Developed part of India......looppool which part is that then your rear end. Still not on a toilet is it. Asshole a nation isn't Just get by the place of the king it's judged by the poorest. You live in a shit hole. You were slaves to Muslims for a thousand years and the British for 200 and now you are slaves to the world because of your inferiority complex and low self esteem. CiA said that not me.
actually going by real facts modern day pakistan was slave for muslims/sikhs/british for 1000 years.
Modern day India was never fully occupied parts of North for 300-400 years might be subjugated by muslims but mostly smaller kingdoms of Rajputs were always thr to fight back, Maraths took back whole Northen India back and with british also mostly kingdoms were giving taxes but modern day pakistan were always slaves for Modern day indian regions from Mightly Mauryas, Guptas, Nandas, Sikhs etc.
Actually to do real fact check modern day pakistanis were actually the most looted, slaved part of planet for around 1000 years no joke from Mauryas, Sikhs to Arabs, Afgans/Turks and Mongols actually u guys never gave any fight ... only when Mighty Indian empires existed u ppl were saved from Muslims/Western barbarians like Mauryas pushed back greeks from modern day pakistan n afganistan.
Its a pitty actually.
In ancient history also thr were two kingdoms in modern day pakisan sindhudesh and gandhara and they were fully subservient to Modern day Indian empires.
Whole planet should feel sorry for u ppl so much looting, converting, brutality.
U ppl lost ur languages,culture, history and religion. No sense of pride u can feel from ur invader’s way of life thats why pakistanis always say well orginally m from arab, turky

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