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Can India become a superpower?! CAN INDIA BECOME A SUPERPOWER?!!

Both China & India are still playing catch up, trying to compare who is more superpower between the two will only be a laughing stock to the Industrailzed nations. Let's not make fools of ourselves...
People call your lot delusional is not for no reason. Read the comments under that "infamous" racist video which you claim to be in favor of, you should know you guys make yourself an international laughing stock in the eyes of all others, Pakistani, Chinese, Westerners alike. End of conversation here.

When you look up Facebook, there are many Indian superpower pages. Is it a tendency of Indians to brag as compare to other countries. I think the best person to answer this question would be an Indian that also know about western culture. For example, most other culture would be embarrassed if their own movie portrays people of different race as servants or beggars in India. But Indians see this as a source of pride, oblivious to putting others down would insult others.
LOL, who wants to be a superpower.

Look at the times we are living in.

Who wants their tax money to be spent on military operations halfway across the world, just to be more hated than before?

I don't know about other people, but I want my country to become a happy country, not a powerful one.

When you look up Facebook, there are many Indian superpower pages. Is it a tendency of Indians to brag as compare to other countries. I think the best person to answer this question would be an Indian that also know about western culture. For example, most other culture would be embarrassed if their own movie portrays people of different race as servants or beggars in India. But Indians see this as a source of pride, oblivious to putting others down would insult others.

Is it a very difficult deduction that the people who feed such silly pages are those with some inadequacy of their own? Would any normal balanced person wish for super-power status, rather than the happiness and prosperity of her country's citizens?


I wish you hadn't locked horns with @Dungeness . It was embarrassing for me to see the two of you at odds, when there was actually no difference of opinion between you. Lighten up, champ.
As expected, this is nothing but a huge troll thread.

Is it a very difficult deduction that the people who feed such silly pages are those with some inadequacy of their own? Would any normal balanced person wish for super-power status, rather than the happiness and prosperity of her country's citizens?

Can't agree more on this statement, but you can't deny that "superpower" syndrome is a pervading sentiment among Indian "Internet Warriors", and some of your countryman find it “extremely health”.

I wish you hadn't locked horns with @Dungeness . It was embarrassing for me to see the two of you at odds, when there was actually no difference of opinion between you. Lighten up, champ.

I wouldn't say that.
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First prove you can buy 3 dozen Rafale jets. If you can do that, I can then comment on being a power or not.
First prove you can buy 3 dozen Rafale jets. If you can do that, I can then comment on being a power or not.

Actually, we can't.

Go ahead with your comment. It's Saturday, and I have nothing much to do. The Univ. is on holiday.

Can't agree more on this statement, but you can't deny that "superpower" syndrome is a pervading sentiment among Indian "Internet Warriors", and some of your countryman find it “extremely health”.

I wouldn't say that.

Well, nothing to justify that flare of tempers! :o:
Watch this incredibly eye-opening documentary on what it takes to become a superpower. Can India do it? Looking at the massive and awe-inspiring efforts required to develop economically and technologically, it makes India's beef ban and communal conflicts look so petty and silly.

My question to fellow Indian posters is this: does India have the potential and focus to match? What does it take to make India develop on a similar scale? Can Narendra Modi deliver?
Who is this Kalam guy? He keeps having these visions. Does he have an eye problem?


Some people are really jobless and got nothing else to do all day, please don't feed the troll anymore. Trash thread, 9 pages already.
Yep, delusions of grandeur...

What is up with India's obsession with becoming a superpower?

This shite is just too funny...

BJP aims to make India into a superpower...

Some people are really jobless and got nothing else to do all day.

You are right. These people are Indians who have nothing to do and only daydream of becoming a superpower.

When you look up Facebook, there are many Indian superpower pages. Is it a tendency of Indians to brag as compare to other countries. I think the best person to answer this question would be an Indian that also know about western culture. For example, most other culture would be embarrassed if their own movie portrays people of different race as servants or beggars in India. But Indians see this as a source of pride, oblivious to putting others down would insult others.

I've noticed the same... Could our Indian members explain to us why Indians brag so much when they have achieved so little?
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