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Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

Asean has no interference policy and Asean countries tend to rule on consensus as a group. So what is the fuss of who's going to lead ?!
By taking care of your country shit for once...
We can burn ur country to the ground within one month with our ballistic missile Scud -D if we want, and u dont have any ballistic missile to fight back, wanna be a leader ??ahhaahh, cheap joke :pop:

Asean has no interference policy and Asean countries tend to rule on consensus as a group. So what is the fuss of who's going to lead ?!
We dont care who lead ASEAN we just need sub mekong region
Asean has no interference policy and Asean countries tend to rule on consensus as a group. So what is the fuss of who's going to lead ?!
Exactly, ASEAN members embrace no interference policy and tend to rule on consensus as a group. Besides, ASEAN has a rotating chairmanship and secretariat. That is fair and well-balanced. Just some clueless outsiders mean ASEAN needs a permanent leader, because in doing so, other members will give up their rights and national sovereignty.

Some delusional Indonesians cheer the idea, of course. BIG=leader.

Sweden to EURO is what Singapore is to ASEAN. Indonesia to ASEAN is what Germany is to EURO.
another delusional Chinese. If you don´t have any clue on economics and politics, you should keep silent. If Germany leaves the European Union as well as the single currency Euro, then Europe will collapse. If Indonesia leaves ASEAN, nobody notices.

Because Indonesian footprint on other ASEAN member countries is too small.
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If you're referring to Singapore, there is no comparison, they are a highly developed service-oriented economy. Manufacturing is limited, and only in high tech sector.

Where I'm from, we beat you flat in manufacturing.

I'm not for or against any country in ASEAN, a country with lower HDI and per capita income.... can never lead others with have a higher benchmark, it's akin to indians claiming they are next superpower when the facts and figures show otherwise.

Every country that has huge GDP has always had in some part of it some high developed service-oriented businesses, and India and Indonesia of course have it. I heard that Singapore has more focused in financial and trading sector. Indonesia for instant has PT RAI that is working now to design a turboprop airplane called R-80 (ATR-72 next competitor), a private company made by two native Indonesian..Ilham Habibie and Erry Firmansyah..with has a joint cooperation with state owned aerospace company (PT-Dirgantara) to realize that project. In IT we have many, including C2PRO Consulting, providing general IT consulting mostly for government agencies, this company has Indonesian owner who's famous after hacking a satellite from Bandung, Indonesia, he is also Indonesian native. There is also a national private company who exported radar for US defense company Lookhed Martin. Of course that are only tiny examples, but if you only knows Singapore (maybe its the place you work at)....or China (I bet you come from here :dirol:), it doesnt mean you know other nation's economy....particularly if you are not an economic thinker... I am also running a service business btw :smart:
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How big is Indonesia economy now after the collapse of your currency?
Lastest figure shows the Rupiad is declining further to US$1 for Rupiad 11,833.2.

Rupiah Passes Rupee as Asia’s Worst Currency: Chart of the Day - Bloomberg

you should come up more with facts and figures instead of nonsense and insult.

Hello Vietnam friend,

Rp 12.000 per US Dollar is still normal.....it will improve our economy by slashing import and increasing export....even US, Japan and China always try to find ways to devalue their currency. With low debt compare to GDP (unlike 1997-8 situation)....financial people know that this currency is still quite strong.

Unlike your though....this event has more positive outcome than otherwise......It makes our government -(which is still considered as not really clean- since many of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's top party politicians has been in jail (thanks for our independent anti-corruption commission (KPK) )- get pressured to make many effective economic policies that has already been urged by so many people for long..long....time ago.....like using more biofuel, more gas for our industry and not exporting it, speeding up gas infrastructure development, improving high tech industries contribution to the economy, stopping raw material export that has low value added, increasing oil refinery capacity (Singaporean will cry if they heart this news :sarcastic:/ oil refinery is their main businesses and has high contribution in their economy). The deficit in our trade is in oil and gas export import, so many inefficient policy that benefits many foreign companies (like oil and gas producer and trader, and refinery) will be pressured politically to be slashed because this issue (currency depreciation) has become newspaper darling..ohh I love Democracy :victory:

Thats why OECD still project Indonesia to have 6 % growth for years to come...... :cheers:
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Exactly, ASEAN members embrace no interference policy and tend to rule on consensus as a group. Besides, ASEAN has a rotating chairmanship and secretariat. That is fair and well-balanced. Just some clueless outsiders mean ASEAN needs a permanent leader, because in doing so, other members will give up their rights and national sovereignty.

Some delusional Indonesians cheer the idea, of course. BIG=leader.

another delusional Chinese. If you don´t have any clue on economics and politics, you should keep silent. If Germany leaves the European Union as well as the single currency Euro, then Europe will collapse. If Indonesia leaves ASEAN, nobody notices.

Because Indonesian footprint on other ASEAN member countries is too small.

