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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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Jul 21, 2009
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A Typical Image of Bharat Mata



It is a hymn to the goddess Bharat Mata and goes like that

I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
the Mother!

Her nights rejoicing
in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter,
sweet of speech,
The Mother,
giver of boons, giver of bliss!

In my opinion, anybody who sings this song Commits the sin of Shirak. No matter what, Muslims do not bow to anybody but Allah. There are no devi's in Islam, we are asked to love our homeland, defend it sacrifice our lives for it but "worship it" or its "symbol"... NO! Not in any chase whatsoever.

In my understanding, No Muslim in India or anywhere else in the world should chant that hymn. Muslims do not bow to any entity except Allah and anybody who chants that could be committing the unforgivable sin, the Shirk committing which one would not be forgiven..ever!

Vande Mataram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bharat Mata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Typical Image of Bharat Mata



It is a hymn to the goddess Bharat Mata and goes like that

I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
the Mother!

Her nights rejoicing
in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter,
sweet of speech,
The Mother,
giver of boons, giver of bliss!

In my opinion, anybody who sings this song Commits the sin of Shirak. No matter what, Muslims do not bow to anybody but Allah. There are no devi's in Islam, we are asked to love our homeland, defend it sacrifice our lives for it but "worship it" or its "symbol"... NO! Not in any chase whatsoever.

In my understanding, No Muslim in India or anywhere else in the world should chant that hymn. Muslims do not bow to any entity except Allah and anybody who chants that could be committing the unforgivable sin, the Shirk committing which one would not be forgiven..ever!

Vande Mataram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bharat Mata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is what some radical body (I think Dar ul Uloom) said in India... but fell flat on the face as more than 1 lakh Muslims gathered in front of the very office of that radical body and sang 'Vande Mataram' with pride.

I am a Buddhist and I sing this with pride too. The short-sighted laws of Arabia don't apply in India where INDIANS live and have our own laws whether religion or culture.
This is what some radical body (I think Dar ul Uloom) said in India... but fell flat on the face as more than 1 lakh Muslims gathered in front of the very office of that radical body and sang 'Vande Mataram' with pride.

I am a Buddhist and I sing this with pride too. The short-sighted laws of Arabia don't apply in India where INDIANS live and have our own laws whether religion or culture.

Those one lakh either are not Muslim or may be fearing death if they do not sing the hindu song.

As far as you are concerned you can sing you are budhist We as Muslims do not bow to deities neither we bow to kali
Those one lakh either are not Muslim or may be fearing death if they do not sing the hindu song.

As far as you are concerned you can sing you are budhist We as Muslims do not bow to deities neither we bow to kali

That same 80% Hindus that voted in Zakir Hussain, Mohammad Hidayatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam as President of India. Or the Muslims Indians in bollywood gotten that opportunity in the fear of death? Give me and other Indians a break. :disagree:

They can bow to what ever they want. They are Indians so I dont care who they bow down too. Its their private matter. Religion and politics must not mix.
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NO it does not. Though some Indian paid Muslim writers tried to befool the public by claiming what you are saying BUT the fact is that its not bowing to the nation.

Above all Muslims do NOT bow to nation shation but only the creator, Allah
janaji do u have any source of what ur saying..if not, then watch ur words and dont misguide people on the basis of religion.
Those one lakh either are not Muslim or may be fearing death if they do not sing the hindu song.

As far as you are concerned you can sing you are budhist We as Muslims do not bow to deities neither we bow to kali

How idiotic can posts be?

I mean are you logically handicapped or mentaly not well -do you understand the meaning of the song - it equates one's motherland to god and thats it - I believe the muslims in India are educated enough to understand that and sing the song anyways. You can feel free to change the thought to Ullah if you may and then sing the song.

And we are not like pakistan where minority is not allowed to raise a voice. Muslims in India have a stong representation and if any of this had any merit based on any Islamic laws then i am sure India would have accommodated and allowed the Muslims to not sing this song.

Snap out of your hatred towards India and move on! There is no Hindu terror group on the streets of any city in India that targets any muslims. of course there are incidents but then do you not have them in Pakistan.

So please refrain from talking nonsense and come up with something more convinving yeah?

How idiotic can posts be?

I mean are you logically handicapped or mentaly not well -do you understand the meaning of the song - it equates one's motherland to god and thats it - I believe the muslims in India are educated enough to understand that and sing the song anyways. You can feel free to change the thought to Ullah if you may and then sing the song.

And we are not like pakistan where minority is not allowed to raise a voice. Muslims in India have a stong representation and if any of this had any merit based on any Islamic laws then i am sure India would have accommodated and allowed the Muslims to not sing this song.

Snap out of your hatred towards India and move on! There is no Hindu terror group on the streets of any city in India that targets any muslims. of course there are incidents but then do you not have them in Pakistan.

So please refrain from talking nonsense and come up with something more convinving yeah?


"And we are not like pakistan where minority is not allowed to raise a voice."
Yes, you are very right. Minority in Pakistan is suppressed by the majority. Now, keep your rants to yourself!
question is same ""should sikhs or hindus in pakistan sing pakistan national anthem.vandey matram is not related to particular hindu.this is the song of the nation.and every indian should sing it,if they think they r indian first.
Those one lakh either are not Muslim or may be fearing death if they do not sing the hindu song.

As far as you are concerned you can sing you are budhist We as Muslims do not bow to deities neither we bow to kali

very serious charges but I am sure you must have very credible links to support ur claim gracious lady........
I hate when some Pakistanis think all minorities in India are under pressure or something. Look I was born into a Orthodox Christian family in India. My family for generations lived with Hindus and Muslims with no harm. We had NO problem practicing our religion in India.I have fam in India right know that isnt being threaten because of religion.Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Buddhist, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, etc, etc, etc. I dont care. Its your private matter.
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Muslims also make sins, even some commit Shirk in their fancy but it is still the Shirk weather committed by a group or by an individual and weather he is a Muslims or Non Muslim. Those Muslims who have sung "Vande Matram" must ask forgiveness from God almighty and refrain from chanting it again in their entire life. There is no exception to the principle of Touheed and even if one does in the sense of patriotism, it is still Shrik.
Close this thread.

And why so? When people can ask questions like "if God Exists".. why cannot we ask a simple question and discuss if Muslims can sing "Vande Mataram" ? We are asking for the sake of clarity and discussion. If your intentions are clean, you shouldn't fear anything.. AT ALL!
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