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Can Obama Solve The Kashmir Issue?

China does not have a part of Kashmir. China has acquired a part of its own territory back from Pakistan (which had been illegally annexed under the British Raj), that the Indians wrongly claim to be a part of Kashmir.
China does not have a part of Kashmir. China has acquired a part of its own territory back from Pakistan (which had been illegally annexed under the British Raj), that the Indians wrongly claim to be a part of Kashmir.

Ha Ha,

Please speak to erudites like AM, Blain etc and they will tell you that a part of Kashmir was leased to China by Pakistan.

You have no clue about Kashmir History.

Pakistan did not lease out any part of Kashmir to china. It was territory which had historically always been China's and illegally annexed by the British. Britain thought it could leave this festering wound to sour relations between Pakistan and China, but what happened was to the contrary.
Pakistan did not lease out any part of Kashmir to china. It was territory which had historically always been China's and illegally annexed by the British. Britain thought it could leave this festering wound to sour relations between Pakistan and China, but what happened was to the contrary.

I wish Jana was around she could have emailed you the lease agreement between GOP and China.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

SRINAGAR: The election of Barack Obama as US President has generated hope among separatists in Kashmir that the decades-long Kashmir issue would be solved soon.

Welcoming the election of Obama, chairman of Moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said "We see a role for US in resolution of Kashmir issue and hope that Obama will fulfill his responsibility."

Mirwaiz, who has been placed under house arrest since this morning ahead of proposed Jamia Masjid march by separatists, said "We hope that he (Obama) will give practical shape to his encouraging statements on resolution of Kashmir during campaigning."

Meanwhile, chairman of Hardline faction of Hurriyat Syed Ali Shah Geelani said the election of Obama is a "historic event" for America and "We hope that he will use his good offices to resolve Kashmir issue in its historic perspective."

Geelani, who is undergoing treatment in Delhi, said bilateral talks between India and Pakistan have failed to deliver in the past.

Geelani also hoped that the election of Obama would bring a positive change in the foreign policy of that country.

"There is a need for a change in Americian foreign policy... It has to abandon use of brute force in other countries," he said.

"We will also welcome him if he puts an immediate end to the killings in Pakistani soil where the bombing by Nato forces deployed in Afghanistan have killed innocent civilians on the pretext of fighting Al-Qaeda or terrorism," he said.

Congratulating Obama on his election, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said his recent statements with regard to Kashmir are encouraging.

"Kashmiris are hopeful that he will use good offices in resolution of Kashmir issue," senior vice president of JKLF Bashir Ahmad Bhat said.

Acting chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza also felicitated Obama and reiterated that the newly elected president would uphold the avowal which he has made during the election campaigns.

"The peace in South Asia rests with honourable and durable solution of Kashmir which is at present nuclear flashpoint between the two nuclear neighbours of the sub-continent (India and Pakistan) because peace begets prosperity, development and tranquility," he said in a statement.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

SRINAGAR: The election of Barack Obama as US President has generated hope among separatists in Kashmir that the decades-long Kashmir issue would be solved soon.

Welcoming the election of Obama, chairman of Moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said "We see a role for US in resolution of Kashmir issue and hope that Obama will fulfill his responsibility."

"The peace in South Asia rests with honourable and durable solution of Kashmir which is at present nuclear flashpoint between the two nuclear neighbours of the sub-continent (India and Pakistan) because peace begets prosperity, development and tranquility," he said in a statement.

Dear Neo,

If this is true its good for the world.

Any suggestions what he should do to get all on the table together ?

If Jana is your source for this information, I could only pity your intelligence.
If Jana is your source for this information, I could only pity your intelligence.

So you are suggesting Jana is dumb ?


You just put your foot into your mouth.

BTW even AM can send you a copy of the lease agreement.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

SRINAGAR: The election of Barack Obama as US President has generated hope among separatists in Kashmir that the decades-long Kashmir issue would be solved soon.