You ever heard the expression "No ASEAN without Indonesian." Well, that's going to happen if we leave. Without us keeping the member states in check the group will probably falls apart.

Yes, our footprint is so small. Because an overseas Vietnamese told us so, not from a respectable source, but from the word of a nobody on the net:
Investments in ASEAN region: Mekong countries and Indonesia perspective (English) / - China Law & Practice
The king has chinese descent. and most of the PMs and opposition leaders are the same

Indonesia is the right choice but Thailand has the potential as long as we have peace here

Are you from Thailand...why do you want to topple your cute PM....:smitten:? Just A Joke...of course because of Thaksin VS your King isnt'it ....:cheers:
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You ever heard the expression "No ASEAN without Indonesian." Well, that's going to happen if we leave. Without us keeping the member states in check the group will probably falls apart.

Yes, our footprint is so small. Because an overseas Vietnamese told us so, not from a respectable source, but from the word of a nobody on the net:
Investments in ASEAN region: Mekong countries and Indonesia perspective (English) / - China Law & Practice
I´m still waiting that You challenge my point with facts and figures: Indonesia economic footprint on other ASEAN members is small. Nice try to discredit me with "overseas" Vietnamese.

By the way Did you read the article you posted? I do.
I´m still waiting that You challenge my point with facts and figures: Indonesia economic footprint on other ASEAN members is small. Nice try to discredit me with "overseas" Vietnamese.

By the way Did you read the article you posted? I do.

This is the importance of Indonesia to ASEAN, rather than one man’s leadership or Indonesia’s size alone. There is no sign that the basic policy orientation of Indonesia or its fundamental commitment to regionalism has diminished despite the political changes that the country is undergoing.

At the same time, after the turmoil of 1965 and 1966, Indonesia made clear its continued adherence to a national policy of ethnic, racial and religious tolerance, and of unity in diversity that had kept, and continues to keep, the nation together. This had a reassuring effect on its would-be partners in ASEAN, all of whom were blessed with ethnic diversity and threatened by ethnic division. Moreover, Indonesia, in its wisdom, allowed itself to wield its already considerable weight in the world in the new context of ASEAN. In this way, ASEAN has been able to avoid the problems of some other regional associations, which are hampered and burdened by the dominance of their largest members. Instead, Indonesia’s international influence, prestige and activism, magnified by its new internationalist posture, were to be placed in ASEAN’s service at the UN, in the Non-Aligned Movement, in the Group of 77 and in other international forums.

With its vast natural resources and bustling population of around 240 million people, Indonesia is being considered as one of the most lucrative investment destinations and fastest growing economies in the world. In comparison to others, Indonesia is third only to China and India among the G20 industrialised and developing nations. Having overcome the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s, and withstood the worst of the more recent global economic slowdown, Indonesia has shown itself to be a resilient economy whose industries have proven to be one of the most attractive for foreign investors.

Of all the comment you post you really have nothing to back up your claim. I mean seriously
You ever heard the expression "No ASEAN without Indonesian." Well, that's going to happen if we leave. Without us keeping the member states in check the group will probably falls apart.

Yes, our footprint is so small. Because an overseas Vietnamese told us so, not from a respectable source, but from the word of a nobody on the net:
Investments in ASEAN region: Mekong countries and Indonesia perspective (English) / - China Law & Practice
So, get out of ASEAN, who cares.

Dont beg to join back when Kra cannal in Thailand finish:pop:

Leader doesnt means biggest, on military and diplomat, Vietnam shoud lead because of rich experience on many real, long wars.

Vietnam both deal with military and diplomat with France and America.

What i think about Viets people is, they are, all of them is a good soldier, a brave nation, a brave country, but that is all. What i think about the Singaporeans, well they are highly educated, they are very well managed their live, their country, they are a good banker and trader, but that's all.

We can burn ur country to the ground within one month with our ballistic missile Scud -D if we want, and u dont have any ballistic missile to fight back, wanna be a leader ??ahhaahh, cheap joke :pop:

We dont care who lead ASEAN we just need sub mekong region

yeah you do that, and Indonesia will get a great massive weapons supply either from the west and from the Chinese and good enough to leveling both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city
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yeah you do that, and Indonesia will get a great massive weapons supply either from the west and from the Chinese and good enough to leveling both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city
U cant get ballistic missile from any contries coz no one are allowed to sell ballistic missile, so u r on ur own and die alone :pop:
madokafc said:
What i think about Viets people is, they are, all of them is a good soldier, a brave nation, a brave country, but that is all. What i think about the Singaporeans, well they are highly educated, they are very well managed their live, their country, they are a good banker and trader, but that's all.
We also can burn Singapore to the ground within 1 week and they also cant fight back coz they dont have ballistic missile, too :pop:
I just explain why Indonesia or Singapore is not powerful enough to be ASEAN leader

Dude...what are you smoking over there ?! Each country takes turn to lead or hosting Asean meetings. You don't need to be powerful or "powerful enough". And whats with "burn Singapore" or missiles crap ??
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