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Can Iran and America be friends?

Foreigners calling other foreigners traitors is kinda funny :lol: :rofl:

---------- Post added at 01:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------

I never say I supported him, but on this cause hes right! Iran is not a true ally of Muslims or even the Palestinians! Where is Iran with his big mouth on the Chechens?

Now that's a little harsh on your country now isn't it? :D
That creature (surena) is probably a Iranian yes. But a brainwashed one programmed to hate everything related to the current government in Iran. His hate can be dangerous for our national security, as you know there are MKO traitors who are seeking to hurt Iran. That is why we Iranians need to cutt of their hands and introduce them to the Intel ministry

You can talk tough for now, but one day we will kick you guys from power! And then we will see how tough you are when those messianic idiots are not behind you.
@ that creature. You and your alikes will never get the power in Iran. Promise !

biyay Iran poosteto mikanim. Khoda kon ke esmeto dar nayaram ;)
Look, basije mozdur, you can deny everything but almost every expert knows Iran support almost every terroris organization in the Middle-East. That your idiot messianic leaders deny this wouldn't say this is not true. Just look how your leaders threat their own people; by humiliate, torture and murder them in the worst prisons (Evin) Iran have. Is that what you call mutual respect? How dare you?

Did I insult you? I tried to talk with you respectfully . Even if you were right you would shore up your claims with strong evidence.Hinges upon result I won't talk with you anymore , good luck.
Are those guys (Surenas etc.) really Iranians?

They don't sound at all like the other Iranian members we have here, like Abii, Persian God King, etc.

They are like Falun Gong Chinese people in US lobbying to put pressure on Iran. Though difference is that these guys have terrorist wings blowing up people in Iran with Israeli help and support as I said above in my comment. Before they were in pocket of Saddam and now in pocket of Israelis. Whoever pays them more they go there and work for them. Completely characterless people as you can see how they are behaving on this thread.
a foreigner explaining who is a treator or not. ask your friends working in the cyberwarfare group in this forum to give you the right sentences... ah damned you already know :D

by the way let me explain you something it seems you don't get, i mean two points:

1/ yes most Iranians want a good relation with USA and that doesn't mean being slave
only the brainwashed want bad relations with USA. We want peaceful relations and even i am not so liberal they are lot of Iranians with liberal ideas

2/ about that: MeK didn't have at all liberal ideas !
they are not ideologically near of USA !
and they even strongly insult USA ... just check in the famous balatarin website: you see them spend day to insult regime of Iran and USA. You know why they insult USA?
because instead of Europe , USA considers the group as terrorist, and they strongly criticize Mossad working with this terrorist group

Self deleted . .
History has proven every dictator regime will fall and their supporters eventually will hang or jailed. I promise you that!

Agreed. Israeli regime will eventually fall. Iran will rule. Have no doubt.

---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

We must identify the enemy of our friend , traitor is dangerous then enemy . We must talk in favour of Iran . A foreigner is better than a traitor .

True. A traitor is a spineless sell out. As you can see here, they are supporting enemies of Iran and wishing bad for Iran even its disintegration. These guys are completely exposed and completely blown out. It is wrong for them to call themselves Iranian at all. Since they can not even return to Iran. They are now French, American, Dutch etc etc. They are no more Iranians.
They are like Falun Gong Chinese people in US lobbying to put pressure on Iran. Though difference is that these guys have terrorist wings blowing up people in Iran with Israeli help and support as I said above in my comment. Before they were in pocket of Saddam and now in pocket of Israelis. Whoever pays them more they go there and work for them. Completely characterless people as you can see how they are behaving on this thread.
indeed if you did know better MeK, the members of MeK are not allowed to go to such a website like here
and the ideology is marxist not liberal at all so they 'd never express liberal ideas at all
very very different than US people
We must identify the enemy of our friend , traitor is dangerous then enemy . We must talk in favour of Iran . A foreigner is better than a traitor .
you believe in your own cheat? :hitwall:
You as European don't have to tell me what is nonsense or not. You never have been to Iran and clearly don't know what a special relationship Iranians and Americans have with each other. I'm Iranian and I clearly know what my own people think about Americans. Well, you just begin with typing 'Iranians love America' in Google.
i can and sure 100% nonsense
Look, some Arab countries have a good relationship with the US, although their people hate America and Americans. The Iranian regime doesn't have a good relationship with the US, but Iranians love Americans and America! And by America I mean their morally and culturally ideas.
you think watchin hollywood is loving american!! goaway you are not enough iranian to choose your own flag
either im not Iranian or just your research is based on 1person group!!
we will never forget not what soviet did not what UK and US did not ....

Don't talk nonsense. We Iranians don't like Arabs. Do I have to post some poets by Ferdowsi or other nationalist poets? Iranians don't like Arabs, Afghans, etc. Iranians always see them superior to the countries near Iran. Yet, Iranians love Germans and Americans in a way that's now familiar in other Middle-Eastern countries.

how is it that what all of us believe is nonsense and you're right.its made me think again thats what i said about your group is more possible .

But you're right, there isn't a reason to discuss with somebody who is neither Iranian nor he ever visited Iran.
thinkin the same about U.
Haha, what do you know you little Bangladeshi. Go build your country and provide your people with some food.
what kinda of iranian can be such a jerk.what kinda of hatred and obssesion is that (hating Arabs Bangladeshis some other iranian )
Well, I think most of the Iranians on this site doesn't have brains. Sitting on a Pakistani forum bragging about how great the Iranian army is, while Iran can't even produce its own fuel. While many people in Iran struggle economically and on a human rights bases your regime keep sending hundred of millions to Hezbollah and Hamas. You are not a Iranian, but a Idiot!

if you had the power we all gonna ended up dead so just talk because you cant do a damn thing.
we know who is the treator in Iran, they are people like you.
just keep your job done in the forums with your propaganda and repeat hundred times we are treators ... you are only good at that.
traitor lol ! we haven't forget yet that you said you'll kill me as iranian .dont tell me who is traitor or not
you got the potential to be a terrorist and a traitor in same time.
Eventually I met Iranian with some brains! A rare phenomenon!
so you are iranian ! you=iranian =no brain(if we believe your craps)=so shut the F off

History has proven every dictator regime will fall and their supporters eventually will hang or jailed. I promise you that!
you just proved what kinda of beast you are,still calling muhammad a hater.

everyone from other countries this guy is not a real iranian so if he insulted you dont take it from iran he's just brainwashed (if he has any)
We must identify the enemy of our friend , traitor is dangerous then enemy . We must talk in favour of Iran . A foreigner is better than a traitor .

It doesn't really give us the right to call people of other countries traitors of their own countries :D
indeed if you did know better MeK, the members of MeK are not allowed to go to such a website like here
and the ideology is marxist not liberal at all so they 'd never express liberal ideas at all
very very different than US people

Is that why US senators are supporting them? Or is that why liberal France is their biggest supporter? Liberal or no liberal, they and their goals are being supported by liberals like you and your friend on this thread. So it goes a long way to say what you people are upto. To break up Iran and make it a French/American colony. But it is never going to happen.
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