Welcoming the election of Obama, chairman of Moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said "We see a role for US in resolution of Kashmir issue and hope that Obama will fulfill his responsibility."

Mirwaiz, who has been placed under house arrest since this morning ahead of proposed Jamia Masjid march by separatists, said "We hope that he (Obama) will give practical shape to his encouraging statements on resolution of Kashmir during campaigning."

Meanwhile, chairman of Hardline faction of Hurriyat Syed Ali Shah Geelani said the election of Obama is a "historic event" for America and "We hope that he will use his good offices to resolve Kashmir issue in its historic perspective."

Geelani, who is undergoing treatment in Delhi, said bilateral talks between India and Pakistan have failed to deliver in the past.

Geelani also hoped that the election of Obama would bring a positive change in the foreign policy of that country.

"There is a need for a change in Americian foreign policy... It has to abandon use of brute force in other countries," he said.

"We will also welcome him if he puts an immediate end to the killings in Pakistani soil where the bombing by Nato forces deployed in Afghanistan have killed innocent civilians on the pretext of fighting Al-Qaeda or terrorism," he said.

Congratulating Obama on his election, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) said his recent statements with regard to Kashmir are encouraging.

"Kashmiris are hopeful that he will use good offices in resolution of Kashmir issue," senior vice president of JKLF Bashir Ahmad Bhat said.

Acting chairman of Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza also felicitated Obama and reiterated that the newly elected president would uphold the avowal which he has made during the election campaigns.

"The peace in South Asia rests with honourable and durable solution of Kashmir which is at present nuclear flashpoint between the two nuclear neighbours of the sub-continent (India and Pakistan) because peace begets prosperity, development and tranquility," he said in a statement.

This is the ridiculous statement that Obama has made. This clearly shows how inept the Democratic party is about foreign relations. And like I said before in another thread What Obama is going to do, throw a cookie to India so Pakistan can feel happy. Ridiculous assumtions and it clearly show the freshman in the new President.
Dear Neo,

If this is true its good for the world.

Any suggestions what he should do to get all on the table together ?


A raod map to a peacefull solution involving India, Pakistan, Kashmir and UN where US would play an independant or impartial role to mediate between the adversaries would be a great start.
A raod map to a peacefull solution involving India, Pakistan, Kashmir and UN where US would play an independant or impartial role to mediate between the adversaries would be a great start.

But that would mean dumping the Shimla Agreement in the dustbin ?

But that would mean dumping the Shimla Agreement in the dustbin ?


On the contrary! The agreement laid down the principles that should govern their future relations. It also conceived steps to be taken for further normalization of mutual relations. Most importantly, it bound the two countries "to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations". It also cemented the Line of Control as something close to a permanent border. "In Jammu and Kashmir, the Line of Control resulting from the cease-fire of December 17, 1971 shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from threat or the use of force in violation of this Line.
On the contrary! The agreement laid down the principles that should govern their future relations. It also conceived steps to be taken for further normalization of mutual relations. Most importantly, it bound the two countries "to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations". It also cemented the Line of Control as something close to a permanent border. "In Jammu and Kashmir, the Line of Control resulting from the cease-fire of December 17, 1971 shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from threat or the use of force in violation of this Line.

That is all fine Neo, but India will still not move it's troops just because Obama says so. Obama is taking this issue to lightly and clearly show the ignorance on his part of foreign relations.
This is the ridiculous statement that Obama has made. This clearly shows how inept the Democratic party is about foreign relations. And like I said before in another thread What Obama is going to do, throw a cookie to India so Pakistan can feel happy. Ridiculous assumtions and it clearly show the freshman in the new President.

Well, he's still better than the encumbent. He probably couldn't tell the difference between INdia and Indiana before he got to the white house.
I believe Obama's statement is intelligent, and enlightening. He has grasped the issue. That is, Kashmir is the key to peace in South Asia.
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