If we go by the 50- 50 rule ... the red line + Bangladesh goes to India , and we take the light green and dark green simple split
- Punjab
- Haryana
- Rajhistan
- Gujrat
- UP (May be share 50% with india)
- Madhiya Perdesh (Share 50% with india)
- Maharashatra (50% share with India)
Would probbaly be in Pakistan's 50% side , all the stuff on left could be with India and may be the land above srilanka etc
Just a logical division of "RESOURCES/farming land and water etc" not based on population
That is why its mutually beneficial if India gives back Kashmir out of free good will
becasue the division of all assets was done incorrectly in first place
I am still confused as why the division was done based on population and not between "RESOURCES / farming land, SQ feet area , water capacity"
We got the short end of stick so its only fair we get back Kashmir out of good will, the division of resources was not "even"