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Can Nawaz or Zardari talk like this when asked about Obama,Blair and WoT ?

peacefull just remember what would happen if this hope fails us completely then the times will move back towards the scnerio when BB was murdered. same rape same destruction and same frustration he may be hope but he is also a time bomb i hope i am making my self clear

Why don't you think Positive?? Pakistan has Great Future but not with PMLN NW AND BZ.
and Yes IK is Time bomb for Corruption,Looters and for land snatchers.
peacefull just remember what would happen if this hope fails us completely then the times will move back towards the scnerio when BB was murdered. same rape same destruction and same frustration he may be hope but he is also a time bomb i hope i am making my self clear

Hmm I get it, since there is a possibility that IK, too, may fail or fall, we should simply continue with NS/BB teams. Yeah I get what you are saying.

See I moved back to Pakistan in 2006 with great hopes as the country was on the right path and about 2 years ago I started thinking of going back abroad because of the rapid decline due to our 'elected' Govt.. About 6 months back I realized that there are some professional goals that I need to achieve in 2012 so have committed to going abroad, for good, in early 2013/late 2012. I have given up, not because I am no more patriotic, but because I live amongst those who support these feudals and corrupt, criminal 'civilian' Governments despite being educated and highly aware of situations and ground realities. I have given up because my fellow Pakistani's want these criminal/traitorous civilian Governments for personal gains or ethnicities.

I have given up because I am not strong enough to make a difference and I am not indifferent enough to continue to watch this rape and plunder of my country.
Hmm I get it, since there is a possibility that IK, too, may fail or fall, we should simply continue with NS/BB teams.

Not like that what you pretends....actually what Imran is doing solely at this moment is not correct either!!
Ok let me clear myself further.

There is a lesson in our political history;

Establishment (Military or Civil) neither an ally nor a foe to any political party but only the employees of state of Pakistan, They should be treated administratively by the true representative of people of this country and held them accountable of every wrong doing they commit while performing their duties. The level of their corruption; nepotism is far far higher than any other (group of people) in Pakistan.

The problem arises when this group in order to barred their employer (the political govt of Pakistan) to perform their duties honestly and rigorously, forms an alliance between themselves and blackmailed their boss through conspiracies and other organs I described above, in reply they allowed corrupt politicians in political parties too to make corruption and other things side by side. The moment new govt incepted the next it found themselves completely indulge in Govt Bachao Muhim the next, and left alone the real job unattended, Thus this vicious circle, going on an on since independence.

No political government even with 2/3 majority can break this cycle of corruption unless they understands it completely and agreed upon certain things with other political groups and their competitors.

Here we should examine what both BB and NS are upto before BB’s tragic assassination!!

After their return from exile both BB and NS went into the election but didn’t forms an alliance between them but actually agreed upon certain big things and agendas clearly written in COD.

Thus they ensure that not only the future government is truly representative of Pakistan but work as well for the people of Pakistan without the fear of establishment and their games, and this is the real treachery BB made as far as Musarraf/Military govt/establishment is concerned at that time. She forcefully convince NS to contest elections instead of boycott, establishment wants NS to do alongwith IK. Bcz she not only wants her party to forms government but more than that she wants her opposition in the hands of NS i/o Q-league. Thus the whole gameplan of establishment is turnaround and that’s was a big big crime she commits and the reasons of his silence afterwards.

Therefore, After BB only NS is left but he needs a partner too, as he could not do any change solely by himself, just like IK ever, Zardari proved that he cannot be a partner of any kind ever.

Imran currently going as per the lines and leads of establishment exactly…I only wonder from where the Change will finally comes. The future is pure status quo…as far as I’m concerned…!!
Imran Khan Can Only Do This: Cast your vote for Imran Khan - YouTube

You decide !!!!

People like Tameem , Stealth and others don't want Pakistan to have a Prime minister like this? :disagree:

Don't stay neutral...VOTE for PTI this coming elections :pakistan:

Say whatever you want..establishment supporting him or not...he IS currently the best available option I can see . . . . . .

Its very easy to talk like this when you are outside the govt and dont have any repercussions of shooting from the hip..
well for sure imran khan is one of the most sensible politician pakistan has today , i just hope he dosen't turn out into another obama , just big talk and nothing else . he seems to have a clear cut vision for pakistan , which is really good .
Not like that what you pretends....actually what Imran is doing solely at this moment is not correct either!!
Ok let me clear myself further.

