The same is the story regarding other invaders; they quietly submitted to rule by a handful of the British for centuries and remain in the deepest slavery to the United States which is invading the subcontinent. Without me there would be no weapons development and no attempt at liberation ; I have had the task of motivating and pushing an inert mass of a billion-plus people out of slavery for the past 36 years.
Why worry about nuke if it can be easily disabled or countered. Just give everyone these "special beam cannons" and the world will be a much safer place :lol:
Obviously microwaves are nothing, as a simple faraday cage can block them. Unlike neutrinos that are unstoppable and indefensible!

The real game ender.

The North Korean Counter Nuclear Weapon V1.1

First posted 18 January 2019; Updated 13 February 2019

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Hint at the North Korean-Iranian Counter Nuclear Weapon Program
3. History Of the Development Of Neutrino Counter Nuclear Weapons
3.1. Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam
3.2. Neutrino-Antineutrino Annihilation At The Z0 Pole Counter Nuclear Weapon
4. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Laser Researches

1. Introduction

The U.S. nuclear blackmail is only a paper tiger. The nuclear arms era started in 1945 was already superseded by directed energy weapons in the 1947s.

Today, the U.S. nuclear warheads pose no threats to the North Korean strategists.

As revealed back in 2016, this joint Iranian-North Korean directed energy weapon program is already advanced enough to be publicly leaked to outside OSINT analysts.

The neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole counter nuclear weapon can not only destroy preemptively any nuclear warhead wherever it is located on earth, as far as the opposite side of the planet at 12,756 km and beyond.

But it can also engage any conventional target as well, static or moving, be it humans, robots, machines, depots, factories, submarines, CVs, bombers, missiles, etc...and at the near speed of light.

Unlike the obsolete ballistic missiles, it does not necessarily need to transit through air and space, but its beam of particles can simply follow any geodesic, thus directly penetrating through the earth crust and mantle, making it indefensible.

2. Hint at the North Korean-Iranian Counter Nuclear Weapon Program

Kamal al-Din (1267–1319) was the most prominent Persian author on optics. His research in this regard was based on theoretical investigations in dioptrics conducted on the so-called Burning Sphere.


▲ First hint at the Iranian-DPRK Counter Nuclear Weapon Program. 주체105(2016)년 3월 4일

To see the peace-loving North Korean people as warmongers, only shows how brainwashed one is, being exposed to the 24/7/365 hideous enemy's propaganda.

Indeed, the great Choson people has always stated that its legitimate and only goal was the right of peaceful coexistence among all nations.

As a proof of His goodwill, General Kim Jong Un will no hesitate to contribute to the world denuclearization, if He could in return obtain the withdrawal of all U.S. troops stationed in the Korean peninsula, and lead a reunified Federal Republic of Korea, formula first proposed by Kim Il Sung, another Great Person of the Mt. Paektu.

Moreover, Choson's treasured nuclear sword is nothing compared to its next and still top secret superweapon in development, and known only to a few outside of North Korea, as The Relativistic Through-Crust-and-Mantle (classified) particle WMD, unlocked by having mastered thermonuclear fusion technologies.



▲ DPRK Directed Energy Counter Nuclear Weapon Program. Uploaded on December 23, 2018.


3. History Of the Development Of Neutrino Counter Nuclear Weapons

Hirotaka Sugawara et al. have first proposed in 2003, the use of a high energy neutrino beam to destroy nuclear weapons remotely. This hypothesized neutrino beam passes through the Earth and interacts with the nuclear materials inside of the distant nuclear weapon. This interaction can result in heating the nuclear material melting or damaging components of the device or potentially enabling remote detonation of an armed nuclear device.

The neutrino beam makes holding armed nuclear weapons more of a liability than a benefit, as an enemy armed with a neutrino weapon could consider remotely detonating them before they could be launched. Even if the bombs are not assembled, an enemy with a neutrino beam could simply render them useless over time. There is no known method of shielding against these beams.

