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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Oh is that so? I dont think so. Why should we stop interfering in things that are in our interest? And why should we stop support for israel? You make the wrong assumption that your interests are also our intersts.
I never recommended whether you should or should not stop your interference in the Middle East or your support for israel. That is entirely up to your gov.t's, although a good chunk of Westerners no longer support israel or Western interference in the Middle East due to the immense drainage of national resources and the negative economic impact of these wars. I was just explaining the reasons why Japan does not have any issues with the Islamic world and why the West does.
I never recommended whether you should or should not stop your interference in the Middle East or your support for israel. That is entirely up to your gov.t's, although a good chunk of Westerners no longer support israel or Western interference in the Middle East due to the immense drainage of national resources and the negative economic impact of these wars. I was just explaining the reasons why Japan does not have any issues with Islamic world and why the West does.

Italy needs a calm mediterranean sea. Unfortunately the med has some muslim countries in the east and south. So the middle east is our intererest and of course we will interfer and fight for our interests. Its understandable. isn't it? Or do you think we lay back and ignore our own interests? Is that what you expect?
Italy needs a calm mediterranean sea. Unfortunately the med has some muslim countries in the east and south. So the middle east is our intererest and of course we will interfer and fight for our interests. Its understandable. isn't it? Or do you think we lay back and ignore our own interests? Is that what you expect?
I never said "lay back and ignore your interests" in any of my previous posts. What i said is clear as day, so stop trying to derail the thread. @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Oscar @Chak Bamu please put this guy in his place before he derails this thread.
Did you know in Japan their are more native muslims rather than the foreigners, your offending those Japanese muslims who have an ethnic right in Japan to call it their country. The other comprises only about 0.6% of total populace, that means foreignors in Japan are super rare, especially muslims, what makes up the other amount is the ethnic Japanese muslims. Furthermore, your an immigrant too maybe to USA, Europe any country. What gives you the right to limit someones freedom of movement? What if those muslims were being treated bad in their country and chose to leave and invest their valuable efforts in some other country? Do you know how many muslims have suffered in Pakistan? Bangladesh? Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Middle-east? Do you think you would rather watch them suffer and stuff your face with a burger? Think about it, in the previous centuries muslim provided safe-haven to Jews when they were being persecuted. Furthermore, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, no matter how you look at it, I hope you research before you Yap. Halal means; slaughter of animals with Love, not forceful kill or cold-hearted slaughter. Islam also has many important rules that benefit humanity, whether your a Jew, a Christian or an Atheist; Islam will benefit humanity. The Arab spring or propaganda you see is triggered by the West, if you don't believe me I can make a huge list on how the West thought it can occupy muslim communities and land but failed desperately. Muslims contributed a lot to Japan, Pakistan is Japan's highest trading partner, large quantity of Japanese cars are imported by Pakistan. The natural resources are also provided by Pakistan for Japan. When a flood/tsunami had occurred in Japan, Pakistan community had set up camps, and even provided help for our Japanese friends. Islam in Japan; There are isolated records of contact between Islam and Japan before the opening of the country in 1853; some Muslims did arrive in earlier centuries.

The large amount of labor and handy works in construction, agriculture and service sectors has Muslims working there. The average investment of resources, time and efforts all been contributed by Muslims. Type on Youtube/Google and search almost everywhere, about Muslims in Japan you will see a large link between Japan and the Muslim world.

Not really, I don't see the problem in this article nor any problem with any muslims living in Japan. The stereo-typing began from the West and it is going to be neglected in the East. Japan is an awesome country, which knows that muslims are average human beings. What about USA? You guys took black people as slaves in the 1900s, those were modern times but still, goes to show how the West values human beings. And your all invaders, you took America from the native Americans and took Australia from native Australians, no ones going to listen to people that have already illegally occupied land belonging to others. Muslims have every right to live and the right to freedom of thought, speech and religion. I hope you keep it locked in your head before you choose to rant your nonsense. My advice never judge other people on the actions of the few, I don't blame you, Western media has done a great job at demonizing Muslims.

Reference: JAPAN TIMES
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The experience of the West is that it always starts out this way. In very small numbers, Muslim populations generally confine their needs to their own community, and otherwise, are an unobtrusive presence. The Western European experience has shown that once the population hits the 5%+ mark, things change. The Muslim community, having reached critical mass, begins to make itself apparent. Blocking off streets for prayer. Demanding the labeling of food as halal or non-halal, or demanding that all food served in schools be halal. Importing radical imams from unstable regions of the world. Referring to the citizens of their host countries as kuffar who must accept the rule of Islam (you can even find adherents to such beliefs here on defence.pk). After this special treatment is rebuffed, the alienation begins. The Muslim population demands to be treated differently, and then when it is, individual Muslims begin to wonder why they are looked at differently from other citizens. Instead of reversing course and assimilating, the alienation deepens, the extremism enters, and then comes the terrorism.

This has been the experience in Western Europe.

These social tensions are real, and the balance to accommodate religious belief with the requirement of assimilation for social stability is a difficult task. Japan is far from grappling with these issues, so it is of course very easy for Japan to be accepting, since Islam is still little more than a curiosity in Japan. Japan did not benefit from tolerance of Aum Shinrikyo, and long before that, the Japanese Red Army. The lesson will be learned again, it would seem.

