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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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Yups your definition of secularism and mine are different, you don't have to respect Vande Mataram and hence I won't respect your beliefs and then I am free to sketch Mohammad, isn't it? then to I will be secular, right???

Not accepting beliefs of someone else and hurting other's beliefs are two entirely different concepts.

You are free to follow any religion or not to follow any at all. But to malign other religion, this right you dont have
You are free to sketch Muhammad, I'm free to dislike you for it.

That's how freedom works.

My version of secularism is the precise definition of it.

You never answered me, I am free to sketch Prophet Muhammad, I am free to foul mouth or ridicule any religion, I am free to call other religions satanic and still I am secular or am I?
i have a question....we read news like " haazaaroin musalmanoin ne ajmer sharif, harzat bal darah etc per aaj mathha teka" so tell me it is unislamic or what??
What's wrong is wrong, I cannot go around declaring people non-Muslim because of it. The basics are there, anyone who bows down saying Adaab is technically in the wrong, you can just say it without bowing down and there's no issue with it either.

But the question of declaring anyone non-Muslim, even if they go bow down to the idol of Durga maan, is something I don't have dominion over and thus I can't answer that.

But I won't ever do it, and if I'm asked, I'd always say that it is very basic to Islam that we bow to no one but Allah.
The literal meaning is to bow to the Mother...

The elaboration if you read the full Vande Mataram is that "to Mother Durga".

We all know Durga is the mythical Goddess that Hindus believe in. There by making the Vande Mataram wrong for Muslims in letter and in spirit.

There was nothing wrong with the comment in the first place, we're proud and thankful for this deed.

From wiki..

The designation as "national song" predates independence, dating to 1937. At this date, the Indian National Congress discussed at length the status of the song. It was pointed out then that though the first two stanzas began with an unexceptionable evocation of the beauty of the motherland, in later stanzas there are references where the motherland is likened to the Hindu goddess Durga. Therefore, INC decided to adopt only the first two stanzas as the national song.

The stanzas chosen as national song have no reference to Durga. Its purely a homage to motherland
Vande-Mataram was one of the contenders to become the National Anthem of India, objection was raised as the original version had names of Hindu God and Goddesses hence both Hindu and Muslim scholars sat together and the new version in which the objecions of muslims and other communities was addressed was accepted as the National song, the same issue was resolved way back in 1951 or so

Thank God it was not selected as the national anthem or there would have been no muslims in India left, Muslims and particularly Indian muslims will have to be real careful one wrong move and bam they are no longer Muslims LOL
The literal meaning is to bow to the Mother...

The elaboration if you read the full Vande Mataram is that "to Mother Durga".

We all know Durga is the mythical Goddess that Hindus believe in. There by making the Vande Mataram wrong for Muslims in letter and in spirit.
What you are reading is another Poet's translation while I am providing literal meaning. Here I go with Mr Ghosh's english version:-
I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
the Mother!

Her nights rejoicing
in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter,
sweet of speech,
The Mother,
giver of boons, giver of bliss!

Now tell me where did you find Godess Durga? Yes we refer India as our motherland hence NO issues apart from "Bowing" now you can replace Bowing with Sajda when it come's its Urdu version.

There was nothing wrong with the comment in the first place, we're proud and thankful for this deed.

I was talking about my comment for presenting on analogy to frame Mr Iqbal for Hindustaan.. not related to yours..
What's wrong is wrong, I cannot go around declaring people non-Muslim because of it. The basics are there, anyone who bows down saying Adaab is technically in the wrong, you can just say it without bowing down and there's no issue with it either.
But the question of declaring anyone non-Muslim, even if they go bow down to the idol of Durga maan, is something I don't have dominion over and thus I can't answer that.

But I won't ever do it, and if I'm asked, I'd always say that it is very basic to Islam that we bow to no one but Allah.

Discussion on Adaab is same as discussing which is technically correct like "Allah Haafiz" or "Khuda Haafiz"..
We dont need to sing this, 'Jan Gan Man' (National Anthem) yes, but I dont know where Vande Mataram (National Song) is mandatory. India also is home to Sikhism, they dont bow to anyone or anything but Waheguru and dont worship idols.
You never answered me, I am free to sketch Prophet Muhammad, I am free to foul mouth or ridicule any religion, I am free to call other religions satanic and still I am secular or am I?
Of course, you're free to do so. As long as you don't inflict physical harm, I realize that whatever you say has no significance, to me.

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

From wiki..

The stanzas chosen as national song have no reference to Durga. Its purely a homage to motherland
In 1937 AIML gave its danda to the congress and they had to agree to it.
Discussion on Adaab is same as discussing which is technically correct like "Allah Haafiz" or "Khuda Haafiz"..
There is no bowing at the time of Allah Hafiz. You shake hands.
You never answered me, I am free to sketch Prophet Muhammad, I am free to foul mouth or ridicule any religion, I am free to call other religions satanic and still I am secular or am I?

Yes untill you earn a fatwa on your name.. ;)
What you are reading is another Poet's translation while I am providing literal meaning. Here I go with Mr Ghosh's english version:-
I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
the Mother!

Her nights rejoicing
in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter,
sweet of speech,
The Mother,
giver of boons, giver of bliss!

Now tell me where did you find Godess Durga? Yes we refer India as our motherland hence NO issues apart from "Bowing" now you can replace Bowing with Sajda when it come's its Urdu version.

Have you read the original Vande Mataram? It was posted several pages back. The one you have these days was created in 1937 after AIML gave its danda to the congress. Even the short version was rejected but Congress would've have a rebellion 10 years earlier had it tried to impose the original Vande Mataram - IT clearly mentions Durga by name.
There is no bowing at the time of Allah Hafiz. You shake hands.

Request you to read full post and then reply.. No bow discussion was there.. What I was mentioning whether you accept Aadab or not. It also exist same as many muslims say Khuda Hafiz in place of Allah Hafiz.
Have you read the original Vande Mataram? It was posted several pages back. The one you have these days was created in 1937 after AIML gave its danda to the congress. Even the short version was rejected but Congress would've have a rebellion 10 years earlier had it tried to impose the original Vande Mataram - IT clearly mentions Durga by name.

Absolute true.. here what we are discussing which my government approved as "National Song".. what I sing at my home including or excluding those parts is none of other's business.. right?
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