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Can DRDO’s FMBT Project survive Russia’s Next Gen Tank Project ?

Seems like you are right;you are indeed the same age of my grand pa and I can understand that you can hardly comprehend my words since most of Neurones are dead!!

You fool,do you even know there is a word called 'context'?Be it 2013 or 2030,what I told is totaly relevent here.You asked why Arjun is not inducted?Simply because it was no where near to be ready before 2007,by that time IA had already placed order for additional 1k T 90S.

Ok,since post count comes a dime a dozen,PLEASE answer one simple question of mine-What is the maximum chamber pressure Arjun's gun can sustain?

May be too hard for you,ok easy one:Which caliber gun is used on Arjun?

You b fool where did I ask why Arjun is not inducted.I was simply saying that I fear Arjun will not be inducted in the future inspite of being superior because of vested interests.Perhaps your overinflated ego does not want to understand this so you resort to Ad Hominem attacks.Google can give most answers in two minutes but I will not answer to dignify show offs like u . your two bit knowledge, ill baked opinions and dirty language should be stuffed where the sun doesn't shine
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