Oh mates come on Lets not do China vs Britain.
Well a question very often asked about the distribution of income..
So here we go...
In any developing country, the source of income differs from person to person keeping a few factors in mind, and these are.. Demography, Value and value system, Ethics etc...
Now why these are important?
Demography, value system, ethics are those factors which directly defines the person in any community. Values come from family, demography etc. It is an important factor which actually defines, what matters the most to someone.
Now why all this?
India has so many social problems (religious, regional, castism etc) which is the biggest hurdle in solving any kind issue, be it distribution of income or solving a dispute... One must understand that India is not poor but its people are. And its the ignorant behaviour of the people(not all), that they blame the govt and the system for their own failure.
All the Indian folks here, In India if you ask a beggar that do some work, he won't even care to look at you again. Try it... Had our govt been the sole problem, India would never have seen the heights it has reached today..
My team leader in Lockheed Martins once used to wash 200 cars per day in a showroom at pune. It is just an example and they are not exception, In fact they are actually those people, who have the right to live in this world.
What is not available in India? Every child has right to education, free of cost, + one time meal.... Schools are there but parents are so uneducated that they don't understand the value...
YOU might know the fact, Not a single govt school in India is running at the fullest level.. And we say govt is not doing anything... Are we utilising what govt is giving us??
If you are educated, no one can stop you from having a job, and even if you are not educated, fair enough, at least don't start begging.... This is what makes the difference...
Not everyone can expect IITs, IIMs, etcs but still there are ample of opportunities, only when you realise it, doors are always open for everyone..
Distribution of Income??
What is the definition? What do you expect? That govt should withdraw from ATM and distribute it among the poors? lol!!! Hell No..................... Thats encouraging beggary..
Read fuller employment level in economics, everyone here will understand... Economy can absorb all the labour only if they are competent enough,,, Supply creates its own demand (again a economic theory) not always but ya for a country Like India which has potential market that can absorb the supply with elasticity of demand..