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can I join the PAF??



New Recruit

Jun 30, 2008
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well Im an American living in NY. my father is Pakistani. mother is not. ....I heard becuase of this is I cannot join. Also If im a muslim but not practicing I cant join either. Is any of this true? is it imppossible for me to join?

I would like to join someday... but if i cant...well.... that would just suck. lol
well Im an American living in NY. my father is Pakistani. mother is not. ....I heard becuase of this is I cannot join. Also If im a muslim but not practicing I cant join either. Is any of this true? is it imppossible for me to join?

I would like to join someday... but if i cant...well.... that would just suck. lol

The way you wrote looks like you are very young who ever told you the above is an ediot sorry for being blunt.
First religion has got nothing to do with PAF or Army, We have had muslim's, Christians, MDis, Hundu's, Sikhs so don't worry about religion.

Second Armed forces doesn't care what nationality your dad is or mom all they want is that you are a pakistani the catch22 in this is that you cannot keep dual nationality if you have an American Citizenship and a Pakistani citizenship you have to keep the Pakistani citizenship and get rid of the other one, Some think that how can they know if I don't tell them, Just giving you an example 2 years back PAF fired a Group Cap for having dual nationality. The wife was a Pakistani but born and bread in London UK so after a few years of marriage he became a citizen as well never told PAF when he was getting his Air Cdre rank they did a full background check and found out he is a UK citizen as well. No questions asked fired the very next day poor cheap didn't even get to explain his side of the story.
well Im an American living in NY. my father is Pakistani. mother is not. ....I heard becuase of this is I cannot join. Also If im a muslim but not practicing I cant join either. Is any of this true? is it imppossible for me to join?

I would like to join someday... but if i cant...well.... that would just suck. lol

a) You have to be of certain age
b) Be sane , and not a lunie
c) One you pass the physical and written test
you can then give up all connection to third party citizenship
d) Hopefully you are not on the ISI Security watchout list or on my list
e) Welcome on board , you will fly JF17 Thunder or F16

lol being of certain faith is not really a requirement you need to actually clear , tests and physical tests which is not easy and of course you have to compete vs other candidates who are pretty solid themseleves Pak Airforce/Army /Navy they all have solid credentials

Some armies of world take drop outs , its the other way around in Pakistan Army they only take the BEST in business very picky
a) You have to be of certain age
b) Be sane , and not a lunie
c) One you pass the physical and written test
you can then give up all connection to third party citizenship
d) Hopefully you are not on the ISI Security watchout list or on my list
e) Welcome on board , you will fly JF17 Thunder or F16

lol being of certain faith is not really a requirement you need to actually clear , tests and physical tests which is not easy and of course you have to compete vs other candidates who are pretty solid themseleves Pak Airforce/Army /Navy they all have solid credentials

Some armies of world take drop outs , its the other way around in Pakistan Army they only take the BEST in business very picky

ok thnx for your relpy. one more thing though.

As I know. Pakistan has high school up till grade 13. while the USA has up to grade 12. Will i be required to finish school in pakistan? before joining. and the written test.. will you or anybody know how it will be like? for example is it similar in a way to the ASVAB in the USA...?

This may be a silly question but im just want to be sure.
I do think they have an entrance exam which tests you basic Math/English/Science/etc similar knowledge , up untill grade 10th , standard of schooling (Math/Science every thing) is generally better in Pakistan , China, India in general so you might want to prepare ahead, Grade 10/11 in Pakistan is generally equal to most University's first year course.

I have seen ppl coming from US/Canadian schools struggling badly in Pakistani schools getting 20/100 or 40/100 marks so it happens but standards even out at University level -

On top of a Physical/Fitness & Doctor examination , this is also a very critical test you need to score really well on these in order to stand any chance

One thing is for sure if you wear glasses you have 0% chance of ever being a pilot its an instant , or any criminal record or any thing negative on your record can , literally knock you out of Airfore school /Selection process -

And they also test you for your commen sense , and general thought process and logic if you are fit mentally to be a Pak Airforce pilot

Unlike some airforces that drop a bomb ....and then they say sorry .....Pak airforce pilots would risk their lives to fly a plane out of population rather then eject and bail so its a very different mind set when it comes to Pakistan Air force. And they have history of beating odds 6 vs 2 planes or 5 vs 1 with limited resources

So the selection process is keen to find the best people suited to fly a expensive , complex piece of machinery (planes)

Of course then you have to pass the actual training which lasts few years - if you get thru that (not many do) you can then surely call yourself a pilot ....

Air Force is like getting in Harward lol .... its not like in some countries you can just walk in , and get keys to a 20 million dollar plane

Some of the best talent in countries applies to be pilot in Pakistan Airforce

^_^ obviously you shoudl not be afraid of heights lol
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well Im an American living in NY. my father is Pakistani. mother is not. ....I heard becuase of this is I cannot join. Also If im a muslim but not practicing I cant join either. Is any of this true? is it imppossible for me to join?

I would like to join someday... but if i cant...well.... that would just suck. lol

American wanting to join PAF? You have the spirit bro :D

I wish I could ride an F-22..... :usflag:
American wanting to join PAF? You have the spirit bro :D

I wish I could ride an F-22..... :usflag:

yup! lol it was my dream since i was a little kid. Besides i feel more ease fighting for a muslim country. my father was not very keen for me joining the US army lol. my goal is to be in the SSW. but of course i gotta first aim for my studies in school.:pakistan::pakistan:
Best of luck man

I do suggest also doing research on US airforce too , by actually speaking to their recruiters and offiers they do run seminars too.

And also do research on Pakistan Airforce

You are in a very interesting situation , I don't see any negative reason why you can join either airforces they regularly work together anyways
Best of luck man

I do suggest also doing research on US airforce too , by actually speaking to their recruiters and offiers they do run seminars too.

And also do research on Pakistan Airforce

You are in a very interesting situation , I don't see any negative reason why you can join either airforces they regularly work together anyways

thnx ^^

yea thats true... but how long is basic training in the air force in pak?
in the USA its 6 weeks long. and can i also be a sniper in the airforce? IF i become a SSW? not sure how the MOS stuff works over there.
Well, Air Force is a bit tough to get in.You can join Navy and Army and then join either SSGN or SSG Army.(Although, the selection for both special wings is very very hard).In any case i would recommend you to join USAF instead of PAF because selection is much harder here and there are only few seats plus you'll have to surrender your US citizenship.
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