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Can India and Pakistan be friends,ever?

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India is progressing, no doubt, but if you are thinking you guys are on the path to becoming the super power, you need a quick visit to the psychiatrist.

India's growth has been behind Pakistan's for much of our history, it is only after we were sanctioned in 1990s did you manage to move ahead, but don't worry, we are playing catch up and as soon as the TTP is dealt with, we will be leaping towards prosperity, InshaAllah.
Dude u seem to be DayDreaming,as soon as? but not is..don't live in future...
and for India the next super power..

Comes directly from Wiki:-
"A potential superpower is a state that is speculated to be, or to be in the process of becoming, a superpower at some point in the 21st century. Presently, it is widely considered that only the United States currently fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower.[3][4] States most commonly mentioned as being potential superpowers are Brazil,[5][6][7] China,[8][9][10] the European Union,[11] India,[12] and Russia,[13][14] based on a variety of factors."
Dont believe it...?
see yourself.
Potential superpowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India is expected to reach super power status by 2020..btw is already a potential superpower just like China:victory:

India Vision - Dreaming a strong India by 2020
Listing thousand, means highlighting thousand at the same time??:rofl::rofl:
You know something called ADDITION??

Since you have the list of 1000 terrorists, why dont you share it with us, lets see what you have :lol:
Saint is a one,who is pure by heart and soul..did i say all Indians are saints?:hitwall::hitwall:

Indians have never been indulged in a terror activity...
Told you, tell me any instance ,which had an Indian involved in a terror activity?:woot::hitwall:

There is a serious wrong with your approach. As a matter of fact, it's attitude of general Bharatis.

You came here to seek if friendship between pakistan-Bharat feasable or not but you also unilaterally try to put all the balme on Pakistan side. One hand you are seeking friendship while other hand labeling them as sorce of terrorism. :tdown:

Do you think that Pakistan or any other country dieing to be Bharatis friend with such attitude. You guys need to focus on possitive devolopment instead of negetive if you wish to be friend with your neighbors. You also need to stop water terrorism with your neighboring nations if you desire peace and stability in the region. :undecided:

two nations to be friends,tensions between them should be removed, and the main source of tension between these two nations is terrorism,mainly from Pakistan's side.
I don't want to say that Pakistani government supports terrorism,but the insurgent groups like Talibani etc, are the one's responsible.
Its very tough to completely eradicate these kind of groups,that means wide spread terrorism,which in turn means, increasing tension.

I can also speak from the experience that Bharatis are double face. They speak negetive about Bangladeshis to Pakistanis while negetive about Pakistanis to Bangladeshis. :angry:

I happen to act as Pakistani and Bangaldeshi to drew this wise conclusion in my college days. :smokin:
Dude u seem to be DayDreaming,as soon as? but not is..don't live in future...
and for India the next super power..

Comes directly from Wiki:-
"A potential superpower is a state that is speculated to be, or to be in the process of becoming, a superpower at some point in the 21st century. Presently, it is widely considered that only the United States currently fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower.[3][4] States most commonly mentioned as being potential superpowers are Brazil,[5][6][7] China,[8][9][10] the European Union,[11] India,[12] and Russia,[13][14] based on a variety of factors."
Dont believe it...?
see yourself.
Potential superpowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India is expected to reach super power status by 2020..btw is already a potential superpower just like China:victory:

India Vision - Dreaming a strong India by 2020

You need more than a large budget and a huge army to become a superpower, for starters, you need basic amenities, something that more than 60% of Indians lack.
India provided LTTE funds, weapons, training, everything, if you don't know that, do a bit of research.

india provided food,water,oxygen to ltte,but unfortunately india could not save prabhakaran,who was involved in the death of rajiv gandhi.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You need more than a large budget and a huge army to become a superpower, for starters, you need basic amenities, something that more than 60% of Indians lack.
Denial!,something most of Pakistani's have here,
you are not ready to accept,despite being given proofs..:hitwall::hitwall:
Budget?? 11th largest economy by nominal, and 4th largest PPP(Purchasing Power Parity)

Per capita $1030(India)
Pakistan:-27th largest PPP and 45th Nominal!
Per capita:-$1027(Pakistan)
less than India,even though India is the 2nd most populous country!

Talking about army:-
India's army is the 2nd largest in the world.
Read Carefully
Indian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Denial!,something most of Pakistani's have here,
you are not ready to accept,despite being given proofs..:hitwall::hitwall:
Budget?? 11th largest economy by nominal, and 4th largest PPP(Purchasing Power Parity)

Per capita $1030(India)
Pakistan:-27th largest PPP and 45th Nominal!
Per capita:-$1027(Pakistan)
less than India,even though India is the 2nd most populous country!

Talking about army:-
India's army is the 2nd largest in the world.
Read Carefully
Indian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you even bother to read my post ? I never said you were poorer than us or that your military was ill-equipped, I said that nearly 60% of Indians don't have basic amenities, like clean drinking water, shelter and stuff like that.
I can put up list of atleast 1000 names ,containing Pakistani terrorists.

You create and support those 1000. So nothing amusing if you provide us the list. You should have full database about them.

Nope never, we can always come close, like friend but never going to because of our hearts. No matter what you do we both feel suspicious about each other. So the rude and straight answer is NOPE.
Canadian [/B]of a pakistani origin,not a Pakistani guy!:cheers:

No born is Pakistan, but have Canadian citizenship, it makes me a Pakistani, isn it, use your common sense :lol:

and dude you're sucha pervert, do you even know the difference between Nationality and Citizenship ??
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