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Can india/pakistan turn the page?

And like I give a shityy arguing with people like you.

I trust my Quaid-e-Azam,

People like you are... what can I say??


Oh! you dont know how much vituperative I can get Ok. Be very careful when you are dealing with me.

I do not disrespect anyone, but if someone does that to me, that person will remember me for a long time.

Never even comment on my comments again.

Good day.
I have always argued that we need a working relationship. No need to imagine singing duets.

A working relationship like we have with professional colleagues.

Trust, like Imran says is important. After Kargil, it would be easier to move Mt. everest than to convince the indian military establishment to trust Pakistan.

Similarly, Pakistan military after 71, began to hate india so much that they would rather go to hell if they knew the Indians would be in heaven.

So, trust should be gained. how? When we answer that question, we will have solved many of our problems.

So basically,

we can discuss anything except Kashmir & Siachen,

even the dams.
Of course we can. We are on the right track. The relationship between India and Pak is better than what it was a decade or two decades ago. So change is happening, whether some people like it or not. As curioususer mentioned earlier, to solidify our relationship there needs to be exchange between people i.e. pak students going to India to study and vice versa... Biggest threat to peace among Pakistan and India is not politicians, not military, not people, but rather western influence. People who live in the west wants to see this region burn so they can maintain their dominance. People who actually live in Pakistan and India want nothing more than peace and prosperity. But its the western Bas-tards that incite hate among India and Pakistan and want to see us burn. Westerners are hypocrites (act all warm and fuzzy when it comes to their domestic politics but are emotionless jerkoffs when it comes to international politics). The people in this region (both India and Pak) are slowly realizing this and change is coming. Sooner than you think :sniper:
improve relationship, I don't think general people in Pak and India really dislike each other, hop india/pakistan can turn the page
Indian politicians have forgotten 26\11 and Pakistani ISI is busy planning their next terror strike against India. So Yes both India and Pakistan have turned a page.
Not this "aman ki asha" BS again. If india-pak were united, we could have achieved...blah blah...and if santa claus was real, I would have been driving a bentley...
Of course we can. We are on the right track. The relationship between India and Pak is better than what it was a decade or two decades ago. So change is happening, whether some people like it or not. As curioususer mentioned earlier, to solidify our relationship there needs to be exchange between people i.e. pak students going to India to study and vice versa... Biggest threat to peace among Pakistan and India is not politicians, not military, not people, but rather western influence. People who live in the west wants to see this region burn so they can maintain their dominance. People who actually live in Pakistan and India want nothing more than peace and prosperity. But its the western Bas-tards that incite hate among India and Pakistan and want to see us burn. Westerners are hypocrites (act all warm and fuzzy when it comes to their domestic politics but are emotionless jerkoffs when it comes to international politics). The people in this region (both India and Pak) are slowly realizing this and change is coming. Sooner than you think :sniper:

agree with u..........

Not this "aman ki asha" BS again. If india-pak were united, we could have achieved...blah blah...and if santa claus was real, I would have been driving a bentley...

why not if countries which fought in the world war are today allies???it just take time..i can see the relations between the countries are better compared to last decade..it will be better the next..unless anything unexpected happens like 26/11
if any changes happen like this, then i will be the first person to give a warm welcome to my historical brotherhoods.
Problem is we do not have such people.

Churchill said about us,

Power will go to rascals, rogues, freebooters. All leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw.They'll have sweet tongues & silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power & the two countries will be lost in political squabbles.

Nice editing and cherry picking my brother. :tup:

Now see what he actually said.

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.”

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.

^^ The meaning of above quote is clear he is saying india can't live united otherwise......

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.
Nice editing and cherry picking my brother. :tup:

Now see what he actually said.

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.”

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.

^^ The meaning of above quote is clear he is saying india can't live united otherwise......

Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air and water would be taxed.

I think he made that statement when the partition was in talks, not after partition happened.
Not this "aman ki asha" BS again. If india-pak were united, we could have achieved...blah blah...and if santa claus was real, I would have been driving a bentley...
Santa isn't real? :cry::lol:
I honestly feel that there should be a zero enimity between India and Pakistan...But of course,does zero enemity means a frieldly India and Pakistan....That is highly unlikely.....I feel we have to look at Historical perspective if you really think about India and Pakistan.Here is my couple of observation that is important to gauge between relation between India and Pak

1- India has been invaded and crushed by outsiders and primarily Islamic rulers in most of part of earliest version of India/Hindustan..
There is always a sense of underlying feeling among most of the Indian people that we are attacked,abused and defeated by Islamic rulers and later on by British...Although none of the people or media donot bring it to the front, the historical anguish is still prevalent in certain influential section of the society..

2- India and Pakistan relationship is state of relation between relation between Hindu and Muslim community in India....No one admits it..but fact is as long we Indian people donot harmonize our relationship and acceptability of Muslim to a true sense in India, India and majority of Indian Hindu people will find it difficult to accept Pakistan. And again same theory goes back to Pakistan too....As long as Pakistan and its public does not consider as Hindus are human beings who can also coexists along with Muslim people, we Indian and Pakistan can not go along with each other.

3- Indian political scenario is another biggest obstacle for peace...Congress, the so called secular party Congi Party rather than establishing true sense of secularist concept in INDIA, started beleiving about appeasing minority community with its own votebank politics...This has created a sense of antagonism in majority population that Hindus are always being victimized in their own country too...So these majority people will always be a roadblock to India Pakistan peace process.

So till that point where true sense of reconciliation happens between both communities....both nations will simply flirt with each other based on their own needs and benefits...
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