Blame your politicians for flooding illiterate people. Also all Humans have tendency to stick together in a group, it makes us feel safer. Same goes for British immigrants in Spain who live together in ghettos which has made some local Spanish people envious of rich Britons living in well to do areas where as ordinary Spaniards are without jobs.

Not all Muslims are asking for the above things you mentioned. Western Europe is also weak when it comes to dealing with extremists behaviour.

Native Japanese muslims
truly speaking nahh.... japan can't teach any thing in this regard....

japan is a bit different from other countries...its a island nation too far to have much i.influence from the terrorist... + the no. of muslim living in japan are insignificant....and are less then...0.5% of total population....
where ever the muslim are in this insignificant no. i haven't seen much problem there....
1) Poverty and Low Education Don't Cause Terrorism
2) As long as Japan retains stringent immigration controls and naturalization requirements, it will never have a large Muslim population. In which case, we will not be able to draw any conclusions for how Japan can "live peacefully with Islam," because it's actually not doing so.

When is USA invading Pakistan to gift us ''democracy''?
Did you know in Japan their are more native muslims rather than the foreigners, your offending those Japanese muslims who have an ethnic right in Japan to call it their country. The other comprises only about 0.6% of total populace, that means foreignors in Japan are super rare, especially muslims, what makes up the other amount is the ethnic Japanese muslims. Furthermore, your an immigrant too maybe to USA, Europe any country. What gives you the right to limit someones freedom of movement? What if those muslims were being treated bad in their country and chose to leave and invest their valuable efforts in some other country? Do you know how many muslims have suffered in Pakistan? Bangladesh? Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Middle-east? Do you think you would rather watch them suffer and stuff your face with a burger? Think about it, in the previous centuries muslim provided safe-haven to Jews when they were being persecuted. Furthermore, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, no matter how you look at it, I hope you research before you Yap. Halal means; slaughter of animals with Love, not forceful kill or cold-hearted slaughter. Islam also has many important rules that benefit humanity, whether your a Jew, a Christian or an Atheist; Islam will benefit humanity. The Arab spring or propaganda you see is triggered by the West, if you don't believe me I can make a huge list on how the West thought it can occupy muslim communities and land but failed desperately. Muslims contributed a lot to Japan, Pakistan is Japan's highest trading partner, large quantity of Japanese cars are imported by Pakistan. The natural resources are also provided by Pakistan for Japan. When a flood/tsunami had occurred in Japan, Pakistan community had set up camps, and even provided help for our Japanese friends. Islam in Japan; There are isolated records of contact between Islam and Japan before the opening of the country in 1853; some Muslims did arrive in earlier centuries.

The large amount of labor and handy works in construction, agriculture and service sectors has Muslims working there. The average investment of resources, time and efforts all been contributed by Muslims. Type on Youtube/Google and search almost everywhere, about Muslims in Japan you will see a large link between Japan and the Muslim world.

Not really, I don't see the problem in this article nor any problem with any muslims living in Japan. The stereo-typing began from the West and it is going to be neglected in the East. Japan is an awesome country, which knows that muslims are average human beings. What about USA? You guys took black people as slaves in the 1900s, those were modern times but still, goes to show how the West values human beings. And your all invaders, you took America from the native Americans and took Australia from native Australians, no ones going to listen to people that have already illegally occupied land belonging to others. Muslims have every right to live and the right to freedom of thought, speech and religion. I hope you keep it locked in your head before you choose to rant your nonsense. My advice never judge other people on the actions of the few, I don't blame you, Western media has done a great job at demonizing Muslims.

Was this rant a response to a post in this thread? I can't connect the dots...

It is puzzling to see someone posting from the Japanese perspective, but using recent historical human rights as a soap-box.
truly speaking nahh.... japan can't teach any thing in this regard....

japan is a bit different from other countries...its a island nation too far to have much i.influence from the terrorist... + the no. of muslim living in japan are insignificant....and are less then...0.5% of total population....
where ever the muslim are in this insignificant no. i haven't seen much problem there....

The point is, there are more ethnic Japanese muslims than even foreigner who are muslim. These Ethnic Japanese who practice Islam have EVERY RIGHT as other Japanese CITIZENS as mandated by the Constitution. And the Muslim population in Japan are productive, conducive members of society, not isolative, but rather inclusive of other groups. I have met many and are friends with them , not necessarily the foreigners who are muslim, but also native Japanese who converted to Islam.
I never said "lay back and ignore your interests" in any of my previous posts. What i said is clear as day, so stop trying to derail the thread. @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Oscar please put this guy in his place before he derails this thread.

It is not about derailing this thread, its exactly the topic. You say the west needs to stop interfer in middle east. But that would hurt us. We have the power to interfer, so we do it. Look at Libya. Italy was always defending gaddafi, because he guaranteed us cheap oil. We even defended him in NATO when US and UK wamt bomb him. Pressure on Italy grow to allow military action so we supported rebel groups to assure that we have acess to the oil even if gaddafi is gone. Once we achieved this, Gaddafi was dropped like a hot potato.

What would happen if we dont interfer? We would lose much of our interests. Thats a simple fact. Beside that, Japan is one of biggest supporters of Israel. As a G7 member, Japan is part of the west. They support and fund any action. So this topoc is wrong in general.
Was this rant a response to a post in this thread? I can't connect the dots...

It is puzzling to see someone posting from the Japanese perspective, but using recent historical human rights as a soap-box.

I am against the almost subliminal demonization of muslims and muslim people. As if their practice of their religion is a bad thing. My point of view.
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