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Can India and Pakistan be friends,ever?

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NO. Only if the Kashmiris get entire Kashmir as it belongs to them NOT to India nor Pakistan.
i heard on Star news,95% of Kashmiris want to be with India,
No BS ,sheer truth.:tup:
If you think pragmatically, the only and best option is making the current status quo permanent. Then the Kashmir independence issue will become their countries respective domestic affair for both Pakistan and India and then both countries can develop friendly relations.
You are so bought over by you govt's propaganda, ever heard of strikes across kashmir ? People celebrating 14th august and not 15th august as independance day ? Who came up with the slogan "Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan", wasn't us I can vouch for that.
Just as a reference:






You should have told these people that they don't want freedom, I think they do....

I choose to ignore this cheap attempt at trolling...........
You think Kashmiri's want to join Pakistan??!!!:cheesy:
Star news reported 95% kashmiri's willing to stay with India..u can take the 5%:tongue:
and most of the pics u showed,were of the mistaken killings of some kashmiri's by Indian soldiers,no pic relates to their feeling of seperation!
one pics is of students unioin!! duh!

You should have told these people that they don't want freedom, I think they do....

Really a huge crowd :lol:.... they belongs to 2% who want to join Pakistan so take them we have no problem.
Seeing the reaction of some people,my though of India-Pak being friends is fading off..slowly
Please don't flatter yourself.

1. Pakistan is in no position to 'help' the people of Kashmir. You have your own country to worry about.

2. We both know what the Kashmiris did when Pakistanis tried to 'help' in '65.

I won't argue with both of your points, as for 1, yes we are going through tough times. As for 2 yes, I remember, there was no underground resistance that the commandos had been sent to assist.
You think Kashmiri's want to join Pakistan??!!!:cheesy:
Star news reported 95% kashmiri's willing to stay with India..u can take the 5%:tongue:
and most of the pics u showed,were of the mistaken killings of some kashmiri's by Indian soldiers,no pic relates to their feeling of seperation!
one pics is of students unioin!! duh!

Star News ? got any CREDIBLE source ?
but then the Pathan tribes from FATA got sick of this waiting game and invaded Kashmir, they managed to reach Srinagar.

Arey wah, what warriors! what champions! maan na maan mein tera benefactor? Have these Pathans taken the 'theka' of supporting Muslims everywhere? Surprisingly they forgot about Israel, Sudan, all those starving Muslim majority countries in Africa, Bosnia, Iran-Iraq war etc. etc.

Please man, stop with this already.

A bunch of tribals got organized and attacked an independent state and tried to overthrow the ruler without Pakistan's support. Sure, we believe you.

The ruler of Kashmir, Maharaja Hari Singh, asked for India's help in trying to repel the invasion, India agreed to help him on the condition that he will accede to India.

And so he acceded to India didn't he?

PA was successful in it's attempt and since it's deployment, not a single inch of Kashmiri land was lost to the Indians


Since most Pakistanis think its ok to fight in Kashmir because it is 'disupted territory', what do you think would happen if the 700,000 troops we have in Kashmir pulled a stunt like Kargil?

We can call them 'freedom fighters' if you like...

Pakistan does not have the moral high ground here, you cannot continue waging/supporting an insurgency in Kashmir under that pretext if you ever hope to resolve the dispute. India is not afraid of guns, we have a thousand times more guns. The only way forward is peaceful negotiations, when every single terrorist puts his gun down we can start talking. Otherwise we've learned to live with the status quo.

last comment regarding Kashmir. Personally I'm absolutely sick and tired of the subject. We've been going in circles for so long that I feel like its an absolute waste of time talking about Kashmir.

We're just two guys talking on the internet, what can we do? dimak ka dhai karke kya fayda.
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Seeing the reaction of some people,my though of India-Pak being friends is fading off..slowly

Hey buddy check my post out on the first page, I was all for friendship, it was an Indian member "Gene" who derailed the thread......
You are so bought over by you govt's propaganda, ever heard of strikes across kashmir ? People celebrating 14th august and not 15th august as independance day ? Who came up with the slogan "Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan", wasn't us I can vouch for that.
Just as a reference:

I choose to ignore this cheap attempt at trolling...........

The strikes in the kashmir is maily due to the local issues like fake encounter,rape..etc by security forces (some are just false propagandas)
how many strikes are there for making kashmir to be part of pakistan????
I agree there are few separation movement happened,but all are in the shadows of local issues...& as i said few fundamentalist groups(backed up by enemies) are behind there not all...
I don't think so,
for two nations to be friends,tensions between them should be removed, and the main source of tension between these two nations is terrorism,mainly from Pakistan's side.
I don't want to say that Pakistani government supports terrorism,but the insurgent groups like Talibani etc, are the one's responsible.
Its very tough to completely eradicate these kind of groups,that means wide spread terrorism,which in turn means, increasing tension.

Does any Bharati believe that there are terrorist groups inside the Bharat? :coffee:
Arey wah, what warriors! what champions! maan na maan mein tera benefactor? Have these Pathans taken the 'theka' of supporting Muslims everywhere? Surprisingly they forgot about Israel, Sudan, all those starving Muslim majority countries in Africa, Bosnia, Iran-Iraq war etc. etc.

Please man, stop with this already.

A bunch of tribals got organized and attacked an independent state and tried to overthrow the ruler without Pakistan's support. Sure, we believe you.

Does the word semi-autonomous ring a bell ? these people have more Klashnikovs then the state, the British were unable to control them, they are born warriors and they can start and sustain an invasion.

And so he acceded to India didn't he?

Yes he did, under pressure, if we had pressurized him to protect his kingdom against Indian advances, i'm sure he would have been equally prepared to accede to Pakistan.

I meant during the course of the 1948 war, bad choice of words on my part.

Since most Pakistanis think its ok to fight in Kashmir because it is 'disupted territory', what do you think would happen if the 700,000 troops we have in Kashmir pulled a stunt like Kargil?

Most people do not think it is "OK" to fight for Kashmir, most people think it's necessary to solve the Kashmir issue.

Pakistan does not have the moral high ground here, you cannot continue waging/supporting an insurgency in Kashmir under that pretext if you ever hope to resolve the dispute. India is not afraid of guns, we have a thousand times more guns. The only way forward is peaceful negotiations, when every single terrorist puts his gun down we can start talking. Otherwise we've learned to live with the status quo.

Do you honestly believe that Pakistan is in a position to sustain an insurgency in India at this time, if you had said this in the 80s it might have made sense but now ?
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