However high energy neutrino beams themselves might be used as weapons. Sugawara also suggests that this technology can be used as a deadly weapon even against enemies that do not possess nuclear weapons. The neutrino beam can be aimed at people or places and the resulting hadron shower can be deadly. The weapon can be effective even against individuals in deep underground bunkers and other seemingly secure locations.


▲ A muon storage ring is used to accelerate larger particles, muons, to high energies. Muon collisions produce high energy neutrino beams that can be controlled and aimed.


▲ Neutrino beam passes through the Earth and interacts with the nuclear materials inside of the distant nuclear weapon.


▲ The neutrino beam can be aimed at people or places and the resulting hadron shower can be deadly.

Then in 2008, Alfred Tang et al. proposed an alternative idea for a neutrino counter nuclear weapon that shares some similarities with the idea presented by Hirotaka Sugawara et al. but is technologically feasible, relatively cheap and safe.

Tang's idea was to focus a neutrino beam and an antineutrino beam together in a small region to allow them to annihilate so that high energy radiations are released as reaction products.

3.1. Destruction of Nuclear Bombs Using Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Beam

Hirotaka Sugawara (Univ. of Hawaii), Hiroyuki Hagura (KEK), Toshiya Sanami (KEK)

(Submitted on 7 May 2003 (v1), last revised 29 Jun 2003 (this version, v2))

We discuss the possibility of utilizing the ultra-high energy neutrino beam (about 1000 TeV) to detect and destroy the nuclear bombs wherever they are and whoever possess them.


3.2. Neutrino-Antineutrino Annihilation At The Z0 Pole Counter Nuclear Weapon

Alfred Tang

(Submitted on 26 May 2008 (v1), last revised 25 Jun 2013 (this version, v4))

Radiations produced by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole can be used to heat up the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and can in principle detonate the device remotely. Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation can also be used as a tactical assault weapon to target hideouts that are unreachable by conventional means.


Nuclear weapon is the most destructive kind among weapons of mass destruction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are lessons in history that shall never be repeated. Since the end of World War II, world leaders had tried to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons by political means such as the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968. Many countries did not sign the treaty. In fact it seems that more and more countries are pursuing nuclear weapon programs nowadays. After September 11, the concern is that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists. Strategically speaking the importance of a counter nuclear weapon may soon rival that of the nuclear weapon itself. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of a neutrino counter nuclear weapon technology. The idea of using neutrinos to detonate or melt a nuclear weapon was first proposed by H. Sugawara, H. Hagura and T. Sanami [1]. Their futuristic design is based on a 1 PeV neutrino beam operating at 50 GW. It is unlikely that such an intense ultra high energy neutrino beam can be realized in the near future. Even if such a neutrino beam is made available, its radiation hazard will render it politically nonviable. Other proposals such as installing neutron detectors at the border to intercept nuclear materials had been considered. The current trend of non-proliferation policy is focused on monitoring the production of fissile fuels. Research is being conducted to use anti-neutrino detectors to this end [2]. Anti-neutrinos are produced in nuclear fission through beta decay. They are indicators of the fissile fuel composition of the nuclear reactor. Neutrino signatures of the fissile fuels cannot be tampered with by virtue of the very small reaction cross section of neutrinos at low energy. On the other hand, the small reaction probability also means small detection probability so that large detectors are needed to detect them. A sample idea is to deploy hundreds of kilo-ton liquid scintillator detectors at 1000 km distance from the reactor to monitor the reactor anti-neutrino spectrum. The challenges of using anti-neutrino to monitor reactor are that (1) a rogue nation will not voluntarily allow IAEA to build anti-neutrino detectors around its reactors, (2) the number of anti-neutrino detectors must increase 4 folds for every doubling of reactor-detector distance, and (3) reactors are not needed if a rogue nation opts for uranium instead of plutonium bombs. For these reasons, anti-neutrino detectors are probably not the ultimate solution to non-proliferation. Another possible non-proliferation strategy is to develop a technology that counters nuclear weapons.

