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Can Iran be rank 1 in middle east by 2025 ?

Mehmet, Turkey's economy is quite overheated. The real growth rate of Turkey's GDP is much lower than the official number, particular because of inflation. So, for example, in 2011, if you look at the official growth rate and the official rate of inflation Turkey actually suffered overall economic contraction of about 1% while this year real growth has only been about .7%. That means that Turkey's economy, in real dollars, is growing slower than Japan's.

Read this analyze:

Ankara's "Economic Miracle" Collapses: Changes in Turkey :: Middle East Quarterly

The economic growth is also lower than Turkey's growth in population.

I'm not speaking about the current situation. Because of the current turmoil in the domestic market, economic growth slowed but it won't remain like this for long. Meanwhile Turkish exports are rapidly rising, while foreign investors (such as Saudis) are feeding the construction boom. Everything is fine for now, Turkey has the talent pool and the cheap labour force, it will attract more foreign investors for a while.
What I really like about AKP government is, they did support almost every single project in Turkey. As a result of this, SMEs rose rapidly and taking more share in the European and Middle Eastern markets. (if you are interested in, you can search Bluekey's (or Mavi's) rise into a regional brand)
Turkish SMEs also benefited from European Crisis, atleast 2000 companies bought by Turkish ones.
The only thing Turkey is ahead of us in is your tourism sector, and in the future that will also be overtaken by Iran.
Don't worry, when a new Iranian regime comes into power we'll put you Turks back in your place.
Does your family tell you stories about how in shah times You turks used to come in front if Iranian cars and beg for money?

Now please go away, this thread is about Iran.

O yeah? Apparently we have got another propaganda victim here. I don't know what they are feeding your brain with in Iran but it is time for you to wake up.

Calling names, insults, lies and your wet dreams won't take Iran any further. If you can not argue like a humanbeing, i recommend you to leave.
Also, Mehmet, we can't export military equipment because of sanctions. Our automobile, which is the largest of all Middle Eastern countries, even larger than Turkey, has been hurt by the sanctions too.
Yeah, I know. Anyways, Turkish Govt. is trying so hard to establish a Turkish brand in automobiles, as you know gap between Iran and Turkey is not too big.
And you know, even giants like Americans have weak points. Could Iran match with Turkish electronics and home appliances? I'm sure not.
It is very difficult time for Iran now a days. Let us see how govt. make adjustments in foreign policies and specially on nuclear issue.
Yeah, I know. Anyways, Turkish Govt. is trying so hard to establish a Turkish brand in automobiles, as you know gap between Iran and Turkey is not too big.
And you know, even giants like Americans have weak points. Could Iran match with Turkish electronics and home appliances? I'm sure not.

Do you even know anything about our electronic and home appliances? we have a huge base for that sort of thing BUT we cannot export them to other nations as easy as Turkey.

Our car industry will continue to grow, we plan to create a huge base for electrical, hydrogen powered and other non-fossil fuelled cars.
I was talking about how global economy works in some random Iranian forum, appearently they didn't understand a damn about it. Most of them was claiming that Turkish automobiles industry is doing nothing but stamping, they were thinking about Turkish economy will collapse in the future.
But economists are saying otherwise.

Do you even know anything about our electronic and home appliances? we have a huge base for that source of thing BUT we cannot export them to other nations as easy as Turkey.

Our car industry will continue to grow, we plan to create a huge base for electrical, hydrogen powered and other non-fossil fuelled cars.
Lol, yeah. Actually, I really don't need to know a shvt about them, because Turkish ones (such as Vestel, Profilo and Beko) are the market leaders in the Europe, so.. No Iranian company can beat them.
I was talking about how global economy works in some random Iranian forum, appearently they didn't understand a damn about it. Most of them was claiming that Turkish automobiles industry is doing nothing but stamping, they were thinking about Turkish economy will collapse in the future.
But economists are saying otherwise.

Lol, yeah. Actually, I really don't need to know a shvt about them, because Turkish ones (such as Vestel, Profilo and Beko) are the market leaders in the Europe, so.. No Iranian company can beat them.

Well thank you for admitting to it. I never said Iranian companies will beat those companies soon, but why would we even try and beat your companies in Europe? The EU will not buy our products anyway.

Iran will once again become a scientific powerhouse, we were once a powerhouse for science and again we will be. we're already one of the leading nations in stem cells, neuroscience and over all we have the highest scientific growth at 11 times the average rate. by 2018, Iran will rank 4th in world in terms of article output.
a 20 year vision by 2025 .

- The first country in the region

- an “economic and technological power”

Desired Iranian Society

It describes the “desired Iranian society” for the year 2025 as follows:

- Secure, independent and powerful
- Progressive
- Knowledge-based
- Economic growth based on a large portion of social capital
- Growth of social capital through education
- Society capable of steady economic capacity building

I. R. Iran’s Goals

Five-Year Plans Foci

Realization of fast-pace and sustainable growth

Goals (red) sound good, but every dream needs a sophisticated plan (blue) to change to a reality. Could one show me our 20 years plan to achieve this vision? Considering the deadline as 2025, from now we need a 13 years plan. My dears, Dreaming is vital in advancement, but it is not enough.
with these arabesque apes in power?

good luck with that
with these arabesque apes in power?

good luck with that

What? How dare you? Those enlightened figures have brought us science and prosperity! Sovereignty too! They have brought us this too:

Iran Bans Flights During Call to Prayer

Majlis, Iran's parliament, has banned airplanes from flying in the country during the call to the Prayer (Adhan).

“According to the new directive, airplanes are banned from flying during Azan, especially during the call to morning prayers," said Ali Taheri, spokesman for parliament's cultural committee. (Mehr News Agency, 26 December)

Aircrafts will be allowed to take off 30 minutes after the call to the Prayer.

Uskowi on Iran -

Heil mullahs! Saviors of Iran!

I would love to see that Iran becomes a regional power backed by its ancient civilization and rich cultural heritage...But unfortunately...things on the ground looks quite different...You can not be a lead power simply by isolating yourself from the global economy.....You have a great potential but to utlize your potential and utilize your potential requires a dynamic leadership and visionary leader who sees development as a prime objective....Unfortunately...I donot see neither leadership not the direction where Iran is going leads to the vision document posted by the thread poster.
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