There is a lesson in our political history;

Establishment (Military or Civil) neither an ally nor a foe to any political party but only the employees of state of Pakistan, They should be treated administratively by the true representative of people of this country and held them accountable of every wrong doing they commit while performing their duties. The level of their corruption; nepotism is far far higher than any other (group of people) in Pakistan.

The problem arises when this group in order to barred their employer (the political govt of Pakistan) to perform their duties honestly and rigorously, forms an alliance between themselves and blackmailed their boss through conspiracies and other organs I described above, in reply they allowed corrupt politicians in political parties too to make corruption and other things side by side. The moment new govt incepted the next it found themselves completely indulge in Govt Bachao Muhim the next, and left alone the real job unattended, Thus this vicious circle, going on an on since independence.

No political government even with 2/3 majority can break this cycle of corruption unless they understands it completely and agreed upon certain things with other political groups and their competitors.

Here we should examine what both BB and NS are upto before BB’s tragic assassination!!

After their return from exile both BB and NS went into the election but didn’t forms an alliance between them but actually agreed upon certain big things and agendas clearly written in COD.

Thus they ensure that not only the future government is truly representative of Pakistan but work as well for the people of Pakistan without the fear of establishment and their games, and this is the real treachery BB made as far as Musarraf/Military govt/establishment is concerned at that time. She forcefully convince NS to contest elections instead of boycott, establishment wants NS to do alongwith IK. Bcz she not only wants her party to forms government but more than that she wants her opposition in the hands of NS i/o Q-league. Thus the whole gameplan of establishment is turnaround and that’s was a big big crime she commits and the reasons of his silence afterwards.

Therefore, After BB only NS is left but he needs a partner too, as he could not do any change solely by himself, just like IK ever, Zardari proved that he cannot be a partner of any kind ever.

Imran currently going as per the lines and leads of establishment exactly…I only wonder from where the Change will finally comes. The future is pure status quo…as far as I’m concerned…!!

You said NS(Nawaz Sharif) can't do anything alone. But question lies whether this creation of dictator and Lier deserves Leadership?? At the day NS attacks on supreme court with 2/3rd majority, On other day, he struggles,freedom for supreme-court??? One day he is spoon of Dictator, On other day, He speaks against them. At day he signs 10 year deal with saudi arab to live with comfort, On other day he denies and lies infront of the Nation.
Today Pakistan is facing problem because people like you that supports parties for personal gains or ethnicities.
That's what i am saying Nawaz Sharif don't deserve leadership. You might be part of this Qabza group and family politics, Now Pak youth has wake up, Don't worry, We will kick out these bloody NW,ZR soon.:guns:
Not like that what you pretends....actually what Imran is doing solely at this moment is not correct either!!
Ok let me clear myself further.

There is a lesson in our political history;

Establishment (Military or Civil) neither an ally nor a foe to any political party but only the employees of state of Pakistan, They should be treated administratively by the true representative of people of this country and held them accountable of every wrong doing they commit while performing their duties. The level of their corruption; nepotism is far far higher than any other (group of people) in Pakistan.

The problem arises when this group in order to barred their employer (the political govt of Pakistan) to perform their duties honestly and rigorously, forms an alliance between themselves and blackmailed their boss through conspiracies and other organs I described above, in reply they allowed corrupt politicians in political parties too to make corruption and other things side by side. The moment new govt incepted the next it found themselves completely indulge in Govt Bachao Muhim the next, and left alone the real job unattended, Thus this vicious circle, going on an on since independence.

No political government even with 2/3 majority can break this cycle of corruption unless they understands it completely and agreed upon certain things with other political groups and their competitors.

Here we should examine what both BB and NS are upto before BB’s tragic assassination!!

After their return from exile both BB and NS went into the election but didn’t forms an alliance between them but actually agreed upon certain big things and agendas clearly written in COD.

Thus they ensure that not only the future government is truly representative of Pakistan but work as well for the people of Pakistan without the fear of establishment and their games, and this is the real treachery BB made as far as Musarraf/Military govt/establishment is concerned at that time. She forcefully convince NS to contest elections instead of boycott, establishment wants NS to do alongwith IK. Bcz she not only wants her party to forms government but more than that she wants her opposition in the hands of NS i/o Q-league. Thus the whole gameplan of establishment is turnaround and that’s was a big big crime she commits and the reasons of his silence afterwards.

Therefore, After BB only NS is left but he needs a partner too, as he could not do any change solely by himself, just like IK ever, Zardari proved that he cannot be a partner of any kind ever.

Imran currently going as per the lines and leads of establishment exactly…I only wonder from where the Change will finally comes. The future is pure status quo…as far as I’m concerned…!!

Honestly my friend, it is not easy to understand you.
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