This paper proposes an alternative idea for a neutrino counter nuclear weapon that shares some similarities with the idea presented in Reference [1] but is technologically feasible, relatively cheap and safe. The present idea is to focus a neutrino beam and an antineutrino beam together in a small region to allow them to annihilate so that high energy radiations are released as reaction products. The radiations cause neutron spallation in the sub-critical nuclear material and initiate fission reactions. The plutonium heats up, ignites the chemical explosive around the fissile (fissionable material) in the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and subsequently detonates the nuclear weapon. The reason of thinking about neutrino for this application is that neutrino cannot be shielded. It can hit a target such as a nuclear submarine from the other side of the globe and can penetrate a deep underground concrete bunker and missile silo. Since neutrino can penetrate the planet to reach a nuclear weapon on the other side of the globe near the speed of light, a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is in principle untraceable and indefensible. It is suggested that a neutrino counter nuclear weapon is 100% effective [3].

The trade-off of developing a counter weapon is the introduction of a new weapon. If the new weapon is less destructive than the original weapon, an ethical argument can be made in support of its development. If remote detonation of a nuclear weapon is made possible by a neutrino counter weapon, a nuclear weapon in the homeland becomes a liability so that there is a real strategic incentive to reduce the stockpile. In that case, there will be a much more convincing political reason to promote non-proliferation. This work aims to study the theoretical feasibility of the neutrino counter nuclear weapon as a first step in this direction. The use of neutrino as a tactical assault weapon will also be discussed.



4. Rare Earth Mineral Prerequisite For Laser Researches

As discussed above, the development of powerful enough Laser Wakefield Accelerators (LWA) is critical and at the core of this technology. No need to add that such laser research can not be conducted without a sufficient reserve of rare earth minerals, the sine qua non prerequisite in high energy physics.

Indeed, North Korea's 216 million tonne Jongju deposit, theoretically worth trillions of dollars, would more than double the current global known resource of REE oxides which according to the US Geological Survey is pegged at 110 million tonnes.

This amounts to five times that of China's, the current world's first rare earth minerals exporter. Making Kim Jong Un's Korea the military powerhouse the most likely to first succeed in developing and fielding such a new class of WMDs.


▲ First world's reserve of Rare Earth Elements in the DPRK.




As discussed above, the development of powerful enough Laser Wakefield Accelerators (LWA) is critical and at the core of this technology.


Researchers from Shanghai have created the most powerful laser beam ever made with potentially wide-ranging applications in fields from nuclear physics to high-tech weaponry, according to their paper published in the latest issue of the journal Optics Letters.

The beam reached a peak power of 5.13 petawatts (1 petawatt is equal to 1 billion millions watts), dwarfing the record set recently by Japanese scientists.

But the latest breakthrough appears to be grounded at present by an Achilles’ heel: It cannot sustain its peak power output for long, and lasted for less than 30 femtoseconds (30 quadrillionths of a second), according the to the team.


The group's ambitions don't end there. This year, Li and colleagues intend to start building a 100-PW laser known as the Station of Extreme Light (SEL). By 2023, it could be flinging pulses into a chamber 20 meters underground, subjecting targets to extremes of temperature and pressure not normally found on Earth, a boon to astrophysicists and materials scientists alike. The laser could also power demonstrations of a new way to accelerate particles for use in medicine and high-energy physics. But most alluring, Li says, would be showing that light could tear electrons and their antimatter counterparts, positrons, from empty space—a phenomenon known as "breaking the vacuum." It would be a striking illustration that matter and energy are interchangeable, as Albert Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation states. Although nuclear weapons attest to the conversion of matter into immense amounts of heat and light, doing the reverse is not so easy. But Li says the SEL is up to the task. "That would be very exciting," he says. "It would mean you could generate something from nothing."

The Chinese group is "definitely leading the way" to 100 PW, says Philip Bucksbaum, an atomic physicist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

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